CASA's Comments
Rainbow Glowscale
Spell damage, check!
Premium stat, check!
Naga, check!
metadefining 5/5 card, check!
The 2,5 stars for this card shows how many players at hearthstonetopdecks are just pretty trash players.
In Questline hunter with the new card draw synergy, in Spell-Shaman, in Spell-Mage. You will see this card everywhere.
In rogue this card is a miracle. Because you get a aoe!!! in pirate rogue (warrior) a huge deal. This card will be played in rogue even in 5 expansion when pirate rogue is not a thing anymore.
turn 2: hero power weapon
turn 3: this card
also a premium stat minion. This card is sooo good. 5/5
Helmet Hermit
Silence Priest Support Card.
Can be pretty sick, with the play as many spells as you can cards in priest this expansion it´s just a pretty cheap and solid card which can you buff up if you dont have another body on board.
Then you play the new 1 mana silence your own minion and deal damage card. You can summon a 4/3 with insane board damage.
Or against aggro 4 board damage a 4/3 body with this synergy.
And if you drop this just on turn one it terrifying af for every opponent who has to play against priest.
This card is so underrated, it hurts my eyes.
5/5 in every priest deck, in everthing else this card is trash.
Anchored Totem
Pretty strong for heavy board oriented decks and totem decks.
Card design is pretty awesome:
Turn 2: this card Turn 3: Totem (has 1-mana) and play a one drop you get two 2/1 buffs.
Pretty solid as a card alone but cant imagine that this will fit in the voyage meta. Shaman will be more a heavy spell oriented deck, but with release of OP bloodlust maybe not, we will see.
Maybe in one two or three expansions when this card gets more support than it will be more metadefining for sure.
Though one, it pretty aggressive and is a better elven archer.
But it´s very vulnerable.
If I compare it with Spymistress, than filletfighter will be trash.
Spymistress was only good because it had stealth and you could wait for the attack at the right moment.
You play Filletfinger at turn 1 as first it can be good, at turn 1 with coin its lackluster because your opponent has more often a defensive 1 drop with 1/2 than a agressive one with 2/1. rogue mage shaman hunter and so on it just get removed to easy and the deal 1 damage ping dont synergies well in pirate rogue except for aggro damage.
3/5 cant see it that this will be good enough.
Swiftscale Trickster
Yes, rogue normally dont like big spells.
But, ok. Certain situation:
Turn 3: Snowfall Graveyard
Turn 4: this card + Smokescreen
Turn 5: opponent concede.
But seriously deathrattle rogue is back in voyage. Everybody (including myself) laugh about smokescreen when it came out at the miniset. Now this combo will smash the meta.
And if you dont have Smokescreen you have “Blood in the water” for super tempo on turn 4 or maybe a sprint.
Metadefining. 5/5
Gone Fishin'
It´s a good cycle card but even with that card rogue has no more cheap card draw options.
So the way rogue will survive nxt meta is pure aggro pirate and nothing else.
Barbed Nets
Yep, Quest hunter will stay pretty strong and this card is one of the reasons
Maybe you play a two or three nagas in quest hunter which does a lot of things. Sort of Quest naga hunter 😀
You have many spells and pretty powerful nagas which you can release when you cast three spells like that Ancient naga or something else.
It´s pretty sick.
This card does a lot.
6 rush damage and four 3/1 and a 5/5 body, which the opponent has to deal with it first.
Face damage is always pretty terryifing in hunter, and a attack statline of 21 damage is pretty solid.
With the Crotoa colosal from rogue the best colosal.
And yes “Spammy Arcanist” like this card and this card is the reason why every deck in next meta will play Spammy. ;D
Nevertheless 5/5.
Green-Thumb Gardener
this card is weird and will see no play this expansion. You dont have the ramp to play it early enough and no big spell that this card is worth.
A certain ideal situation: You have 10 mana and 10 mana spell in your hand. Which card do you wanna play for 4 mana to get the value out of it. pretty hard.
So most of the time it´s just a 0 mana 5/5 in big spell druid style decks and big spell druids have always though times in metas.
Maybe in 1 or 2 expansions with solid big spells and good ramp options.
Pretty sick pirate rogue support card.
It seems to me that pirate rogue will more an aggro deck than a tempo deck.
All Pirate cards a pretty aggressive plus rogue lacks on card draw without swindle, secret passage and the stealth draw.
Treasure Guard
It´s good.
A fusion of loot hoarder and buffed silverback patriarch.
Slows down every board deck and get you another turn to prepare a aoe like blizzard or Whirlpool, even when its played later on turn 5 or 6 its pretty solid plus you draw a card.
If a OTK deck needs card draw and has no more options this deck will go in the deck.
If the meta is very aggressive this goes into the deck.
If you wanna play control style in a deck with less card draw and you need a two drop this goes into your deck.
If you need a solid naga for synergies without holding it too long in to your hand this will go into you deck.
Stonehill defender was pretty underrated back in day before release has came out.
It´s always that everything whats look like silverback is bad but this is not the case.
Can be pretty metadefining in board oriented metas.
Twin-fin Fin Twin
This card alone is pretty mediocre.
Because of the strong handbuff options for Warlock this is a S-Tier card in this deck.
It´s has so much tempo as pre nerfed crabrider and this card was pretty OP in Paladin.
Now the warlocks get their super tempo card this deck can be pretty powerful
Pretty sick handbuff minion. It is even way better than “alliance bannerman”.
Murlock Warlock will be 2-Tier or 1-Tier Zoo style deck, its pretty ridiculous how good the warlock murloc cards are.
It has good stats and handbuff in warlock is always pretty terrifying.
Imprisioned Scrap Imp was nerfed back in time and a lot slower than this card.
Handbuff in Warlock is always so strong because the hero power. 5/5
Vicious Slitherspear
good in aggro spell decks but also justa a good 1 drop.
Even if you have a 2 mana spell on turn two, than a 2/3 is not that bad.
Has to survive one turn which is in mid and endgame nearly impossible.
Very situational card could be a 5/5 or complete useless.
Whispers of the Deep
Well pretty good in silence priest, you can deal high amount of damage silence a “can´t attack” card.
Generally deals good with aggro if you combo it with the new 1 mana 4/3 “can´t attack” minion. Deal 4 damage, have a 4/3 for only two mana.
We will see if silence priest make the cut, this card helps a lot for that. 5/5
If you discover this spell in another deck it can be often a really bad pick, because in other decks you don´t want to silence your own deathrattle minions. 1/5 as a discover option.
Tuskarrrr Trawler
Basically a 5/5 rogue card, with the bottom-rogue card where you get 2 3/3 when drawn, fits also in pirate synergy.
In every other class pretty ok, if you wana dredge. But dredge class cards are so much better.
So we will see how often this card will be played.
More a tempo colossal. 5/6 Body 8 Rush damage, 4 Weapon damage. Fits in just every rogue deck and is the new jandice.
So 5/5.
a refill card for murloc warlock, pretty good and annoying for opponent. 4/5.