CASA's Comments
Batty Guest
Hunter needs some good one drops and this card fill this hole.
Pretty good 1 mana stats, you can get the aggro board control and it works good with infuse.
Also you can dredge it with the mech dog.
Auto include in aggro hunter. 4/5
Frenzied Fangs
It´s a a good but weird one.
you cant Infuse (3) on turn 2.
So its designed that you can play it on curve with two 2/1 bats.
Or in aggro late game turn 5-7 with two 3/3 bats.
2 2/1 for 2 mana is already pretty good in aggro and if you get it infused some kind of bonus-value effect for late turns.
Forensic Duster
5/5 Metadefining.
To counter spells with cult was pretty strong.
To counter minions with this forensic duster is really stronger.
You can counter your opponents key turns. F.e. in this meta it would be against big spell mage on turn 6, druid on turn 9 (to counter onyxia) and so on.
So If you know this meta it will be very punishing.
even when you dont have a clue and you just slam it on turn 3 than it´s very stressfull for your opponent.
Combobreaker, key turn destroyer
5/5, 5/5, 5/5 Best neutral card in this set so far.
Sketchy Stranger
Pretty good rogue ähh, sorry neutral minion.
Discover a specific type of card is always good, the discover pool is very managable.
And to get a secret the opponent doesnt know is always pretty stressful for you opponent and the secret has a good chance to hit him pretty hard.
Also very flexible you can use this to discover a mage secret with 3 mana or a 1 mana paladin card. so you can manage your mana curve pretty good with this card.
Will be see play like wandmaker 4/5
Sketchy Stranger
Yes, It´s like the SI:7 Skulker, They wanna establish secret rogue and combo rogue at the same time. I think they had not the space so they put the most general card to the neutral pool.
But It can be see play in other classes, the effect is not too bad.
This card is pretty good. 4/5
Why? So every “D:Destroy a random minion” effect had to less stats and doesnt see play.
Like this one mech in hunter or spellburst beast.
But this will see play, it has so much synergy. You can use this powerful effect in so much classes. Priest with Xyrella(5 drop for quest priest), Rogue with Smokescreen/Graveyard, Druid with the new location. So much synergy-options.
And cherry on top it is a beast, so you can run this with pet teacher/revive pet in some kind of beast hunter.
It´s aggressive, It´s powerful, It will see play in certain decks.
Spirit Poacher
Will not see play. It is a bit too slow and you dont know what you get.
You play against an aggro deck than you want the Fox spirit, against value decks the Stag spirit than its pretty good but believe me you get always the wrong wildseed.
Maybe hunter get some synergies which make this card better but for now. 3/5
Famished Fool
Every class has better card draw option, expect hunter.
So maybe in hunter with his 1-2 mana token minions and bats and so on.
But for other classes you play cards like multicaster and so.
Millhouse for Demon Hunter.
It has very good stats for aggro decks and demon hunter have very good card draw to negate this effect.
Maybe but I think no 😀
Serrated Bone Spike
A combo enabler or cheat out cards with prep and deal 3 damage.
5/5 metadefining
Suspicious Alchemist
I like this card, is a solid one drop and good for decks which want discover spells to run some specific spells like big spell mage.
And your opponent will have a hard time to guess the right spell, also you can mindgame him.
This card is better than you think, cards like wand thief was nearly an autopick in mage. 4/5
The Harvester of Envy
This card is a meme.
There is no good support for this card, the caravan or the 1/1 psychic are too bad.
So this card will get a support in this expansion. But overall even you steal a card, you have to pay a lot for this effect, which is often irrelevant and situational.
Maybe there is an OTK meta til rotation 2024, than this card will see play. But now just a too slow and situational card.
Ghastly Gravedigger
Secrets coming back. OMG!!! AWESOME!!!
and btw. pretty nice card, good tempo, strong effect, very good support for secret rogue. 4/5
Artificer Xy'mox
Really good legendary, the infuse (5) should be no problem in DH and this cards works pretty good. It is in the new archetype a endgame shocker -> Imagine: Draw 2 cards they cost 0, Deal 6-8 damage twice and summon two 6/6 to 8/8.
Also if this archetypes doesnt work, it is good in regular DH´s if you get the infused effect on.
If you dont get the infused it is just mediocre in archetype deck and unplayable in standalone versions.
Give +3/+3 to a minion for just 1 mana is pretty strong. I never seen such huge buff before.
With the support from new location, the dude legendary, dude core set support and the Dude support cards from this expansion, dude pally can be actually a thing.
A very board centric archetype and you can put good stats to the field at once.
Dude pally will be really good this expansion especially with this 1 mana spell.
There are a few cards which will release and is a potential candidate to be a good archetype, I belive in this archetype, would be cool if it makes the cut in the meta.
Relic of Extinction
Ok, the bad rate of this card comes from the dissapointment that these cards are just regular effects.
It´s good in some kind of control tempo style deck and thats really cool, I like when demon hunter goes into control mode. But I actually dont know what “improve” does exactly.
So I think the damage will improve 1 -> 2 -> 3. So you have to build up these cards so turn 2 – 5 will be very slow in this archetype but the following turns will be really good. The location and new legendary supports this aswell. We will see, this card has the function to improve the other relics for the next turn also a good late game removal if you “improved” a lot. Pretty good card if this archetypes works.
The comeback quality is very good in demon hunter, there are many lifesteal, aoe effects so the
Very hard to rate, depends on how fast the meta will be, which cards will be released for DH. But the “feeling” and the “flavour” are really cool in this archetype. Hope this will be playable.
Relic of Dimensions
Ok, the bad rate of this card comes from the dissapointment that these cards are just regular effects.
It´s good in some kind of control tempo style deck and thats really cool, I like when demon hunter goes into control mode. But I actually dont know what “improve” does exactly.
So I think the drawn cards will get cheaper. So you have to build up these cards so turn 2 – 5 will be very slow in this archetype but the following turns will be really good. The location and new legendary supports this aswell. We will see, the standalone effect to draw 2 cards with reduction of 1 is pretty bad but gets so much better per “Improving”. Maybe the strongest relic card if improved.
The comeback quality is very good in demon hunter, there are many lifesteal, aoe effects so the
Very hard to rate, depends on how fast the meta will be, which cards will be released for DH. But the “feeling” and the “flavour” are really cool in this archetype. Hope this will be playable.
Relic of Phantasms
Ok, the bad rate of this card comes from the dissapointment that these cards are just regular effects.
It´s good in some kind of control tempo style deck and thats really cool, I like when demon hunter goes into control mode. But I actually dont know what “improve” does exactly.
So I think the spirits get better 1/1 -> 2/2. So you have to build up these cards so turn 2 – 5 will be very slow in this archetype but the following turns will be really good. The location and new legendary supports this aswell.
The comeback quality is very good in demon hunter, there are many lifesteal, aoe effects so the
Very hard to rate, depends on how fast the meta will be, which cards will be released for DH. But the “feeling” and the “flavour” are really cool in this archetype. Hope this will be playable.
Pretty solid card.
When I see this card I have to think of stonehill defender.
Has the upside that you defend the board while you discover a card.
The paladin pool is really good in standard.
But I dont know if its good enough. It is worse Compared to the discover effect of “Battle Vicar: Discover a holy spell”, because you have a shorter discover pool, holy synergy and more control cards.
So in a prince deck or a very value oriented deck it will see play if your paladin deck has some space left. 3/5