CASA's Comments
Scuttlebutt Ghoul
Good filler card if you have a secret deck and if you just want to have the maximum value of secret synergy.
two 2/5 for 4 mana are pretty good and can be buffed in future pally secret decks in 2 expansions or so.
But for rogue nxt meta an autoinclude in the secret deck, pretty good tempo-defensive card. 4/5
Service Bell
Yes for 3 mana you can draw most of the time 2 cards but this is in paladin pretty good, because pure paladin lacks on card draw.
Also you can choose what you draw like an legendary or cariel.
So just in pure pally a 4/5 in other pala decks a 3/5
Sinful Brand
pretty bad, with dh you want to go face with your hero attack. Maybe with some 1/1 but I dont believe in this card. 2/5
Sinstone Totem
Pretty sick 1-drop for Totem shaman just a disgusting one to remove, even when it have zero attack, but in totem shaman you stick minions than buff then and attack.
Totem package is the most underrated package from the community, buff cards like bloodlust and copy a totem spell, the totem legendary is good.
You play against totem shaman they have a good board of totems with 0 attack than bumm you get smacked in the face.
Very hard to rate but I believe that this can be good.
It is good enough to be one of 30 Cards? Which many cards shuffle cards into the deck?
All tradeables will be destroyed, all shuffled against dh, Sir finley swaps, Faelin additions, all who sunken cards.
Many options… Maybe good enough to be a good tech card, depends which deck variants will be played in the meta. 3/5
Stoneborn General
Pretty good in arena, a lot of stats. But Neptulon does the same it remains on board. In standard maybe not good enough. 2/5
Suffocating Shadows
A deadly shot with a discard upside.
Pretty legit in some control decks, works also with tamsin and the deathrattles.
So 4/5
The Light! It Burns!
Like Holy Smite but often so much better or much worse, especially for aggro or big deck which minions have more attack than health.
Like a holysmite with a coinflip, hard to rate. Very situational, depends on the meta minions which will be played but if it deals more than 3 damage its pretty sick and in endgame much better than holysmite.
There are no lifesteal card in the neutral pool yet except the new 10 mana one.
So some decks that lacks heal like rogue and mage actually an option.
but it has bad stats and the infuse effect is very difficult and to play it for 0 is also not that insane.
So 2/5
Imbued Axe
Pretty sick. Because of this weapon enrage warrior can be meta.
There are many cards that support that and to give you minions +1/+1 is sick. +2/+2 is brutal.
Suspicious Pirate
to discover weapons are just not good to lose you weapon in quest warrior even worse, to give you opponent a weapon also pretty bad.
and 3 mana instead of 1 mana like the others.
So worst suspicious card released so far. 1/5
The Countess
At first a pretty crazy effect but The more I think about “The Countess” the worse it gets.
to lose neutral cards for “The Countess” is a really big deal. Because to remove minions f.e. the pyromancer is really important and made holy paladin playable with equality and holy maki roll. Also you lose many card draw options and mr smite endgame power. Idk if this is worth and also you have to draw the countess which is really difficult.
Also many legendarys are not very good, you can get much useless minions.
But yeah, If you play the countess it can be very good and a wincondition.
optimistic 4/5
Sire Denathrius
Ramp Druid with “Scale of Onixya”, Onyxia himself, Prestor Druid (or some kind of Zoo deck), rogues and mages for healing, even it infuses just five times or so.
mask of c´thun dealt 10 damage for 7 mana and was really good, this is a 10 mana body and heals with his battlecry even when you have only 7 to 10 shots its pretty decent.
Murloc Holmes
The truth is actually in the middle. So if the first guess is wrong you dont have a second guess. But you get so many cards which you guessed right. So only first right than one card and so on to 3 cards.
Burden of Pride
Control warrior gain armor so to have less 20 health is very unlikely
and if so 2 – 2/4 for 4 mana are not that good nowadays. 1/5
ARE YOU SERIOUS, Bizzard? 5/5
Do I read this right? Do I miss something? You get all three Wildseeds and a 4/5 body for 5 mana? Do I dream?
This is so broken, just every hunter deck will play this, ´til rotation. Alone or with the other wildseed cards.
Yes, it need some board space and if you have a lot of minions this is can be annoying for yourself. Also they are beasts and mess up youre revive pet pool but I think the wildseed package will be better than the beast or naga package, we will see a new form of hunter deck. Maybe with the rats or the new bats. It is very interesting which way hunter will go.
But for this card one of the best Hunter legendary ever printed.
Maybe Iam wrong and in 4 weeks I shame myself about this rate but for now this looks legit!
Famished Fool
Yeah, youre right. Also dude and quest pally has some issue with card draw
In aggro beast hunter or so with the bats not that bad.
But Idk if this archetype is good enough. 2/5