Immolate's Comments
Aggro Murlock Zoo (S37)[Full Guide!]
Hey again! ๐
Before I talk about subs, I just want to remind you that this is not a top tier deck. I have stopped playing this deck because it gets crushed by both Hungry Crab and Golakka Crawler techs at rank 10 and above. Before you spend your hard earned dust on this deck, check out some other decks or try theorycrafting your own! You don’t want to craft these cards and then find out you don’t like the deck! However, if you are playing Murloc Token Shaman, then you probably have almost everything for this deck, and Leeroy Jenkins is just an all around good card.
Ok, subs:
This deck has 7 two drops, and 4 of them need other minions in order to get full value. Taking out two 2 drops and putting in Bluegills is probably not a good idea. You really do not want to play a Bluegill on turn 2, as it will likely die immediately. Also, Zoobot is insane in this deck. 3 mana for 5/5 worth of stats is bonkers. So if you want to put Finja and 2x Bluegill in the deck, here’s what I would do:
-1x Grimscale Oracle, -1x Fire Fly, -1x Vicious Fledgling, +1x Finja, +2x Bluegill.
Grimscale is one of the worst possible pulls from Finja and is also a card I really don’t like playing in this deck. A 1/1 is just not good enough on turn 1, and it only get’s value with a board of 2 or more murlocs. Taking it out should make the deck perform better.
While Fire Fly is a really good turn 1 anti aggro card and a solid turn 2 play with it’s token, I think that Voidwalker is just better in the deck. You still have 1x Fire Fly in the deck for a solid turn 1 play. If you want, you can even swap the second Fire Fly for another Voidwalker. As I said, I have stopped playing the deck, so I don’t know how well this would work.
Vicious Fledgling is a threat that either gets insane value or baits removal. Finja performs the same role, so taking out Fledgling is fine. Zoobot’s value goes down slightly with the removal of one of the four beasts, but because there is only one in the deck, it’s effect is still good. Also, landing a Zoobot buff on Finja is quite good.
If you make these changes, remember that you now have fewer 1 drops and 3 drops. Bluegill is not a solid 2 drop, and you really want to pull it with Finja, so always throw it back in the mulligan. Bluegill can work well with Dire Wolf as a 2 mana 3 damage card. Finja pulls out cards on the right side of the board, so keep that in mind when you are placing your Dire Wolf.
These are the changes I think would be best. I haven’t used Finja, so the final decision is always up to you. You can experiment with the swaps and try taking out different cards to see how the deck performs. If you play on the NA server, you can shoot me a friend request and I can spectate you playing the deck sometime. My tag is Immolate#11407.
Good luck!
(Oh, and if you craft Finja, please, please, please try turn 3 Coin + Seadevil + Finja and let me know what happens! :P)
Aggro Murlock Zoo (S37)[Full Guide!]
Finja is really only good if you combo him with Seadevil Stinger or get 2x Warleader off of him. Because he gives poor results with most of the cards in this deck, because he is really slow in a tempo based aggro deck, and because there is no Bluegill Warrior in the deck, Finja would likely be bad in this deck.
Aggro Murlock Zoo (S37)[Full Guide!]
Hey TwistedFate,
Thanks for checking our my deck! I wrote a “Notable Exclusions” section for this guide, but I had to take it out because the guide was too long. Here were my thoughts on Finja:
“Finja, the Flying Star – While I do not own this card, I think this would be a pretty bad inclusion in this deck. A lot of murlocs in this deck have very powerful Battlecries, such as Seadevil Stinger and Coldlight Seer. You can’t afford to waste them with Finja. Also, as a 5 mana card, Finja is very slow in aggressive matchups where you need to quickly push damage.”
In this deck, there are really not that many good cards for Finja to pull because Bluegill Warrior is not in the deck. While it is true I don’t have Finja, I feel like summoning two small minions without their Battlecries for a 5 mana 2/4 is kinda crappy.
If you do decide to try out Finja, please let me know your results! I’m working on a better version of this deck and if Finja is a good inclusion, I might craft it.
