Soup And Salad's Comments
Blackhowl Gunspire
This can be decent given the right circumstances. Any whirlwind effect played with this on board can be really powerful. I can see some form of Control Warrior using this, but its stats are what kill it. 7 mana for a card that can’t attack should have more than 8 health.
Perhaps if this had taunt, it would be good enough to throw out on turn 7, but as is, its rather niche.
Blackhowl Gunspire
I agree that or perhaps a clause of “This minion can only take up to 2 damage at a time” or something would’ve push the card over the edge of playability.
Blackhowl Gunspire
How exactly is creating a slightly weak legendary minion for Warrior disrespecting Hearthstone’s player base?
Also, how is the Lich King only as strong as Goldshire Footman?
You last point makes no sens too. Blizzard doesn’t constantly shift their people around to their various games depending on what each of those games apparently need.
Lady in White
Yeah. You can throw it into any Priest deck because you can, but it shouldn’t be relied on and that deck will probably be able to win without it.
It’s a good card, but its inclusion won’t make or break a deck.
Lady in White
You still have to draw the card, and even in Wild, priest doesn’t have that much draw. Any Wild control deck worth its salt should be able to deal with playing one rather big minion per turn. This is a good card, but it comes out way too late in a class that can then do something like Elvish Minstrel-Shadowstep-Elvish Minstrel to be game breaking..
Lady in White
This is hardly too strong existing in a class with only two forms of card draw outside of the neutral card draw like Gnomish Inventor.
Why would we see Druid or Shaman given what we know about the set thus far? Nothing shown so far is so amazing they have to become top competitive classes, and both classes will be losing quite a few really good cards. Hagatha may be a good card, but we need to see the rest of the Shaman line-up to say either way.
Lady in White
Not necessarily. Their minions will only be able to take the same amount of damage they could before they played it. They could have 2, 3, 4, or even 5 or more stats than they did before, but the value it creates comes out slowly enough that most other control deck should be able to handle it well enough. Cubelock definitely will at least.
Lady in White
At least in Standard after this card enters the format, it will probably do more harm to the dragon package than good. The effectiveness of Twilight Acolyte and Twilight drake will be crushed by using this card. I don’t think the two will be too compatible outside of Wild.
Lady in White
Hardly. Unless you’re doing nothing by playing high health, low cost minions in a deck that somehow always gets this card to your hand by turn 6, relying on this thing as your win condition won’t usually end well.
This is a good card, but new decks built around it will need to be built to get the full value out of it since the Dragon Package, which may be losing relevance anyway, will be hurt by using this card (Twilight Acolyte and Twilight Drake in particular) and most minions in Spiteful Priest will only gain +1 attack or nothing.
Lady in White
You may throw this into Priest decks just because you can most of the time, and it will create a lot of late game pressure on your opponent when you start throwing out 1 mana 3/3s or 3 mana 5/5s or even 9 mana 12/12s. However, I think it’s just too slow and exists in a class with only 2 forms of true card draw, Power Word: Shield and Northshire Cleric, so even after you play it, it’ll take forever to get the minions left in your deck to your hand and then onto the board.
Comparing this to Prince Keleseth is generally valid, and I think it comes up short in most aspects. Keleseth affects all minions in your deck positively all of the time, increases the health of minions along with attack, and can come out early and in some cases often, but has a restriction. It is also usually used in classes that have access to card draw like Rogue and Warlock for a good reason too. Otherwise the value created by the card is just sitting in your deck doing nothing for you.
This card is better than The Mistcaller since it does have better stats the boost can be a better especially with minions with a lot more health than attack, but this does hurt the Dragon Package, Twilight Acolyte and Twilight Drake in particular. Perhaps, you just wouldn’t use the two together in the same deck, but the card also doesn’t do a whole lot for current Spiteful Priest decks. Most minions in that deck would only gain +1 attack or nothing with the exception of Grand Archivist.
This is a well designed and high quality card with good enough stats, but it is not completely broken unless you’re building a deck filled with the minions mentioned in the card review. Even then, you have to draw this Legendary without the sort of draw found in Rogue and Warlock, leaving you relatively open to faster decks. Perhaps this will create a sort of Taunt Priest that maybe includes the quest to help against aggro or something.
Lady in White
Not necessarily. Keleseth can come out at the very beginning of the game and will always affect minions in a positive matter. This can create 4 mana 7/7s with taunt, but you can’t play it on turn 4 since this come out too late for that, and it turns offensively statted minions into pure garbage. Usually, you’ll also only get +1 or +2 attack on most of your minions is you specifically play nothing but defensive minions. That can be good, but Priest as a class likes semi-random card generation over pure card draw at the moment.
