MilesTegF's Comments
Battlegrounds Combat Bug - Fights Not Registering Properly
I hadnt noticed it, but yeah, it would be quite frustrating to win a round and then see that the game considers the other player the winner… I gotta say tho, that i really like how the game fells after the patch, it feels like it runs much faster (part of it its the poison thing, but i think the minions also attack faster now but im not sure).
Also, i got to play with Tyrion and i think he’s not very strong.. i managed to finish 3rd, but i didnt take too much advantadge of his HP. i used a Demon Strategy and i only used his HP to buff a Soul Juggler (which was nice) and a Crowd Favorite, but making a dedicated non tribe army seems complicated. Maybe you can do it by staying in tier 3 and buffing Selfless Heroes, Spawns of Nzoth, Righteous Protectors, Crowd Champions and Tortollan Shellraisers with an occasional Boogey Monster if you get lucky with a triple.. But doing something like that seems difficult due to the very reduced pool of Non-tribe minions.
Nerf Patch (16.0.8) Coming Later This Week - Nerfs to Fiendish Rites, Scion of Ruin, Ancharrr, Dragon's Pack, Invocation of Frost, Necrium Apothecary and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
Queen Wagtoggle gives that to a random minion of each type so in the best case scenario, she gives +2 attack to 4 minions (but you have to choose, either go for menagerie strategy to get full bonus, or not do it and get a much weeker HP) Jaraxus gives +1/+1 to all demons, so in his best case scenario he gives +1/+1 to 6-7 minions (but ofc you are forced to go into demon strategy or ignore the HP).
Also personally i think +1/+1 is better than +2/+0. but i think these two heroes will now be pretty similar in power level.
Nerf Patch (16.0.8) Coming Later This Week - Nerfs to Fiendish Rites, Scion of Ruin, Ancharrr, Dragon's Pack, Invocation of Frost, Necrium Apothecary and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
Ahhhh, i hadn’t noticed that distinction.. Yeah i think its confusing and should be changed as well, cos in Battlegrounds you have no indication regarding how much a minion costs in constructed so it doesn’t have much sense that it works like that.
Nerf Patch (16.0.8) Coming Later This Week - Nerfs to Fiendish Rites, Scion of Ruin, Ancharrr, Dragon's Pack, Invocation of Frost, Necrium Apothecary and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
Regarding the constructed nerfs, the only ones that i have doubts about is fiendish rites. ¿Was it that strong at 3 mana? All the other seem pretty reasonable. Scion of Ruin was ridiculsly good, and so was Dragon pack and invocation of Frost. I also like the Necrium Apothecarium nerf, delaying that play one turn should give the opponent more chance to respond to it. The alextraza nerf seems good as well, i never seen that happen, but i imagine that dropping 5 dragons for 9 mana, two of them being 8/8 its quite insane.
Nerf Patch (16.0.8) Coming Later This Week - Nerfs to Fiendish Rites, Scion of Ruin, Ancharrr, Dragon's Pack, Invocation of Frost, Necrium Apothecary and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
All three bufffs seem quite good. Their performance should improve quite a bit.
Now that Pyramad and Patches return, no hero leaves?? i thought the numer of heroes was suppose to be fixed at 24. (i guess its really no problem if more than 24 are avaliable at a time tho)
I didnt know that that selfless hero behavior was a bug, but the card should be stronger now, specially the golden version that currently sometimes buffs the same minion twice.
The golden Juggler change seems like a balanced buff, now it will be quite more effective in the lategame to remove divine shields and tokens.
Another bug currently present that i have noticed, is that sometimes, Mounted Raptor’s deathrattle summons Toxifin (tier 4) instead of a tier 1 minion, this feel particulary unfair when Toxifin survives and add 4dmg instead of 1dmg to the hero attack.
Another Nerf Patch Coming Soon - Galakrond Decks, Pirate Warrior, Deathrattle Rogue - More Info Next Week
Regarding Battlegrounds, lately i’ve noticed that there is an unbalace regarding Mechs. in almost every game i’ve played, the advantadge tend to be taken by mech setups. Im not saying other tribes/strategies are always inferior, but i think the flexibility of the mech tribe tends to make it stronger, for example, even if you dont get a Scrapbot or Iron Sensei, you can still make a very strong team with the other mechs. Other tribes i think are much more dependant on getting specific minions to be strong (Like with Murlocs, if you dont draw a King, your late game is doomed).
