JustYourAveragePayToWin's Comments
Darkest Hour
Not sure where the low ratings are coming from, but this totally works in handlock. 4/5
Daring Escape
Can be used in so many different rogue decks, mill, pogo, combo, etc. 5/5
Dalaran Librarian
I want to see silence priest make a return, and this card is an auto-include for that deck. 3/5
Conjurer's Calling
I want to make some sort of conjure mage deck with cards that summon minions and whatnot. Seems fun, but nowhere near a top-tier deck. 3.5/5
Burly Shovelfist
Possibly could see play in big warrior later down the road when it has more support. 3/5
Blessing of the Ancients
I actually think this card will see play in this new aggro druid archetype. 4/5
Azerite Elemental
By the wording, it looks like the spell damage stacks the longer this survives. 3/5
Arcane Fletcher
Hunter isn’t getting lackeys because it isn’t an E.V.I.L. class. The will see no play in this expansion. 2/5
The Boom Reaver
I left a similar comment on Dimensional Ripper. Big warrior needs support, and this ain’t it, chief. 2.5/5
Hench-Clan Hag
Technically I’m getting more bang for my buck than Chillwind Yeti. I’m getting an extra attack stat and more versatility. 4/5
Exotic Mountseller
For sure, not horrible, but also not good enough to see any sort of play. It just costs too much for what it is. 3/5
Dimensional Ripper
This doesn’t have enough support as of right now. Big warrior needs to be bigger (Haha, but I’m serious) This card needs more things in warrior that synergize with this, and right now, it doesn’t have that. 2.5/5
Neutral Savanah highmane. 4.5/5