CASA's Comments
Necrolord Draka
The fact that this minions need 4 mana makes this card pretty just ok and not good.
Maybe the other rogue cards a cheap powercreeps than its pretty good.
But now you need many 2 mana spells and 0-mana preps to make this good.
So hard to rate, but can be really cool to play the new old play as many cards as possible archetype. 3/5
Dispossessed Soul
Really good card, if you need combos or more value in your hand.
but 4 mana is kinda expensive, even with the 4/5 tempo and you often dont need more value from your deck. Also you have not always a location in play.
So maybe in some control, combo otk decks but I think often not good enough compared with other 4 drops.
Demolition Renovator
If the loations quite good this will see play.
but its not a good techcard byitself, compared the viper or starfish.
It does not so much like starfish and has no tradeable, is slower and understated in comparison with viper.
So a often a dead 4/4 you cant trade. Make it a 4/5 or a 3 mana minion then it would see lot more play.
In naga priest you have always a consistent board with high health minions and low attack minions, you need “bless” for the finisher.
With this legendary you can get a agressive board, you wig this card its an 8/8, it sticks then a turn after you can buff f.e. a treasure card to a 7/7.
SO in this voyage meta it is pretty strong.
the question is how good is this in nxt meta when the tempo is quite faster.
We will see could be a big bait or a Metadefining card for nxt meta, the question is which cards will released for priest.
But for standalone this is pretty strong and will find his place til rotation 2024
Huntsman Altimor
This card is so though to rate.
A animal companion with a 5/4 body is 2/5, two animal companions with a 5/4 body 4/5, three animal companions with a 5/4 body is pretty broken 5/5.
There was a spell in hunter which summoned all three for 8/9 mana. So every single animal companion are around 3 mana worth.
But infuse 8 minions can be really though, we have to wait for the other cards maybe there is a spell or minion that summon a lot of minions with rush or something else.
Maybe with rat package or with naga aggro package, we will see.
Red Herring
The good thing about this card. It has a pretty cool effect, a big taunt that give other minions stealth is flavourful.
The bad thing about this card, nobody wants this effect. Why? too slow for this effect even with taunt
with a 7 mana minion, you just do want more. aggressive things, control things, mutanus things, but no stealth things.
Just a meme card, maybe a good “evolve into” in shaman, the only situation this card is pretty strong.
Imp King Rafaam
The Zoo Imp Archetype will be so broken…
A finisher legendary on turn 6 supports my thesis.
Infuse is here no problem you have tons of Imps and minions which die in this archetype.
Also you have the zoo cards from last year like “wicked shipment” and “the shady bartender”(all Imps are demons!)
This archetype will crush the meta. 5/5
Stonebound Gargon
Pet Teacher hate this card while the Ram and the Saber just laugh about the powerlevel of the new gargon.
Vile Library
Damn strong.
You set this location and just wait until you have some imps on board.
Or you have the location on field one minion on board which can attack, then you summon 5 imps in a turn and suddenly the minion who can attack get a +6/+6
This card is so strong because you can set up the location pretty easily.
New Imp Zoo deck incoming… 5/5
Mischievous Imp
you want the infuse effect than pretty scary.
It will be pretty easy to get the infused version because imp warlock has massive amount of minions.
Also you can synergize it with all archetype cards like the new imp battle rage spell and so on.
Looks pretty scary and aggressive. Will be played for sure
Impending Catastrophe
Battle Rage Imp Version. 5/5
Just pretty strong in this archetype.
Impzoo Warlock incoming….
Flustered Librarian
At turn 1 you play this.
If you summon an imp at turn 2 this is pretty good board control and agressive start.
Can be pretty good and your opponent always want to remove this minion.
Will help the Imp archetype a lot.
Convincing Disguise
Evolve shaman can be pretty good nxt expansion and this cards helps alot.
Pretty strong shaman has always many minions for the infuse effect.
if you dont get the infuse effect, just do it on turn 5 with the new legendary vashji. Than its pretty good.
if it get infused just a broken card. Do it with your board or with the 6 mana spell which summons 5 cost minions.
3/5 without infuse, 5/5 infused
Solid Alibi
Insane control card for mage. 5/5
For 2 mana it will be meta forever and after rotation even some decks in wild.
There were cards like this like “Timeout” for Paladin and this card saw a lot of play.
If you have a game strategy like an otk, Big Spell or skeleton strategy this card helps a lot, no it´s essential.
You can slow your opponent down as long as they have no “damage split among enemies”-effects.
And it saves you from spells and not only from minions like frost nova, blizzard and so on.
Pretty broken, will be nerfed to 3 mana for sure if mage is too good nxt expansion.
Insatiable Devourer
I dont belive in this card.
It depends on the meta, if its really big oriented than its maybe good but nowadays its just too slow.
For 9 mana you need a better and more flexible effect.
Also the infuse 5 is pretty though to reach, so you have to draw at turn 6 or 7 before these turns you dont want a dead card like this and on turn 9 you doesnt reach the infuse.
Maybe some synergies I dont see not yet but for now:
2/5 in standard
Frozen Touch
The big problem with this card is that you never get the infuse effect on.
3 Minions have to die while this is in your hand is nearly impossible.
With Queen Azshara you needed 3 spells and that was pretty though but you get a awesome spell or weapon.
Here with minions it is way more difficult than with spells (Because you can´t profit right after you played the card like with spells and if you have a passive opponent than you have a problem) especially in mage and the positve effect is that you get a spell with 3 damage… No, thanks
And that makes this card just a normal burn card worse than frostbolt. with ignite fireball and pyroblast you have some burn. Maybe we see a spelldamage-burn-naga mage or something like that.
Mage is in a though spot in new meta. the skeletons are garbage, so maybe in new meta big spell mage stick as the top tier mage deck.
Nightcloak Sanctum
The only card in the skeleton mage package which is pretty good.
Just so sad that every other skeleton card yet is just garbage what were blizzard thinking?
This card will see play as a standalone. It´s good in every control and tempo style deck. It does both Freeze a minion, get tempo on board.
This card will see play for sure and I predict that this card will be in almost every mage meta deck ´til rotation 2024.
This card is pretty good in late game and can be broken at turn 4 at some situations.
Seems to me that a buff archetype comes for priest with new expansion.
We will see if this card is good enough…