Immolate's Comments
Arkena Legend Priest HP - Tankena
Wow! I really like the look of this deck. However, I’m not sure how you got legend with it, as it seems to be lacking in a few areas. You only have 3 solid minions to silence (1x Hydra and 2x Razorleaf). Does this deck simply rely on drawing those two cards with silence in order to win games? I feel like including 2x Ancient Watcher might make the deck more consistent. Thoughts?
Face Hunter feat. Snipe (S36)
There are generally two types of face hunter: normal Face Hunter, using the cards you mentioned, and Secret Face Hunter, which my deck is. This deck is not designed for tempo. The vast majority of the cards are for pumping damage to the face and preventing the death of your minions. A tempo-based Secret Hunter contains some more midrangy cards, including Infested Wolf and Savanah Highmane.
As for a tried and true normal Face Hunter deck, it is way too slow for the current meta. Even with all of the above cards you have mentioned, the deck simply cannot pump out enough damage before succumbing to huge Taunts in Control decks or simply losing to Aggro decks like Pirate Warrior.
Fire Fly
2 mana for 2/4 worth of stats. Not terrible, but not great either. Could see some play in Zoo if more Elemental cards are added.
Stone Sentinel
Cool design, but with Midrange Jade Shaman being so good right now, I doubt it will see significant play unless we see some more solid Elemental cards. Good design, good artwork, but it’s not broken. Great work Blizzard!
Sunkeeper Tarim
Because an aggressive deck is going to run a 6 mana 3/7 Taunt in hopes that their 1/1s haven’t died.
Clutchmother Zavas
Because your opponent is going to save his removal for the 4/4 when there is a Darkshire Councilman or a Doomguard on the board.
Jade C'thun
“Jade Spirit: Although it works well with Brann Bronzebeard, it is overshadowed by another 4-drop, Fandral.”
Which is not in the deck. The only 4 mana card this deck has is Swipe, which does nothing towards developing your board. You are basically relying on an Innervate or an on curve Jade Blossom so you can bypass the need to have 4 drops. I think the deck needs to be either more focused on Jades or more focused on C’Thun.
To make this deck perform better in the 4 mana area, I would remove Ragnaros (which is just overkill), Ancient of War (you have enough Taunts), and Living Roots (this is questionable), and add two copies of Klaxxi Amber Weaver and a second copy of Azure Drake. This improves your card draw and also gives you a 2 solid 4 drops that are good even without their effect.
Sherazin, Corpse Flower
Shaku received incredibly negative reviews after his reveal.
4 months later, he is a staple in both Miracle Rogue and Aggro Rogue.
This card looks bad, but who knows? It could end up being good.
Also, nobody has mentioned “N’Zoth” yet. ๐
Swamp King Dred
“7 mana – do nothing is never good.”
Because a 7 mana 9/9 that demands an answer and prevents your opponent from playing all but a few select minions is bad. Also, there is a decent chance that your opponent has no way to deal with this card if he just got done dealing with a Highmane.
It’s a 2 mana 2/3 draw a card that synergizes with almost your whole deck.
Oh, yea.
Elise the Trailblazer
Actually, this is pretty good in Control Warrior and even Handlock. 2 mana for 5 cards is pretty insane, and it could be a solid replacement for Elise Starseeker in Control Warrior. And don’t forget, it’s also a 5 mana 5/5, which is pretty sweet as well.
Golakka Crawler
I can honestly say that this is extremely situational and that in most cases I would not consider running it. Because it is a Beast, it might be a one of in my Hunter decks if Pirates are still good, but that’s it.
Tar Creeper
“Aggro” usually means “kill your opponent by turn 7 or 8 at the latest.” We will see if these “Aggro” decks run 3/8 Taunt minions and a Quest that takes a considerable amount of cards in return for a 5 mana spell with no immediate impact.
Lakkari Felhound
It might just be me, but there could be a reason they released 3 solid taunt minions and Golakka Crawler within the first 15 revealed cards.
Patches was good for 4 months. ๐
Tortollan Shellraiser
I’m super excited for this card. N’Zoth Priest might be a viable ladder deck now. However, I am afraid that when I use this card, terrible things will happen against other Priests.
Potion of Madness.
Explore Un'Goro
Eh, possible one of in Control Warrior? Yogg + Arcane Giants spell Warrior? A meme deck for Toast to play?
Good times.
Everyone else: Pyroblast, combine with charge minion, buff Finja, this card is bad.
Me: Medivh. ๐
Glad to see that some people are still using Paladin! I really like the look of this deck. However, I’m not sure what the purpose of Fire Fly is in this deck. Is it just have a solid turn 1 play? If so, I think that Mistress of Mixtures is a better card in this slot. Other than that, cool deck!