Immolate's Comments
Wax Elemental
This card seems terrible.
Until you run into that one Taunt Warrior running two of these and two Corspetakers.
Dragon Soul Miracle
Barnes seems like he would be pretty good in this deck. All minions in this deck are at least somewhat decent, and getting a 4 mana Auctioneer or Lyra is not to be scoffed at.
Cool deck!
Ebon Dragonsmith
Get this off Netherspite Historian in Priest. Set up for 1 mana Dragon Soul combo.
To My Side!
Thank you!
After seeing the other new card that Dragon Priest is getting, I think Hunter isn’t going to be able to contest other, better decks unless the last four cards that are revealed today are absolutely ridiculous. I mean like all four of them.
That being said, I’m still going to be that guy who only plays Hunter (and my beautiful Control Warrior and Taunt Warrior). If there is any kind of card that could possibly make Hunter a better deck, it is getting crafted. 🙂
Here’s to Hunter and hoping that it will become more than just the aggressive midrange class it is thought to be. To all Hunter mains out there! Cheers!
To My Side!
Oh boy.
If I am hearing correctly, the class that has been the worst class in the game since May 2016, the class that has never had more than one viable archetype, the class with the only hero power that does not directly impact the board or draw a card other than Warrior, needs to “leave the meta” because it is full of degenerate cards? And anyone who plays hunter is a degenerate?
There are only two reasons why anybody would say this. One, if they do not understand that Hunter is in no way a solid, viable class right now. Two, if they lost twice to a rank 15 Hunter who finally won some games because he actually got a one drop in his starting hand.
Or maybe it’s because you have no clue how to beat the worst class in the game.
There is no reason to make toxic and salt-filled posts like this. Especially when your beliefs are founded on ideas that are not true in any way, shape, or form.
To My Side!
One player’s personal experience does not speak for the overall balance of the class. It was likely that you simply played a deck that has a weakness to rush decks, like Rogue, or you mulliganed and played poorly against Hunter. Face Hunter was never a top tier deck according to any major authority, including this site, Tempo Storm, and Vicious Syndicate during Un’Goro.
Let’s assume that you are correct and Face Hunter was a top tier, “insanely powerful” deck at this time. It still doesn’t make up for that fact that Hunter only had ONE viable deck when every other class had at least two, and sometimes 3 or 4, with the possible exception of Warlock. Face Hunter was also a deck that relied mostly on draws and had a very low skill ceiling.
I’m not saying I want Hunter to be the number 1 deck for a year. I simply want to be able to have more variety when I choose to play Hunter competitively, and I want some good Hunter cards to make both competitive and fun archetypes accessable and viable.
To My Side!
Thank you for your response!
I agree that nobody really wants the SMOrc meta, and I applaud Blizzard for dealing with that. However, with hunter, they always seem to take things just a little too far. When you look at cards like Starving Buzzard, one of Hunter’s only decent forms of card draw, it makes me sad that they made it 5 mana. keeping it at it’s original stats, making it 3 mana, and also making Unleash the Hounds 3 mana would have been sufficient. I hope the other cards hunter gets make up for this.
To My Side!
Thank you for your response!
Hunter has been in a sore spot for the past 5 expansions, and this could be number 6. After thinking about it for a bit, if I were to change this card, it would read 6 mana Discover 2 Animal Companions. Summon them. That way, you could choose which ones you wanted. A couple nice taunts, a boardwide attack buff, 8 damage to push for lethal, and other combinations would make this card much more in depth and flexible.
Hopefully we see some better Hunter cards over the next few days. At least Hunter could be semi-decent while we wait for good decks to lose their cards in the next rotation and for Hunter to *maybe* get some better stuff.
To My Side!
Blizzard! Why?!
Hunter needed something. Something to contest the early board, some way to draw cards, or some way to make a more consistent “Control Hunter” deck. We did not need a 6 mana Animal Companion that means you are playing a deck with no minions!