I dont play that much (maybe 2-4 games a day) but the last week and a half, i’ve noticed this, that most (ofc not all) of the games, the stronger teams tend to be made around mechs.
So, while i think hero balance is important because some heroes are very inferior to others, i also think some balance needs to be made regarding tribes.
Tavern Brawl - Decorating Dalaran!
Gee, and i thought i did good on my first attemp when i got to about 150. (atempted it with a generic Highlander mage).
Probably adding some weapon removals would be good for this brawl, to prevent enemies from growing too much
Tavern Brawl - Heart of the Sunwell
I had a lot of fun playing a rogue deck with Mogu Cultists (Very effective deck as well)
Completing the conditions of it feels very rewarding and it usually wins you the game on the spot.
I made other decks that were more effective, but this was deffinetly the most fun to play.
First i thought this card is broken, cos it totally invalidates armor. But thinkning more about it, its not that big a deal. Its a tech card. A lot of other tech cards can be considered just as “unfair”. Imagine having 5 secrets up, and your opponent plays Flare or chief inspector. The result is similar, you invested a lot of resources (cards and mana) into a strategy, and your oponent spent 1 card into invalidating it. But that is the best case scenario. Many times, you would play against a class that has no armor gain, and then this is just an understated minion. To me it sounds like a fair card after all, specially considering that it will only be around for 1.33 years.
The other thing about this card, is when to use it.. i doubt any deck would run more than one of these. so, if you are playing against control what do you do? you use it in the middle of the game to remove its 6-10 armor and start to hit face? but then he still has a lot of cards in his deck that give armor, so he can stabilize and start gaining armor again.
You could also wait to the late game to use it, but any damage you get to his armor in the mean time would be totally irrelevant (similar to what happens when you have Alex in hand, that any damage you do the enemy before 15hp is pretty much wasted). To me the main use of this card is to deal with situations when your enemy somehow managed to get a ridiculus ammount of armor cos it help you negate that advantage. Other than that i think is a good tech card, but nothing too game breaking. 3/5 id say
Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
I really cant see any reason why a Highlander deck would choose not to include this card. unless they print some really bad dragons, the outcome of playing this should usually be quite strong. I get that 9 mana is a lot, but its not that rare to have a few high cost cards in a highlander deck (Zul Jin, Kalegos, etc)
Worst case scenario i guess is getting farie dragon or primordial explorer + deathwing in a situation where you cant play DW. But that would be some extreme bad luck. Even an average to low roll on a hunter could give you for example Carrion Drake (3/7) and Twilight Drake (lets say 4/5) so you would be paying 9 mana for a 8/8 + 3/7 + 4/5 (35 stat points) to compare, Onyxia gives you 8/8 + 6x 1/1 (28) , Ultrasaur (1more mana) is a 7/14 (21 stats) and Voidlord gives you 3/9 + 3×1/3 = 24. Not only that, but many Dragons also have powerfull Battlecries, and since this gives you the dragons at 0 mana instead of summoning them, you can get a strong battecry in the process as well.
Now, if you are lucky, you could end up with a big dragon like Emeris or twin tyrant or if you are playing mage Kalegos and Malygos, so all in all, i think 90% of the time, this card more than pulls its own weight in any highlander deck even if it doesnt run any other dragon for the sake of synergies. its only problem i guess, is its cost. but i think that even reducing her stats, making her cost less would probably make her broken.
OTK Warrior - Fibonacci - Uldum Doom
Cool deck!! I usually dont play much combo decks but i will test this one, i think i have all the cards for it…
if im correct the OTK is playing Thaurissan with Grommash, Rampage and Bloodsworn Mercenary in hand, and then play in T10 Grommash(7) + Inner Rage(0) + Rampage(1) + Mercenary(2) to get 2 Grommashes of 15 DMG each (Or 17 dmg each, if you have 2x Inner Rage)
However, i dont see why this deck includes Zephyrs.. Does it really cycles that fast trough the deck to enable its use?
Doom in the Tomb Theorycraft Decks - How To Use The Upcoming Wild Cards in Standard
I would not call it a combo… but now that i think about it, you can now double Shudderwock with quest Shaman without coin :facepalm:
All you have to do is include thaurissan and discount Shudder by one mana.
Tavern Brawl - Six-Shooter
i changed the Tar Creeper for Armahedillo and it worked awesome… however i still had nothing to do against cataclysm discard warlock and a silence combo priest =(
Tavern Brawl - Six-Shooter
I have been playing with this one and it’s been only wins so far. The Two discovery Minions avoid the need to add additional card draw.
