Soup And Salad's Comments
Coffin Crasher
It does look like it would be, but the dragon portion provides as much of the power of the deck, if not more, than the deathrattle synergies just because the dragon package is just so strong as it is.
Hunting Mastiff
If a quest’s rewards were not worth meeting the deck building requirement since the two are intertwined, it is a bad reward. The same applies to Jungle Giants and Unite the Murlocs.
In The March Queen’s case, running about 15 1 drops in a hunter deck was easy enough and allowed for a fairly consistent and quick completion rate of the quest, sometimes early enough to play Carnassa on curve. However, the 15 3/2s that cycled themselves were usually easy to kill with the typical sort of cards that are good against decks that go wide and once they stopped drawing into each other, they killed the momentum the deck created by piling as many minions as they did onto the board. If you played Carnassa on turn 5 and you went 2nd, you’d have 35 total cards in your deck, and a 3 in 7 chance of drawing a brood and perhaps starting a chain of summoning broods, but that was unlikely.
You could wait to play Carnassa to increase the chances of drawing Broods, but the longer you wait, the less meaningful those broods will be.
While the deck building requirement of a Quest Hunter deck did play a part in its failure, Fire Plume’s Heart proved a wonky requirement with a good enough reward was extremely playable, even if that playablilty slowly declined as time when on.
Quest Priest WitchWood (theory)
I would try to fit in a Tar Creeper and replace the shadow words with Spirit Lashs. Everything else seems fine for what we know about the set so far.
Coffin Crasher
Yes. Such a strategy can work since you’d play Amara when you’re low on health and then hold back your opponent with the value created by Obsidian Statue revivals with Eternal Servitude and Diamond Spellstone while also outlasting them with the cards you get from Archbishop Benadictus. It’s the best of all worlds on paper.
The issue comes into play when you consider what your opponents might be playing. Right now, the only other control deck worth considering in most cases is Cube Warlock variants, which draw half their deck by the turn you could play Benadictus. Even then, all the extra time they have increases the chances they’ll pull off the Rin the First Disciple and destroy your buffed up deck. It also doesn’t help one of this potential deck’s most important cards is a 7 mana 4/6 that doesn’t instantly affect the board or draw you cards.
Obsidian Statue is a powerful card and it usually is the best thing you can summon with this or Free from Amber, but playing Amara has little to do with playing Archbishop and playing both can often conflict with each other at least if you play the latter first.
Coffin Crasher
Yeah. A minion with an ability like that will eventually do something at least semi-competitive.
Coffin Crasher
Such a deck lacks a win condition at the moment since Awaken the Makers just gives you a better Reno. It would be good against decks that are midrange or faster, but Amara doesn’t provide the sort of long lasting value one would need to win in the late game against control and combo decks.
It would probably be fun to screw around with and annoy people by pulling it off though similar to the Weasel Tunneler deck.
Coffin Crasher
Umber and Coffin Crasher could be a thing, but whatever that thing it better win you the game as it is a 10 mana and 3 card combo. Such a thing could be done with Deathwing, Dragonlord, especially if you summon a Ysera, but other than maybe Statue, there isn’t anything we know of that would be that good in Standard.
Coffin Crasher
I guess, and Bone Drake and this could be okay replacements for cards Spiteful Dragon Priest will be losing next month, but I am unsure if it will be enough.
Coffin Crasher
One of the biggest issues with decks built around the weaker quests is they lack a true win condition within the quest itself.
Awaken the Makers gives you a better Reno, good against aggressive and tempo decks, but it can’t win a game by itself. If a deck built around it can’t become viable with N’Zoth, I very much doubt a deck without it will be able to do much with out without Obsidian Statue Summoner the card.
The best quests give you a reward that affects your opponent in some way. Rogue’s pressure’s your opponent with cheap 5/5s, Warrior’s instant kills minions or deals heavy damage to their hero every turn, and Mage’s skips their turn. The ones that have not seen play outside of experimentation, other than Warlock’s and Paladin’s, only affect you.
Coffin Crasher
They already had that in Big Priest with Barnes and Shadow Essence. Sure, this is an extra body on top of it, but Priest doesn’t have a Dark Pact-esque combo piece to make Coffin Crasher into an instant turn 6 or 7 Statue.