The only way I can see this working is in a Hemet Secret Hunter deck, with Hemet being the only minion that costs over 3 mana. And THAT will only work if Hunter get’s some form of decent card draw that is either a spell or a minion that is under 3 mana for the Hemet synergy.
Please do not screw up the Hunter legendary weapon. Hunter has been a mediocre deck ever since Call of the Wild got nerfed, and I really want it to have some variety and see some decent play. If you want to push a Control Hunter archetype, you have to give us Hunters card draw, some kind of actually good removal (along the lines of Quick Shot), and some way to contest the early board.
I don’t know why I’m talking as if Blizzard can hear me. But Blizzard, there are four Hunter cards left to go (Might be more if every class is getting four rares like Paladin), so please help us. Hunter needs your help!
Community, please tell me if you agree with what I’m saying or if I’m overreacting. At the very least, this should cost 5 mana.
Bladed Gauntlet
I’m a huge Control Warrior fan, and I’m excited that Blizzard made this card. However, I’m not sure that it can be activated consistently in the early game. The only way for you to be able to attack with this on turn 2 is if you played Iron Hide or if you had the coin and either used your Hero Power or played a 2 mana card that grants armor. And that’s assuming your opponent doesn’t remove the armor. Since a ton of new weapons will be coming out, a lot of players will likely be running weapon removal, so you if you try to set this up for, say, a Shield Block on turn 3, it could get oozed. At this point, you are better off running the nerfed Fiery War axe.
The late game, however, is a completely different story. With the new cards that grant armor, it is quite easy to get this weapon up to five attack, which is a sweet spot in the current meta because of cards like Cobalt Scalebane. Pairing it with any whirlwind effect and more armor can turn it into an excellent single target removal tool while also baiting weapon removal to allow Warriors to use the DK weapon or the new legendary weapon that we haven’t seen yet.
Overall, I’m pretty excited for this card. Single target destruction in a Control/Fatigue style deck, and I might try it in a spell based “Big Warrior”. Also, this is way better in Wild. Cards like Justicar and Shield Bash are this card’s best friend.
Thought I was going to see a Hunter card when they showed a clip of the picture. RIP
Big Priest, maybe Big Druid? I dunno how else this is good. Will be trying in Wild with Drakkari Enchanter + Thaurissan for the memes.
Dragoncaller Alanna
I don’t play Mage, so I can’t really evaluate this card, Card art is pretty sick though.
Also rip your RNG King Krush Evolve.
Twilight's Call
You are going to make a negative, toxic comment because I suggested that this new card could be good in Quest Priest and because I like the card art? Well played! Thanks for sharing!
Blitz Big Beast Hunter
Interesting idea. That could definitely be a good target that also synergizes with the rest of the deck. However, a beast has to have died for Bowman to work, and you are running 2x Animal Companion, 1x Venomstrike Trap, and the new Wandering Secret card has a pretty decent chance of pulling a beast. Also, none of the chargers would be dead yet because the Ooze copied the Bowman deathrattle and not Kathrenas. We haven’t seen all the cards yet, so maybe there are some more good deathrattles to come. I will let you know if I think of one that could work.
Twilight's Call
Wow, is this the card that will make Quest Priest good? I will definitely be trying it out!
The Final Card Reveal Stream for Kobolds & Catacombs with Ben Brode and Day9 - December 4th, 2017!
And it does damage and costs four mana. I might have to try out some Handlock as well.
The Final Card Reveal Stream for Kobolds & Catacombs with Ben Brode and Day9 - December 4th, 2017!
It all depends on what your favorite deck to play is. Some decks have already all the support they need, so I’m assuming you aren’t a Dragon Priest fan :). I personally am a huge Control Warrior and (insert win condition here) Control Hunter fan, so I am really looking forward to seeing what Blizzard did with the Hunter and Warrior legendary weapons.
No, we are not allowed to play aggro decks for the first two weeks after the launch. Control only. Blizzard wants us Hunter mains to experiment with new archetypes.
Oh, wait. We Hunters can’t play control because we didn’t anything good other than Flanking Strike.
Alrighty then, aggro it is.