Stonekeep's Comments
Wailing Caverns Hearthstone Mini-Set Price & Card Rarity Distribution
Yeah, that’s true, but the issue is that you never really know how good the cards will be. Like Moonfang – it seemed meh at first, but it was actually played in some of the best Paladin builds this expansion. And the deal is only temporary, so it’s not like you can wait for a year to see whether those cards will see play. It’s even more apparent with the first expansion of the Standard year – cards from Wailing Caverns mini-set will be in Standard for (give or take) 1 year and 10 months, so a lot might happen with regarding their power level.
Of course the discussion is different when you use real money, but when it comes to Gold, it was just better value than buying packs. You could argue that you can save it from packs from the next expansion, but here you also don’t know whether the cards you open will be useful or not. The only alternative use of Gold are Hero portraits, but it comes down to whether you prefer having more cards or more cosmetics.
I actually ended up not buying Darkmoon Races with gold, because I had ~50 packs from Darkmoon Faire saved up for it way before pricing was announced. And I still haven’t opened Moonfang, which I then had to craft, so I’d be much better off not buying all those extra packs and simply paying 2k for the mini-set. But who knew. Right now I just bought 20 less Forged in the Barrens packs with gold and saved that 2k for mini-set.
Wailing Caverns Hearthstone Mini-Set Price & Card Rarity Distribution
That would be really flavorful. While I was nearly exclusively playing Horde, I remember Westfall really fondly from my Alliance playthroughs back in the day.
Wailing Caverns Hearthstone Mini-Set Price & Card Rarity Distribution
It says so in the trailer description on YouTube, so I’d call that “confirmed”. Not sure if the same pricing will be kept in the future, but I would guess yes.
Shop Update: Magni Bronzebeard Hero Set (1500 Gold or $9.99) and Lunara's Garden Card Back (500 Gold or $2.99) Are Now Available
Annhylde from the last Tavern Pass is my favorite so far.
Last Chance to Disenchant Cards Nerfed In Patch 20.2.2 For Full Dust Cost (May 26)
True about Mankrik, but keep in mind that if you unpacked Golden version then you can Dust it for 3.2k and just play the normal version everyone got for free. It’s a great deal if you don’t care about Golden cards, since it lets you craft 2 other Legendaries you pick.
And yeah, all of those cards still see play – including Crabrider. But my point is that if you don’t actively play them right now, DE is not a bad idea. You might not end up playing a deck running them at all, and if you do, you can always craft them back.
Plus, I never click “disenchant all” button for the nerfs sake. I had like 10+ copies of all those commons and got a nice chunk of Dust for free by getting rid of the extras.
Shop Update: Last Chance To Buy Battle-Ready Decks, Standard Bundle, Sparkles Card Back and (Possibly) Khadgar Hero Set
I counted it yesterday, and if they launch it after the same amount of time as in Darkmoon Faire (9 weeks), it would be exactly next week. Timing makes sense. I think that next week is likely, 2 weeks from now is the worst case scenario. Maybe they’ll even announce it this week?
Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks - Forged in the Barrens Week 8 - May 2021
If you want to play Shaman you need to go Aggro (you know, the Doomhammer build). It’s pretty decent, not great, but you can definitely climb with it. Unless that’s what you meant by “Spell Damage” with Bru’kan, because many builds also run Bru’kan to improve burn spells.
I hope that mini-set mixes things up, I’m pretty bored of the current meta already :/
Duels Hotfix - Unlocked Potential Moved To Different Treasure Pool
Sorry :/ I honestly didn’t think that they will fix it so quickly, I assumed that they will be playable at least until next big patch.
OTK Control Warrior - #6 Legend (Meati) - The Barrens
OTK worked very consistently last year, when Skipper + Armorsmith combo was a thing. Right now it’s often not a full OTK, because you won’t get enough armor, but rather 20+ damage. You need to play against really passive builds to get full OTK, but it’s possible. However, keep in mind that you also run C’Thun to finish the job just in case. Both of those give you an edge against Priest and Warlock, which are normally bad matchups for Control Warrior (however, they obviously take away some WR from other matchups).
Scoundrels have two purposes. First, just being a minion you can drop on T4 – 5/5 are pretty good stats to put on the board, it lets you be more proactive. And second – overdrawing your opponent / getting them closer to fatigue. Another anti-Control tech. I think that Meati played it specifically for the Priest matchup, which is very, very common in high Legend. They do care about fatigue and often stay at 9 cards at the end of their turn, so it works wonders.
Which Battle-Ready Decks Are The Best And Which Are Most Picked?
Thank you!
I think that Crystology is superior to First day of School. While it only gives you 2 cards and not 3, you’re guaranteed to get good ones and it also thins your deck. Unless you want to run both, but that might be a bit too much. Still, feel free to try it out, even running one not optimal card won’t impact your WR that much 🙂
Is Random (RNG) Resource Generation in Hearthstone Too Strong?