Good luck!
Aggro Murlock Zoo (S37)[Full Guide!]
Thank you Avatargem! I’m glad you liked it. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! Good luck! ๐
Aggro Murlock Zoo (S37)[Full Guide!]
Hey alanm,
That’s awesome! Your deck seems to be even better against control decks. I chose to include the pirate package and fire flies to have more early game and to better contest aggro decks.
If you posted your deck on here, you could send me the link so I can try it out!
Aggro Murlock Zoo (S37)[Full Guide!]
Hey Ed,
Thank you for checking out my deck! I definitely think this deck is viable on ladder. This is still a work in progress, and there may be better ways to refine the decklist. I will say that this is by no means a top tier deck, and you probably shouldn’t play this deck if you seriously trying to hit legend. But I think that with proper tech choices, this deck could easily make it to rank 5.
I actually wrote a “Notable Exclusions” list for this deck, but it wouldn’t fit in the deck guide. Here were my thoughts on Gentle Megasaur:
“Gentle Megasaur – I only own one of these, and I tested it a few times to see how well it worked. It turns out that it is pretty good in this deck. The problem was that I was having trouble finding a slot for it in this deck. Almost every card in this deck has a good purpose and trying to fit Megasaur into this well rounded deck was difficult. I think that there could be a version with Megasaur, but you would need to sacrifice some of your powerful early game, and that’s not something I really want to do.”
I have since opened a second Megasaur and am currently testing a Megasaur version. I’m still not sure what the best cards to take out for it is. Any suggestions in this department are very welcome!
If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Good luck!
control dragon mage
If you play on NA you can send me a friend request. My BattleTag is Immolate#11407.
control dragon mage
I’m currently testing a version of this deck. It is doing ok so far, but I am still making some changes, and I feel like it could be a strong deck with the right cards.
I feel like Malchezaar is making this deck hurt. Adding random legendaries to your deck can be good, but it can also prevent you from drawing dragons you need to activate things like Netherspite Historian. Between Medivh, The Curator, Ysera and/or Alex, two Netherspite historians, and a ton of random spells, you really don’t need more value from Malchezaar. If you decide to add Primordial Drakes, I would take out Malchezaar and Demented Frostcaller.
The other main issue with this deck is the lack of 3 drops. You really only have 3, sometimes 4 (Owl), cards you are happy to play on turn 3. I’m playing this deck with more three drops, and it seems to be better.
I will keep testing this and then, if I can get a good winrate, I will post it and send you the link. I will of course credit you for the idea and the original decklist.
Good luck!
control dragon mage
Cool deck! I might have to try something like this out. If you are considering seriously laddering with this deck, then 2x Primordial Drake would be a great addition. Ysera is also a really good card in this type of deck.
Also, the title of this deck is “Control Dragon Priest.” You should probably change it to Mage. ๐
If you want me to try something like this on ladder, let me know!
Have a great day/night!
Titan's Control Warrior - #90 Legend (May 2017, Season 38)
Thank you for your reply! Yes, I can now see how this card makes sense. If only you could silence quest rogue minions… ๐
Have a great day!
Titan's Control Warrior - #90 Legend (May 2017, Season 38)
Hey guys,
Can someone tell me what the purpose of Spell Breaker is in the deck? Is it a tech against a certain deck/class or is it just a good all around card against the meta?
Fibonacci's Un'Goro Control Warrior - Top 20 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)
I have decided to use N’Zoth, 2x Direhorn Hatchling, 2x Infested Tauren, and Cairne Bloodhoof in the deck. I’m also adding the Curator as a large threat/card draw as it works really well with the rest of the deck. I will test it out without Grommash, and decide whether or not I need him. From what you and Gladik have said, he seems to be a pretty good inclusion to the deck even after Un’Goro. Thank you both for your input!
Fibonacci's Un'Goro Control Warrior - Top 20 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)
Thank you for your input! Will be dropping Grommash and a couple other cards for the N’Zoth version. I agree that Grommash was more effective in the Post-Gadgetzan meta. I’m pretty sure that most CW decks that ran Grommash also ran a copy of Cruel Taskmaster to increase their winrate against Renolock. Because Renolock is no longer an issue for CW, they dropped the Taskmaster. I just thought it was interesting that Fibonacci decided to keep Grommash in the deck.
