EksSkellybur's Comments
Krolusk Barkstripper
Highlander / Beast / Dragon Hunters Rise up!
I always loved Deadly Shot, even if I have a love-hate relationship every now and than.
Overall, 5 Stars, even if the stats aren’t as great.
An obvious card for Unleash the Hounds.
Beast Hunter is getting some really good cards.
One big problem is that is even it is just 1 minion, You do need a decent board of Beasts. So if you can get at least 2 beasts in your deck, Even if you use Wasps It’s going to be a powerful card.
3 Stars as it is, 4 if it works, even with Unleash the Hounds.
Shield of Honor
Great for Fast and Pain Decks.
Might even be got for big health minions, for those that you want to protect if they can’t deal with it. If You combine this with Augment Archmerchant first, and than you use Shield of Honor, you can make such an annoying minion.
This is great. 4 Stars.
3 Mana Destory, really. Yeah, sacrificing a minion kinda sucks, but realistically, losing your weakest minin is usually not as bad.
You’ll be fine. just Imagine it as another Execute, but kinda better. 5 Stars.
Alleycat is back, but bette than ever if you buff it.
Tempo Beast Hunters Rise up!
4 Stars, but 5 Stars if it works.
Power Word: Feast
It’s just used for Tempo / Zoo Priest, but it’s also used for Control as well.
This is Awesome, if you know that they can’t damage the minion.
4 Stars.
Tour Guide
Waterboy: Who are you?
Tour Guide: I’m you, but stronger.
Me; Seems about right. 3 Stars, but 5 Stars for Mage.
Meme Demon Hunters will use this for sure, Kappa.
Raise Dead
Control and some fast cards will use this.
Rez Priest will definitely use this, which is what makes it the most annoying. So Fight fast or Die hard.
4 Stars.
Robes of Protection
THis is such a Safeguard to even a Guarenteed Leathal Card for your other minions.
It’s really good.
A well Deserved 4 Stars.
Demonic Studies
Pretty good. And as your last Resort, Whenever your health is too low, you can try and cheat out a Lord Jarraxsus. Mind you that it’s a Discover a Demon in General, so you can just grab a Priestess of Fury.
It’s a good card. 4 Stars.
Mindrender Illucia
MY MASTER HAS RETURNED! — *reads it again* Maaaaaan..! 🙁
Whatever, is still good. *Reads it once again*
Regardless, Well Deserved Hyped card if you know what your doing. I think Tempo or Zoo Priest will finally be official, because you can give your opponent the fast cards while you can get thecontrol cards.
Be very Careful if your playing Control or Handful becuase Priests WILL USE This to interrupt your turn. So it’ll be turn 10 for them and they can try and take away your Kelegos for example. So yeah, be catious.
4 Stars. Maaan, I want the Spriit of Archbishop Benedictus again. His battlecry was so cool.
Draconic Studies
Ooooo! Escpially for Highlander Dragon Priest? Hell yeah. This is awesome! 5 Stars.
Plagued Protodrake
Okay, I’m Hyped up for this card. I loved Bone Drake back than, and I’d love to use this card, too.
An 8/8 that can give you a 7 Cost, and some of those are some good Legendaries, is considering.
THe Calculation for me is too Long, so I’m not going to do it, but Regardless, I really don’t want to sleep on this, becuase I do want to use Plagued Protodrake.
3 Stars Experiental Card, but 4 Stars in my heart.
Crimson Hothead
Eeeeehhh… Don’t. It’s a Filler Card. It’s nice for a Discover Card, but not so nice for when you yourself are using Crimson Hothead.
2 Stars.
Desk Imp
rip Discover a Demon Card.
It defnitally needs to be buffed.
I don’t think that we’ll get an OTK this time, at least not for now.
It’s just there for me, even if I got it from a random gathering.
You buff Desk Imp though, and It’s not bad.
2 Stars as it is, but 4 Stars if it’s buffed, even if is a 0 mana 3/3 that was randomly generated.
Reason why 4 and not 5 is because unless your fast, the 3/3 isn’t as rewarding. It needs to be bigger.
Lake Thresher
It’s a Curious card with Guardian Animals, and it’s even more Curious if you combine it with Survival of the Fittest.
It’s actually not bad, but only really for Druid and Hunter. Okay and maybe Paladin with the +8/+8 buff that we just gotten.
3 Stars, but 4 if it works and 5 if it REALLY works.
Judicious Junior
I only wished that this was 5 Mana and it removed 3 health.
But fiiiine. we can’t have 12 Lifesteal. 🙁
Your kinda forced to use Blessing of Kings instead.
3 Stars, Experimental Card.
Twilight Runner
6 Stars. Nuff Said.
This is basically a Mini Ultimate Infestation. And with Surivival of the FIttest, It’s Pretty much an Ultimate Infestation.
It’s so Ridiculous, that Druids might actually consider Guardian Animals, where we thought that it was just a Arena Card at first. Now, Guardian Animals Is a Curious Card.
Wave of Apathy
The is good for removing key cards, or even stealing them for Priest.
I think that Brittlebone Destoryer is going to be good, becuase at first I was Skeptical with it, becuase Priest just do nothing but Destory your minions.
Tempo Priest might actuallyhappen, boys! I just hope it dosen’t fall on it’s face.
As for Paladin, just use it totake down Key cards, like I said.
4 Stars.
The cost is a big much. I think Both Hunter and Druid might consider, because Mulka is condiencely a 3 mana Beast.
3 Star Experimental Card, but 4 Stars if it works, and 5 stars if it really works.