Yeah, that’s why I think that there needs to be some balance. Clearly there are people who like RNG, otherwise they wouldn’t design cards like that. I honestly think that the game would be boring without any kinds of random card generation, discovers, RNG effects etc. Some matchups would get old very quickly, as much as it’s annoying to lose because your opponent got a perfect card. But for me it’s not very fun knowing how each step of the matchup is going to go and often relying on a different kind of RNG to decide the games – draw RNG.
But last year was horrible, we had SO MUCH resource generation that it was crazy. There’s a point at which you just can’t play around anything, because opponent is generating more cards than they’re drawing. That’s why I like having some RNG, because it adds variance, and makes people use cards they normally wouldn’t have (lots of unplayable cards are used in cool and interesting ways because they’re generated at the right time). But if there’s too much of it, it also gets unfun very quickly.
Is Random (RNG) Resource Generation in Hearthstone Too Strong?
Yes, they’ve said that they want to reduce it. And honestly, they did. Forged in the Barrens has much less resource generation than previous expansions (although we have one very popular Neutral one – Venomous Scrorpid). But we’ll really need another rotation to feel the results, because 2020 had a lot of random resource generation.
It’s already better than last year after Lackeys have rotated out, though. Right now lots of resource generation is mostly limited to Priest, and Mage to a certain extent (but not as much).
Patch 20.2.2 - Nerfs to Refreshing Spring Water, First Day of School, Hysteria, Crabrider and Mankrik, 10 Card Buffs, 8 Quilboar Nerfs and Barrens Blacksmith Removed in BG
It might be a buff in some mid-late game scenarios, but the biggest strength of 0 mana version was the fact that it was an amazing 1-drop. You definitely don’t want to pay 1 extra mana for a random 1-drop in faster Paladin decks.
Shop Update: Khadgar Hero Portrait ($9.99 or 1500 Gold), Standard Bundle ($4.99 For 5x Pack + 1x Legendary) and Pizza Stone Card Back ($2.99 or 500 Gold)
That’s a loooot of gold.
Shop Update: Khadgar Hero Portrait ($9.99 or 1500 Gold), Standard Bundle ($4.99 For 5x Pack + 1x Legendary) and Pizza Stone Card Back ($2.99 or 500 Gold)
What I really need is “random portrait” function like random card back. I just HATE the fact that I have so many cool portraits that I won’t use, because I can’t be bothered to change them manually every few games (so I stick with the one I like most).
And the rotating portraits are actually anti-FOMO for me. I know that I don’t “HAVE” to get every single one I like right away, because it will make a comeback eventually. I have at least 2-3 extra portraits for every class now anyway so I don’t feel like I need more until the random portrait function. The only thing I’m “worried” about are Battle Pass portraits – there are just so many of them that they would nearly fill the entire rotation by themselves.
Last Chance To Buy Darkmoon Races Mini-Set Bundle ($14.99 / 2000 Gold) - Is It Worth It?
Sure, but if I was F2P, I’d much rather get more cards / resources than cosmetics. I know that many people will disagree with me here, but Hero portraits are a huge gold bait :p I’d prefer to play the decks I want with a basic skin than struggling to get cool decks while having cool skins.
But of course, it all depends on the circumstances. There are tons of other ways to spend gold on, but value-wise it’s still one of the best purchases in HS if you don’t have the cards (especially for real money). I assume that the next mini-set (which should come out in a few weeks) will also be a good deal, but it’s hard to say how good the cards will be.
Top Standard & Wild Legend Decks - Forged in the Barrens Week 6 - May 2021
I think that I’d go for Venomous Scorpid. While it’s not very powerful to raise, it still gives you a Poisonous minion opponent needs to kill before playing anything big, and it’s just a good card in general.
But if you want something specifically for N’Zoth, I think that I’d go for Fleethoof Pearltusk – as long as you have some ways to Corrupt it, of course. N’Zoth is best when it has immediate impact, and 8/8 with Rush is exactly that. If you don’t have enough 6+ cards to Corrupt it, probably Moonfang or Lake Thresher then.
Alternatively, if you play a lot of Priests and you struggle against them, I’d go for Educated Elekk I think. This way you can easily draw more resources and tempo out without having to worry about losing fatigue matchup, since it will shuffle extra cards into your deck.
Tavern Brawl - A Chance Encounter
I feel like nearly every week now is “we’re out of ideas week”. Not like the Brawls are bad, but like 95% of them are repeats.
Honestly, I disagree. Dungeoneers actually look decent, especially Shaman one stands out. Since it’s the class that struggles with card draw, having a 3 mana 2/3 that will often draw you 2 cards is a big deal. And Mutanus can be a nice tech card in certain metas.
But of course, we’ll see how it all works out.