GlosuuLang's Comments
The Best and Worst Parts of the Uldum Meta
Yes, changing the mechanic would obviously be a nerf, since if you ask me whether I would reveal my cards at a given moment, I would always say “no”. But I would argue that it wouldn’t be that big of a nerf. In Magic: the Gathering you usually have to reveal cards you look for in your library or sideboard to prove that you’re not cheating (in paper, at least). And those tutors/look at cards in top of library cards are still very solid and good cards that see play, even if they have to give away information and reveal a useful card. Besides, having a card revealed can lead to some serious mindgames you can play with your opponent. Knowing one or two cards in your hand is only part of the information, and you can bait the opponent to behave a certain way that favors you.
I think there could be a middle ground: Discover effects DO reveal the card (you get the advantage of choosing between 3 but the opponent is at least aware). But generate a random card by RNG does not.
I know it’s late for this and that Blizzard would not want to give so much dust for free. But I really believe it would be for the long-term health of the game.
The Best and Worst Parts of the Uldum Meta
Amazing article and very spot on. All in all I really dislike the Druid Quest, Quests shouldn’t be that easy and consistent to achieve. And I’m a fan of the Druid class. My proposed changes would be:
– Quest Druid: Play 4 Choose One cards. Reward: same as before (you actually need to spend some of your resources to get the reward, and if you don’t draw enough, it will take a bit longer to get there).
– Reveal the burgled cards to your opponent so they know what to play around. In general I would have the Discover mechanic reveal your choice to the opponent. It’s not nice losing a game to a card you couldn’t play around because it did not start in the opponent’s deck.
Standout Saviors of Uldum Decks From Day 1
Hopefully Blizzard will act quickly like previous expansions and send Dr Boom and Hagatha to Hall of Fame. Warrior and Shaman already have enough tools to fight for winning in the late game without them having Hero Cards providing copious amounts of extra value. It was the same problem with Death Knights when they were in Standard. Some classes had Hero Cards that gave them too much value (Jaina, Guldan, and most egregiously Rexxar) whereas other classes were left out and couldn’t compete for the late game (Garrosh, Thrall). Hero Cards, much like Planeswalkers in Magic, are really cool concepts, but they need to be designed well.
Big Shaman - Saviors of Uldum - J4CKIECHAN
Only one Ancestral Spirit? When I played the deck back in the previous expansion it was a great card to make your big minions stick. Even the other spell that summoned a minion that cost 1 more upon death was also not bad, although obviously not as good.
Tavern Brawl - Your Standard Brawliseum (Saviors of Uldum Edition) - Best Decks for the Uldum Brawliseum
I think it’s great that they now but this Brawliseum after a new expansion, when the meta is not yet established. The only drawback is that people will play the top-tier decks from last expansion. But at least it’s better than seeing the same thing as the ladder, which happened when this Brawliseum was done like 3 weeks after a new expansion.
Quest Thief Rogue Theorycraft - Saviors of Uldum - August 2019
Quest Rogue doesn’t seem quite strong right now anyway, in a world where Quest Druid, Control Warrior and Quest Shaman outvalue it heavily in the late game.
Quest Thief Rogue Theorycraft - Saviors of Uldum - August 2019
Cats are almost as good as Town Criers. Pilfer does not give you board presence, Cats do. Don’t underestimate the importance of having something on board, especially vs Aggro.
Quest Thief Rogue Theorycraft - Saviors of Uldum - August 2019
I’m pretty sure Pilfer will be cut from refined lists. The card is quite bad, since unlike Clever Disguise it doesn’t even provide you with card advantage. I’m pretty sure you’d rather Shadowstep a Hench Clan Burglar than rely on Pilfer to complete the quest. Maybe we still need to run one to have enough activators, but I really dislike having to include 2.
Bazaar Burglary
Ah sh*t, here we go again. I don’t want to play Burgle Rogue competitively! I don’t want to win games because I pulled Fireball and I don’t want to lose games because I pulled Shatter! And yet, it seems this is what will happen this expansion 🙁
Shadow of Death
It can be a late game tool (Rogue has enough of that, and most of it sucks because it’s a Tempo class). I would definitely rather play a card that gives me immediate board presence and also has reasonable bodies shuffled in the deck regardless of what’s on the board.
Shadow of Death
Remember Faldorei Strider? Yeah, this is not even the shadow of that card. Pun intended.
Plague of Wrath
Warpath is great vs wide boards of small minions, but not every deck plays them. Against decks that prefer few but powerful minions (Conjurer Mage) Warpath is much worse… Except that now it isn’t, because it comboes with this for a full board clear.
High Priest Amet
Right. But if we had had the unofficial translation of the card we’re discussing, LiW would have had a chance of not being a garbage card anymore. That’s what I pointed out.
High Priest Amet
Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t see that combo being much better than a normal Divine Spirit + Inner Fire deck (which can kill quicker if you stick a high health minion), or even current Miracle Priest (you have to draw most of your deck to assemble the combo while surviving in the process, once you do you basically win). Of course, it’ll be cool if the card enables something new.
High Priest Amet
It wouldn’t be garbage if you could tutor it and play it consistently on T6, or if Priest had a decent minion-heavy deck with most minions having more health than attack (so something like pre-rotation Spiteful Summoner Priest).
Just saying that King Togwaggle was a meme card until Azalina was printed. Or Hadronox before Witching Hour.
High Priest Amet
Well I liked this card much better with the unofficial translation, which would have added much more needed consistency for a Lady in White deck.
With the official translation I guess this has synergy with Reborn, but it’s unexciting.
Hey Stonekeep! So I was advocating that Discover should reveal the chosen option to the opponent so that they at least know what to play around.You said that was a considerable nerf and that Blizzard would never do that because they would have to give dust to everyone for every Discover card. … And now they nerf Discover to not give bonus to class cards! I believe this is an equivalent nerf (i.e. just a slight nerf, not a big one), and yet Blizzard is not giving anything! We should fight for Discover revealing the choice to the opponent!