GlosuuLang's Comments
Plague of Death
Divine Spirit + Inner Fire is always there. The current Mech version is not too bad. It’s not as good as before because no Shadow Visions.
This board clear will only be really good if Priest can have a late game wincon that can rival Dr Boom. Otherwise… Nope. Maybe as a 1-of in Nomi Priest. But 9 mana is just so much…
Plague of Death
I don’t think you can consider Pyromancer or Auchenai + Healing Circle good board clears. Not when other classes have Hellfire, Brawl, Flamestrike, etc, etc in the classic set, and then stuff like Hagatha’s Scheme, Earthquake, Warpath, etc in expansions.
Supreme Archaeology
I just hope it’s better than previous Warlock Quest. Discarding cards was so against what the deck that supported the Quest wanted to do that it was always a meme. If only we had had the new 2/1 in the old Quest…
Supreme Archaeology
Plot Twist is good for sure, but there has to be more synergy. That alone won’t be enough.
4.5/5, nothing impressive, but a staple in any Murloc deck and playable even outside them.
Making Mummies
Flavor is good and the upgraded Hero Power synergizes with the Quest (unlike Warlock’s quest, for example). However, “Reborn” is a keyword that is tied with this expansion. This means the way the Quest is presented in this expansion is the Quest we will always have, barring side synergies. I think that is quite sad. As an example, Mage’s original Quest was quite a fringe deck for a long, long time, until they printed cheap Twinspells in Rise of Shadows. And now Quest Mage is a force to be reckoned in Wild. This won’t happen with this Quest. ๐
Expired Merchant
Insane value on a stick. If you’ve never played MTG, I’m telling you, discarding your own cards can lead to broken things. In HS this has never really taken off, but with this kind of cards, it might just do so.
Reno the Relicologist
Well if Kazakus had been available to all classes I’m pretty sure other classes would have also made good Reno decks. It depends on what support you give them. Reno Priest for example was pretty meme-y until Shadowreaper Anduin was printed, and then it annihilated Ladder. I can definitely see Druid and Warrior being good for Reno, those classes have been good Control classes throughout history. Hunter, Rogue and Paladin are more aggro-oriented so they probably are not as well suited. But again, with good support, any class can have a good Reno deck.
5+1 Mechanics from Magic: the Gathering Which Would be Welcome in Hearthstone
5 MTG mechanics that would be welcome in Hearthstone: Mana screw, Mana flood, Hard Counterspells, Targeted Discard, Land (mana) destruction. ๐
…just kidding ๐
Saviors of Uldum Card Reviews #1 - Plague of Death, Puzzle Box, Corrupt the Waters, BEEEES!!!, Armagedillo And More!
Well, I can’t argue with the in-game mechanic description nor with Peter Whalen. Someone apparently also proved you right by testing with Mass Hysteria. Let the crazy combos begin!
Saviors of Uldum Card Reviews #1 - Plague of Death, Puzzle Box, Corrupt the Waters, BEEEES!!!, Armagedillo And More!
Stonekeep, I don’t think you’re right with the Overkill + Beeeees combos. Overkill only activates when that minion attacks and kills the minion with spare damage. Having other minions attack the Overkill minion won’t activate the Overkill. Also, I believe the effect will be similar to Unleashing the Hounds + attacking from left to right. So I guess a similar combo with Dire Wolf Alpha will work.
Supreme Archaeology
This needs reshuffling, or else it’s really bad. Without reshuffling you only get potentially 2-3 cards that cost (0), and then you go into Fatigue. Let’s see if we get more reshuffling and shuffle into your deck synergy and we will be able to judge it better.
Questing Explorer
This should have been available the last time Quests were around. You effectively start the game with one card less because of Quest, so getting it back is much appreciated. Let’s hope it makes all Quests playable.
Restless Mummy
I really hope Dr Boom gets Hall of Famed. Or at least give me back Deathstalker Rexxar so I can outgrind Warriors again. It’s kind of stupid Warrior gets to monopolize Control just because of their hero card.
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron
Well Yogg-Saron was played competitively before its nerf as a Hail Mary that could change lost games. This is normally better than post-nerf Yogg Saron (since you often killed the God and then spells stopped being cast), but probably worse than pre-nerf Yogg Saron (you could get more than 10 spells and if you were lucky you could get a 7/5 body behind). I don’t think it will make the cut in a normal deck (let’s hope it doesn’t!) but it’s definitely going to be a pain in the butt when generated randomly from other cards.
Plague of Death
This is not the board clear that Priest needs. They need something for turns 4-5. The 9-mana cost also makes it awkward since you can’t combine it with Doomsayer like you can, for example, with Twisting Nether. In Wild this is 95% of the time strictly worse than Psychic Scream, so if it’s gonna see play, it has to be in Standard.
Jar Dealer
This card is solid. Sure, you don’t get the 1/1 immediately after dying like with Mecharoo or Possessed Villager, and you have to pay an extra mana. But hopefully you get something better than a 1/1 in your hand. I would compare this to Shimmerfly, and Shimmerfly has seen solid play. I’m all for decent 1-drops.
EVIL Totem
“But just because it’s a weakness doesn’t mean they can’t get some OCCASIONAL card generation”. Sure, that’s why Mind Blast and Vanish were Hall of Famed. Because Priests and Rogues couldn’t even have an occasional card shoring up their “weakness”. It’s getting stupid, really.
Rogue is my favorite class, and I’m tired of how much they are pushing the Thief archetype. It’s fine to have a few of those cards for casual games, but I don’t want to play those things in competitive decks. Please. You already gutted our Plague card which was supposed to be something affecting the whole board. Now you keep giving us suboptimal cards for the class. Our Classic set was OP, I agree, but you have nerfed most of it already. Start giving us interesting cards.