### Brawl Deck
# Class: Warrior
# Format: Wild
# 1x (1) Into the Fray
# 1x (1) Shieldbearer
# 1x (2) Frightened Flunky
# 1x (3) Stonehill Defender
# 1x (3) Tar Creeper
# 1x (4) Bone Wraith
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Tombs of Terror Strategy Guide - Chapter 4: Halls of Origination - Icarax, Plague Lord of Wrath
Hi, there is a slight error in this phrase at the beiginning of the guide:
“In the fourth chapter, players will visit the Khartut’s Tomb and fight against Plague Lord of Wrath – Icarax.”
its “Halls of Origination” not “Khartut’s Tomb”.
Other than that, great guide as always, thanks a lot!
Tombs of Terror Strategy Guide - Chapter 3: Khartut's Tomb - Xatma, Plague Lord of Death
I managed to kill the third plague lord in my first try in one run, using:
1) Elise’s Might Hero Power: Choose one: +2 dmg or +2 armor
2) Alchemist’s Stone Passive: After you play an Odd-Cost card discounts all cards in your hand by (1)
3) Darklight Torch Passive: After you play an Even-Cost Card, Refresh your Hero Power, it cost 0 this turn
4) Mystical Mirage Treasure :Twin Spell: Refresh your mana cristals and give you a new hand this turn. *This card is amazing when running out of resources. and thanks to the alchemist stone, i usually got to play 6-7 cards both times i used it.
5) A lot of “Inspire” Cards: The Nexus guy that give you spells when you use the HP was amazing as well as the guy that gets +2/+2 every time you use the HP… but i only had 1 of those =(.
With this, i always got control of the board, only the sylvannas were very VERY annoying. and got to deal absurds ammount of damage just from HP (the most i did in a turn was 20 i think)
The first phase was the hardest by far. the second one worked in my favor usually. and in the third i was disrupted a lot by “Plague of death” but i still managed to kill him with a few cards left in my deck.
Mutate Token Shaman Deck List Guide - Saviors of Uldum - September 2019
Cool deck! i especially like the use of “The Storm Bringer” its a very fun spell to play, but it rarely sees play, i’ only used it a few times back at the start of the boomsday project, when playing Even Shaman and discovering it through “Arcane Dynamo” (in that deck it was very easy to flood the board as well)
I’ll be checking the deck later, i think i dont have Vessina tho, but i guess the deck still works without her…
Tavern Brawl - Rise of the Zombeasts
Yeah, now its normal, but when i made that comment last year, both players started with 30 HP and 1 mana, so both players had time to create zombeasts to counter bassically anything. And even if you were loosing , it was very easy to come back with a big rush/lifesteal beast. Now, since there is less health and you start with more mana, there is less time to acumulate answers, and if you are explosive enough (for example i won by crafting big angry chickens XD) your enemy doenst have enough time to respond or come back before you kill it 😛
Tavern Brawl - Three Wishes
I might be wrong, but I think maybe he missunderstood this phrase: “Additionally, players get a Legendary Quest which awards two Saviors of Uldum card packs.” and thought that by playing this he was going to be rewarded with a legendary quest CARD (such as corrupt the waters)
So far i’ve played with Tyrion 3 times with mixed results.
1st time something like what happened to you happened to me. In the end, i made a demon army that was 5 demons, 1 soul juggler and 1 Crowd Champion (i buffed those two as much as i could) it ended working pretty good thanks to a harder than normal to kill Golden Soul Juggler and i finished 3rd.
2nd time was similar, except that the decition to go with demons came more from having a very good initial offer of them. this time however, i lost too much HP in the early game and ended up finishing 6th due to not stabilizing fast enough.
3rd time i was finally able to go for a full neutral strategy. in this case i focused on taunt+divine shield and it worked great. My final comp was (From left to right):
19/13 Golden Selfess Hero + Taunt
17/14 Boogeymonster
16/12 Golden Righteus Protector
16/12 Golden Tortollan Shellraiser
6/12 Bolvar Fireblood
12/14 Bolvar Fireblood + Taunt
20/18 Golden Phalanx Commander
The only thing i didnt like about it, was the boogeymonster, it rarely got to activate its effect more than once (many times only once, many times never), didn’t have the chance, but would have preffered to change it for a Zapp or Rivendare. Still, with this i finished 2nd.