Have a great day/night!
Fibonacci's Un'Goro Control Warrior - Top 20 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)
I have been seeing Spellbreaker in a few different Midrange/Control decks on the ladder. Is it a tech card against a specific deck/class or is it just a good card in Control-style decks?
Also, what is Grommash for in this deck? I’m building a N’Zoth Control Warrior based around this shell, and I’m thinking about cutting Grommash for some Deathrattles. Is Grommash core to this deck?
[QUEST] Divine Elemental Blessing
This is an interesting concept. Most quest decks rush to try and complete their quest as fast as possible. This deck, however, plays a much slower game, taking time to complete the quest while controlling the board with elemental synergy. While this is a pretty neat deck, I think there are a couple of changes you could change that would improve the overall performance of the deck.
This is a Control deck. It is loaded with big, high value minions such as Tirion and Ysera and completes the quest much slower than normal. However, as a Control deck, you need to have board clears, healing, and taunts. You have some solid taunt and healing options, but you have no direct healing options and you have no board clears. If you want to take the control deck route with this deck, I would take out some of your early game cards and add in Pyromancer + Equality, Consecration, and/or Doomsayer. You can also possibly add a Primordial Drake and 2x Hydrologist to make The Curator provide more consistent draws. A couple of Truesilver Champions could help with midgame removal and healing.
This is an interesting idea, and overall it’s a pretty sweet deck! I might try a version of this out and see how well it works. I will upload my version of the deck with credit to you if you want. Good luck laddering!
Miracle Rogue Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Thank you so much for your descriptive responses! These really helped me out. I will check out Eloise and start paying more attention to my deck tracker!
And yea, play Miracle. It’s awesome. ๐
Miracle Rogue Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Hey Evident and Stonekeep and any people with Miracle Rogue experience,
I decided that this is the deck I want to ladder with this season. I’m brand new to Miracle Rogue and I really enjoy playing combo decks, so this has been a blast so far. However, I’m struggling with some aspects of the deck, and I have a couple of questions:
– When do you use Hallucination? If I get it in my mulligan and I don’t have a good turn 1 play, I usually play it. Is this incorrect? If so, when do you play it?
– How can I get more draws off of Auctioneer? I only ever seem to get 2 or 3 draws. Sometimes its because I made a big Edwin vs Aggro decks, but usually I need my cheap Backstabs and Preps to kill opposing threats. Do you save Auctioneer until turn 7 or 8? Do you trade more? Or do you simply not answer your opponent’s threats for a few turns?
– Which decks in the current meta are considered “fast” and which are considered “slow”? Sometimes my mulligans feel terrible because I didn’t understand the speed of the opponent’s deck. (I understand that Taunt Warrior and Pirate Warrior are both out there and that it’s impossible to know which deck the opponent is playing, but for other decks like Priest and Paladin, I would like to know how to mulligan more appropriately.)
– Turns 3-4. This deck has no 3 mana minions that you can play without some kind of combo. It also only runs one 4 mana minion. What is the gameplan for turns 3-4, especially if you don’t draw a good 3 drop and/or Sherazin? Sorry if this was in the guide and I missed it!
– What are the best youtubers/streamers to watch in order to see this deck in action?
Like I said, this a fun deck, but I’m struggling with it and need some guidance in a couple of areas. Thank you for your time, and have a great day/night!
LOLKAS Recruit Midrange Paladin
I can see how Fire Fly is good against Aggro. However, this is a very control oriented deck. Topdecking a Fire Fly in the late game is not really helpful, whereas getting a Mistress of Mixtures at least provides some healing. Even if you don’t get the healing from Mistress because you played it on turn one, you have so much healing in the deck that it doesn’t really matter.
Can someone please explain how this deck wins the game?
Do you just try and survive and burst your opponent down with 3 attack Razorpetals?