CASA's Comments
Vengeful Visage
One word, Garbage 1/5 Worst mage secret I´ve ever seen.
There was a rogue secret where you get a minion with stealth after you get attacked in face and never saw play because it was so terrible.
There was just two good one minion go face secrets and “misdirection” from hunter and the “vaporize” from mage. There was good secrets because they prevent you from a lose.
Here it says “After” so if you get King Krushed you just die before your new summoned can hit the opponents face.
Maybe a discover option if you have prettyyyyy bad choices and matchups if opponents have big deathrattles and this is very rare.
Cathedral of Atonement
The buff is totally doesnt matter. You just want the draw and this makes the location a 5/5 card.
You even buff opponent minions to draw cards.
Hedge Maze
Though to rate, but I like this card a lot.
Because it synergies with Snowfall Graveyard: with that you have 4 trigger deathrattles
And to have the ability to trigger deathrattles is pretty damn good now in rogue. Maybe with a reconaisse one or with the naval mines.
If this expansion release just one good deathrattle minion than rogue get in a pretty good spot
4/5 -> I believe in deathrattle rogue in new expansion.
Cold Case
too slow at four mana.
Four mana is the power play spot in meta so you need super good cards in this time.
There are just two boys who stand on the field and if they get killed they will be catched by the big spider tank boys.
I cant describe how bad this card is. What were they thinking?
6 mana to deal 2 damage to all minions is pretty garbage.
You need atleast 3 minions to die to have atleast a resonable average 6 mana effect.
And if you have to try to kill you own minions or shards or skeletons than it´s pretty bad if you have to do that.
If it were like blizzard it would be a very good card with an extra skeleton effect.
The skeleton itsself are pretty slow and bad If you can summon 3 at turn 6 its still pretty weak.
Kel'Thuzad, the Inevitable
I saw all skeleton cards and I cant feel it that this will be very good.
The cards himself are pretty expensive. There are so many counter cards like devolving, silencefish and so on.
You need 15 skeleton face hits to win the game, it will be not a tempo deck because there are many control cards and the control cards are too bad that this helps to be a good.
Kel´ himself is also not good. f.e. The Shaman wolf does the same thing, is easier to fill and noone plays it. It´s a bit like antonidas last year, cool design – flavorfull artwork but a not see play effect.
Elitist Snob
Hello Zilliax.
Paladin runs many class cards. So all effects or 3 of 4 effects will be triggered for sure.
In every deck from control to tempo an awesome option.
They already nerfed it from 4/4 to 3/4 and this is still a 5/5 card 😀
Fastest Prince Quest Priest Deck Completion
edit: I forgot to say, you will overdraw with this deck, but believe me this is no problem with this deck.
Baroness Vashj
Pretty sick card.
1. Played on curve It is very hard to remove and must destroy card. Also you can set up the location to get a vashi and a 5 mana minion at turn 4. (Dont forget Jandice was at 5 mana pretty broken)
And if the opponent cant destroy it, you can use the location again or even more evolve cards, pretty dangerous for the opponent.
2. You can also get quite a big board with 5 mana cards in late game if you use Vashji and many evolve spells
But its very depending of which more evolve cards shaman gets in the new set which we dont know and the question if its better than the snowfall guardian game plan. Because you dont want use a evolve effect when you use freeze effects.
We will see but it has a great potential for a board oriented midrange deck.
Now: 3/5
Potential: 5/5
Decimator Olgra
We will see how many 1 damage effects warrior will have.
You have some core cards, the last 3 turns tower and the new location if this card gets a bit of support. It can be quite useful in a 1 damage control deck.
Very questionable if it will be good enough in total. it can be pretty devastating for opponent or often very useless.
Murloc Holmes
Why are so many people underrate this card. This is one of the best tech cards I´ve seen in this game.
You get 1 to 3 copies of cards which your opponent has.
And there are many cards in the past which where pretty solid with such effect like madame lazul and so one.
Here some pros:
– You can “Intel” the opponents hand and deck.
– You can get powerful standalone cards like techcards, herocards or legendarys.
– It is very good to play on turn 3 to optimize your curve and also good to play in late game to get more options.
– If you know the meta decks you will most of the time get 2 or 3 cards.
– it is a spider tank, so you dont lose tempo if you dont hit the cards or the card is not optimal used.
Sure no aggro deck will run this but every card who needs a good value option like control/tempo decks with not so good card draw like holy paladin, quest priest, tess rogue will play this card.
And you have also some synergies f.e. with rogue`s tess or good combos if you f.e. get a heal card as mage.
Also this card is a likely candidate to get at lvl 1 in the new battle pass.
So 4,7/5
0,3 point deducation because it doesnt fit in every deck
Sanguine Depths
Pretty though to rate this card.
Warrior in the current meta doesnt use any self damage card.
Depends on the new class cards, how they support this.
But in past there were many good self damage decks in play. So it can be really good and in duels this is a solid hero power you can choose.
Priest of the Deceased
a typical “here is our new card design to show off” neutral card. pretty bad.
But in a arena a solid choice.
Primordial Wave
I forget one thing:
If you used a devolve effect after this effect you traded minions into the devolved minions.
This aspect is gone because you minions get evolved, too.
A big disadvantage. So i correct from 5/5 to 4/5
Murloc Holmes
Yes the designer chora confirmed that you get many copies as you guessed right.
So if you only guess two than you get two and one you get one.
Primordial Wave
This card is good and pretty awesome designed.
This card is good especially in current meta where paladin has a lot of divine shield buffed minions and priest has deathrattles.
Also against other opponent classes pretty solid because of lot of buffs and deathrattles.
Also you can destroy the opponents game plans f.e. against boar priest.
It has a reason why devolving missiles where that strong in “scholomance”
If you dont use this as removal against a passive opponent you can improve your own board with this card in expectional cases.(Or do both ;D) That make this card very flexible and is a safe choice to add in decks.
Also shaman will get more evolving support this
meta for sure, so it will synergize in upcommon decks.
and for 3 mana it is a pretty fair mana cost.
summarizing a safe craft, a good choice and we will see this card played until this set will get rotated.
Amalgam of the Deep
Fits in every deck which wants only play one tribe. Like pirate rogue, mech mage, mech paladin, naga hunter and so on.
Has good tempo and you get a lot of versatile value which fits in to your one tribe game plan
5/5 metadefining in such decks.
yes, power creeped version of Argent Squire.
But still too slow to make the cut in nxt expansion.
Murkwater Scribe
Wow, this card is insane.
Premium stat plus this insane effect.
You can cheat out big spells a turn before. or get a combo effect in with cheap spells or you just play it and get some sort of advantage of it
What makes this card so good is that it is very versatile in just every deck, in minion oriented decks also in spell oriented decks.
Its just a no brainer. From all cards for voyage we will see this card most often in the next two years.
It´s a positive effect version of Cult Neo. ;D
So 10/5, best tech card ever printed.
there was a 3/2 Frog with deathrattle deal one. It never saw play expect arena and it was better than this crap.
Nowadays inconceivable that this will added in one deck even with mage support.