Immolate's Comments
Potential Jade Druid for next expansion???
In my opinion, the Lesser Jasper Spellstone is pretty good. You have to accept that you will most likely only level it up once. Even then, it’s 1 mana 4 damage. Compare that Warlock’s Shadow Bolt, which also sees play and costs 3 mana. Also, I didn’t mean that Branching Paths was bad, I just meant that you had a large amount of armor gain and less ways to consistently draw cards. Which is why I suggested the Earthen Scales replacement instead. Cheers!
Potential Jade Druid for next expansion???
Interesting deck. I can tell you right now, this would be a nightmare to try and deal with using any of the decks I currently play. My biggest question is why you have 2x Earthen Scales and 2x Branching Paths. It sort of depends what you are using Branching Paths for. Are you aiming to draw cards? Nourish would probably be better since you can ramp if you need to, it draws one extra card, and it is insane with Arcane Tyrant. If you are running it for the armor gain, then I think 2x Ultimate Infestation and 2x Earthen Scales is plenty. However, I do see how it works with the Jasper Spellstone card. Having burst damage from it is also pretty good. In this deck, you would most likely either use it as a Shield Block, an Arcane Intellect, or a better Greater Healing Potion. I might consider removing 1x Earthen for 1x Nourish to make the deck more consistent. Overall, cool idea! Really hope I don’t have to fight this version of the deck on the ladder in a week.
Ixlid, Fungal Lord
To all the WoW lore experts who play Hearthstone:
Does Team 5 just make these cards up? Or are most of the legendaries in these sets actually from WoW? Because I just have to say, the card art and flavor of this set so far has been outstanding.
Blitz Big Beast Hunter
This is a great idea! I love when people come up with interesting new deck ideas. However, this deck is very reliant on not drawing Kathrena. Maybe if you throw in some other strong deathrattles instead of some of the chargers or the Lich King this deck could be more interesting. Thanks for sharing!
Ixlid, Fungal Lord
Not sure if you read his post correctly, he just is saying that they are pushing Elemental synergy as a whole. Several of the new class cards and some pretty good neutrals have the Elemental tag. I’m glad that they are going this, as chaining Elementals requires a good amount of planning and trying to figure out what your opponent is going to do. Cheers!
Kobolds and Catacombs Card Review - Week 1
In all seriousness, I stopped watching Trump’s card rating videos awhile ago. I don’t want to feel pressured to craft anything that he says is “really strong” right away. I try to wait 2 or 3 weeks before crafting any new cards and just play with the ones I have.
That being said, I generally craft anything I want to try in my weird Hunter decks immediately if I didn’t open them in a pack. 🙂
Unstable Evolution
“It’s not that bad of a card.”
Doesn’t mean it’s good either :). Although when you compare it to Shaman’s DK hero power, it’s a little better. I try to be optimistic about new cards, especially when we haven’t seen all of them yet. I’m sorry if you were offended by my statement.
Unstable Evolution
Are you trying to compare Shaman’s winrate at Blizzcon (where you can ban decks that are unfavored for your lineup) to casual and competitive players playing in ranked mode with one of the classes with the least amount of substantially different viable decks (the other being Hunter)? Token Shaman has been the only truly viable competitive Shaman deck since Un’Goro. Shaman needs some other viable archetypes and a slightly stronger power level to be able to compete against strong decks like Jade Druid, Highlander Priest, and Tempo Rogue. Especially when it loses the jade package and Evolve in April and a lot of the cards revealed so far for Shaman do not seem to be strong enough on the surface to carry Shaman to a higher status. This card can help promote a spell/value oriented Shaman deck, perhaps with Arcane Giants and the new spellstone that can summon copies of the giants.
Unstable Evolution
Thanks for clarifying!
This is nutty. Which is good, because Shaman needs some love.
Unstable Evolution
It uses all your mana to cast these on one minion?
You can play two copies of this on the same minion?
It adds another copy of this to your hand?
I have no clue. Evident, please help. Although I think it was released by a Chinese YouTube channel, so we might not know for awhile.
Even without the repeatable, its not that bad of a card.
Hungry Ettin
Hmm, what deck is currently underpowered against other Druid and Priest decks, really really likes big Taunt minions, and usually doesn’t have a solid card for the 6 drop slot?
My beautiful Taunt Warrior, I have missed you so much.
Kobolds and Catacombs Card Review - Week 1
Several of the cards on your list are actually quite good and will probably see play.
Kathrena is a solid value minion for Hunter. With new cards like Lone Champion, Hunter has the possibility to survive to the late game and play big value cards. When you say “I’ve played enough Hunter to tell you this right now,” that isn’t valid. Especially if you have been playing more aggressive variants. I have played with Play Dead Hunter, C’Thun Control Hunter, and Highroll Hunter. They are all actually decent decks. Sure, they aren’t going to be the best decks ever, but it is quite easy and fun to maintain a 60 to 70 percent winrate to rank 5. Kathrena could be the backbone of a better, more refined Highroll Hunter deck or make it’s way into a more defensive Mid-range list with fewer beasts.
I’m not going to go into further detail on the other cards, but some of them, specifically Branching Paths and Zola the Gorgon, are also very good. I hope this helps you understand why you can’t just say that these cards are bad.
Kobolds and Catacombs Card Review - Week 1
I don’t understand the mentality behind posts like this. I hate to break it to you, but a large portion of the community plays this game for fun. Sure, everyone wants to be competitive and to win, but at the end of the day, most players in Hearthstone just want to enjoy the game. Yes, this is a site for players who want to try their hardest to become better at the game. So when you make a post like this, telling all readers of this well made, thorough article, that these cards will never see competitive play, it kind of frustrates me. Especially when some of the cards on your list seem quite good and are almost assured to see competitive play. The point is, don’t limit yourself to the current “metagame” or what you think is good or bad. You can never look at a card and just say that it’s absolute trash without even playing with it. Open your mind and try new things! Enjoy the game of Hearthstone and the thrill of seeing new cards without immediately saying that none of these will see play.
Now, I’m going to go back to refining my Control Rogue, my Play Dead Hunter, and my Divine Shield Paladin while having fun playing this amazing game. Cheers!
Grand Archivist
When someone automatically assumes that because you are playing Hunter you must run Kill Command in your deck.
I have gotten to rank 10 with my “Highroll Hunter”, which uses Stitched Tracker and Tracking to find copies of Barnes. The cards he can pull are Yasharrj (can’t spell), Lich King, 2x Highmane, and 2x Cloaked Huntress, I also run a bunch of secrets and removal spells. With the addition of this and other cards in the expansion, I can make a much more reliable “Big Hunter” that uses this card as board refill.
Thank you, Blizzard!