Plus you have to draw both the Statue and Crasher to get the combo off in a class without a whole lot of extra draw, where as Lackey call pull the Voidlord out of the deck.
Coffin Crasher
I can see this working to insert Obsidian Statue into more Priest decks or be an addition into Big Priest to get the Obsidian Statues and any other deathrattles one might play in that deck perhaps 3 turns before you’d normally get to do so. Granted, Big Priest will need another card like Barnes for that deck to be anything more than auto lose to aggro and tempo the deck.
It is pretty decent by itself, especially if a Deathrattle Priest finally becomes viable, but this is a card whose power will be greatly determined by the quality of the cards you’d want to summon with it, and right now Obsidian Statue and maybe Cairne are the only cards you’d really want to float into from what I can tell unless there’s some lower cost deathrattle I’m forgetting at the moment.
Clockwork Automaton
All of those ideas are really slow. They’ll work out in a slower meta game, but expecting it to work out in anything faster than a midrange environment is a little out there.
While Cubelock will probably still be very powerful after the rotation, you won’t need this card that won’t do anything until after you play the Bloodreaver Guldan to win as the 25 damage Doomgaurd combo will end most games if you pull it off.
Even Shadowreaper Anduin’s Voidform won’t benifit too much off of this with Raza the Chained rotating out of standard. You’ll get 6 damage and a 4/4 that will probably die the next turn for 9 mana. It could make some waves in wild, but that nerf to Raza made that more difficult than its probably worth if the popular Wild Priest deck lists are anything to go by.
And the Siphon Life hero power with this card on the board would heal for 12 since the card would double the damage and then double the healing from the damage.
You are right, and I was talking about that idea more so than the card itself.
The card itself if alright, but I would’ve preferred it to be a sort of proactive version of Twilight Gaurdian with that same 2/6 base stat line. It would’ve at least made it last on the board.
Vex Crow
If a non-secret variant of Tempo mage comes into the forefront of the metagame, this will be a major part of it just because it will create a ton a value. However, it won’t make the deck by itself like Flamewaker did. If the archetype gets something similar to Kabal Crystal Runner, Tempo mage will be playable again with or without the secret support.
If this were a dragon itself, it obviously would be better, but the idea of a crossover deck between dragons and beasts won’t really translate well into reality. The only class that could happen in would be Hunter, and there aren’t that many good neutral dragons for that class to use unless control Beast Hunter becomes a thing.
I do hope this is all the Dragon package gets given how annoying the package has proven to be playing against it lately.
Clockwork Automaton
There are some hero powers this can do well in, and it does functionally become a 7 mana 4/4 Battlecry: deal 4 damage in a Baku mage, but to play an card as badly understated as this you will need to get your hero power off at least twice.
I can see this being a finisher in Quest Warrior to deal 16 damage with the hero power, but that would only work out if your opponent has an empty board.
At least its a common, so if it turns out to be crap, it won’t be that devastating of a pull.
Blackwald Pixie
This seems pretty alright for what its trying to do. I do think its a shame it cannot be used with Genn, but it can be useful especially with some of the Death Knight Hero powers like Druid’s or Hunter’s or other upgraded powers like Quest Warrior’s. The stats are pretty decent too.
It really depends on whether Paladin shifts more towards midrange in Wild for this to see play in that format.
But generally, Loathed is better since the body it creates will be a threat on the board and as such it will never be a dead card, but Rebuke can be in minion based match-ups.
If this card sees play, it because Miracle Rogue desperately needs coins, not because the card is actually good.It just doesn’t do enough come turn 4, if this were 3 mana, the coin it gives you could be seen as a sort of reverse overload and that could be pretty interesting, but this is simply over costed.
Yeah Silver Hand Paladin will probably be around as a niche aggro deck rather than the powerhouse it is right now.
Also, your success with a deck does not mean that success can be repeated for the thousands of players who are less familiar with the deck or less skilled than yourself. I am aware of a handful of players that are so good at playing control Warrior, it’s all they play are are successful with it even at higher legend ranks, but that doesn’t mean Control Warrior is a top teir deck.