imaloony's Comments
The Lich King
Yeah, uh, don’t really know what to add. It’s pretty good. It does a little bit of everything, and being 8 mana instead of Ysera’s 9 is a really big deal. Some of the cards are obviously better than others (which will also change based on the situation), but in general it’s just really good. Taunt Warrior wants it, the theoretical Taunt Druid wants it, Control decks want it, value decks want it, Midrange decks probably want it… there’s a lot of competition for deck slots right now so it probably won’t make it into every deck, but many decks will at least give it a lot of consideration, and it will probably make it into at least one top tier deck.
Strongshell Scavenger
Hey, now Druid can build a wall and make the opponent pay for it! Move over Warrior!
It’s hard to say if this will work/be worth it. The combo you want only works if you opponent has a board, but the payoff is so big that you might not care at all. Maybe this is the key to making that Control Druid work? Or maybe it’ll just worm its way into some other druid deck that already exists.
I will say that the biggest downfall of this card is that on its own, it’s REALLY bad. Bad topdeck late game, and sometimes is just a dead card in your hand. We’ll see if this taunt Druid thing really works out, though.
Bone Baron
Combo fodder is nice. We know Rogue likes those, but Rogue definitely values the Razorpetals more, since those can draw cards from Auctioneer. If there’s room left in the deck maybe, but I think in general Rogue will just stick with the razorpetals. The upside of a big body isn’t enough to offset that the skeletons just aren’t as nice as the petals.
Death Revenant
I never said those bodies weren’t good. I even said it was appealing. It… it just isn’t realistic to consistently get those kinds of bodies in my opinion, which is the real problem. If you’re forced to sit on this card for half of the game, it’s a problem. It’s an absolutely trash topdeck, and in some games where the board is being consistently controlled, there will just never be a good time to play this thing. I just don’t think the payoff of one big body is enough to justify the restriction; that was the point of bringing up Hex and Polymorph, because unlike just playing a big minion that gets hexed, in this case, what’s getting hexed isn’t just a big minion, but your reward for your combo. If one card cancels out the biggest reward of a combo… it probably wasn’t a very good combo.
I feel like the Warrior effect of these is the only one that was pushed far enough. It’s good that the opponent won’t want to kill it on their turn, but the main body and reward aren’t good enough to really make it that big of a deal even if it does go off. And it isn’t big enough to REALLY threaten trading up like the Warrior card did. This card definitely needed to be pushed a little bit more. Lackluster as is.
It turns out that the more mana you add to a spell damage card, the harder it gets to use. People only put up with Mally because of how much Spell Damage it gives. I’m honestly surprised that Evolved Kobold saw any play, but if people want the +2 Spell Damage, they’ll just play that instead. Hard pass. Also really awful in arena.
Wicked Skeleton
There are some interesting applications with this card. It’s a great followup to a Brawl, it’s a good followup to a Pally Equality clear, it can follow up Dragonfire potion…
It’s really bad if not paired with a board clear, but it’s possible that board clear is prevalent enough to give this thing some play. The possibilities are there for experimentation at least. Another cool card design; even if it isn’t good, it gets you thinking about new possibilities, which is a mark of good design in my eyes.
Wicked Skeleton
Druid has never had good boardclear though. Other classes might find more success with a card that synergizes off of this.
I’m really happy about these types of deathrattle effects, and this is a fun one. Giving it taunt is the obvious way to do it, but another noteworthy way to do it is to play this, play doomsayer, and then treachery the Doomsayer. It’s a 10 mana, 3 card boardclear which gives you an 8/8. Not too bad, though I kind of doubt treachery will be enough of a thing to make it happen. Still, this is a great theorycraft card, and I get a feeling that SOMEONE will find something cool to do with this thing. It’s also just a good anti board-clear card. If your opponent can answer this thing wilthout triggering the deathrattle though, it’s pretty bad for you.
Deathaxe Punisher
I’m not sure lifesteal will be common enough in any deck for this to see play. Even when it goes off, it’s still not THAT good. That’s a pretty clear sign that this won’t make it. Though buffing Lifesteal minions is good, I don’t believe it’ll work. Handbuff in general also never worked, so I’m willing to put by money on the “no” horse pretty securely on this one.
Spectral Pillager
You’d probably just rather play Edwin. In some world, this might make a decent final push for lethal, but you’d have to pull off a pretty sick combo on 4 mana so you’d have enough left to play this thing. Maybe in wild with ET, but not in standard.
Wretched Tiller
If the face plays taunt, me still go face.
Great for the memes, bad for the game. Awful card.
Grim Necromancer
Swiping intensifies.
Seriously though, this card is fairly statted, but in the same way that Razorfen Hunter is fairly statted. And on that logic, this is basically strictly an arena card.
Toxic Arrow
They were very careful to make this card not work with Wild Pyromancer. For that to happen, you need a way to buff Pyro. Maybe with a handbuff or something. It’s a weird card, but also might have some viability with Build-a-Beast for a quick answer to something. I think it’s a little too specific and a little too hard to combo to actually work, but it does also have a bit of flexibility. I don’t think it will work now, but keep an eye on this card going forward. It has the potential to do some pretty disgusting stuff.
Grave Shambler
This minion isn’t difficult to get to be a 4 mana 5/5, especially in Rogue. Whether or not that’s good enough remains to be seen, but it’s going to at least be worth trying out.
Acherus Veteran
A very interesting alternative to Abusive Sergeant. Since she has the full 2/1 statline, it makes her a lot more appealing. However, Abusive really shines because more of his stats are “fast” stats, whereas most of this thing will die before it moves.
Compares to Lance Carrier from TGT which saw light play. Zoo or Token or something might find something to do with this, but I feel like its impact is just a little too low. Or maybe this will be enough to push Egg Zoo over the edge into viability. Who knows? Definitely worth playing around with at least.
Keening Banshee
Well, on the bright side, this effect WAS worth it on Fel Reaver, which just wanted to win before the cards it lost would ever see play. The other thing is that since your opponent doesn’t trigger it, it has some theoretical value by playing it on 4, trading it away on 5, and then playing.
But just a one stat upgrade on yeti will never ever be worth that level of a drawback. A 4 mana 6/6, maybe we could start to talk, but this card is so understatted for a drawback card that I’m just left disappointed. Blizzard definitely needed to push the envelope with this one a little more.
Tainted Zealot
This is a really interesting card. We’ve seen that 2 mana spell damage minions can work. Bloodmage Thalnos has of course seen play, but in the past people have been desperate enough for that text to run even Kobold Geomancer. This is stickier than Geomancer, which leads me to believe that it may see niche play in decks that really want spell damage. Not a top tier card by any means, but something for the toolbox for sure.
Theoretically this is a way to get several assassinate effects out for one card. Realistically, your opponent will use a spell and/or a small minion and this thing will trade down almost every time.
Like everyone has said, it’s almost strictly better than Drain Life (the only edge Drain Life has is that it can go face). That doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll see play, and in fact it probably won’t see play. 2 damage for 2 isn’t very much, and the difference between 2 and 3 damage is so much you might not even both. Warlock IS really hurting for heal right now, but there are better options in the expansion, even for Warlock.