So, with Keleseth Rogue or Zoolock, you can play it out on turn 2, and then use either the card draw provided by cards like Elvin Mistral, Kobold Librarian, Warlock’s hero power, and so on to quickly get the extra value created by Keleseth and progressively whittle away at the enemy Hero while maintaining control of the board.
You just can’t do that with Lady in White in Priest.
Cheap Shot
This is the sort of card miracle Rogue could love, decent early game removal and something that can fuel an Auctioneer turn. Granted, that fuel can only really do a whole with an auctioneer when its still alive the turn after you play it.
Maybe it is just because WANTED! is so bad, but this seems rather good at least by comparison. Even though the current Miracle Rogue lists will be pretty much unchanged with the rotation, losing only counterfeit coin, I can see this being fit into the deck unless something better comes along.
I would not be too surprised if this ends up being one of the better cards Rogue gets in this set though. HS R&D are really weary on giving Rogue too much good stuff since SI7 Agent, Eviscerate, Edwin VanCleef, and really almost all of the classic and basic sets is all amazing. That classic Rogue core is still making waves in the metagame with decks like Frozen Thrown Tempo Rogue. Perhaps, the classic set will be shaken up next year, and Rogue can finally start getting undeniably good support in the expansion sets.
Sound the Bells!
It at least isn’t an awful idea, a little uninspired yes, but the cards they’ve chosen to remade make sense to have echo.
Sound the Bells!
As it is, it is good for the archetype it belongs to, Quest/Buff Paladin, but won’t see play outside of that archetype unless 2/3 Silver Hand Recruits end up being rather strong.
If this gave +2/+3 for 3 mana instead, I think it would be more playable. However, outside of Blessing of Kings, the playable buff cards like Spikeridge Steed, Velen’s Blessings, and Mark of Y’Shaarj all do something on top of the stats they give to the minion. If this did something minor like give the minion a deathrattle that summons a 1/1 spirit or even just Taunt, it could be enough to push the card over the edge and see play in Paladin in general like Steed did for a time.
I’m not totally convinced on Face Hunter because 3 damage to face per turn is not that much better than 2 damage, but Baku Quest Warrior does have quite a bit going for it. (Although I foresee it not doing that well against Cubelock because that deck spawns so many 1/3 to absorb the 8 damage throws) Granted, part of the reason why I want Quest Warrior to work again is because I crafted it a year ago now.
I can see the utility in this card, and most 1 drops are pretty decent. It’s just that its a slight redesign to the Paladin Spell Small Time Recruits. Where as playing everything this provides only costs 5 mana and comes with a body on the board immediately versus the 6 mana the other card would cost, it is more random than Small Time Recruits was.
Perhaps it’ll see play in aggressive Baku decks to help fill in gaps in your curve or aggressive deck without a lot of access to other card generation since the cards this creates will usually be a 2/1 or 1/2 with some sort of upside, often related to stat buffing like Young Priestess, Acherus Veteran, Abusive Sergeant, Mana Wyrm, and Blood Imp or useful later game taunts like Shieldbearer, Voil Walker, or Righteous Protector.
The primary issue of this card is its stats. While 3 mana 2/1s have seen play before like Disciple of C’Thun, most of the other 1 health 3 drops are generally considered bad. However, none of them draws you cards right as it is played. It has more potential than most.
This card is simply too slow. If it had taunt, it would be at least three times as playable. Otherwise, this is a win-more card at best. Given this card’s high cost, it could’ve been a neutral minion without too many issues I can think of.
Hand buffing is simply too slow of a mechanic to make viable generally. It did work a bit in Paladin, but their hand buff cards hit everything in your hand, which is like this card in that regard. However, it comes out too late for it to really affect the game in a meaningful way at that point.
Darius Crowley
This could be a good part of the Tempo Warrior deck this set seems to want to make viable. The 4/4 for 5 statline is rather weak, but with Rush, it should be able to kill something on board and survive to be a 6/3 on average unless you just killed a Voildlord or your opponent has a bunch of tokens to kill. In such a case, it will usually take out 2 threats for 1 card (The minion it killed when played and whatever your opponent uses to taken it out).
It will be a part of the Tempo Warrior deck, but it won’t make or break the deck by itself. There isn’t anything that greatly rewards playing such a deck theme like Medivh’s Velet and Kabal Crystal Runner did for Secret Mage yet, but it could still happen.
Hunting Mastiff
Playing 4 cards (Let’s say Backstab, Preparation, Fan of Knives, and then Edwin VanCleef) as Rogue to summon an 8/8 is something that isn’t completely unheard of on turn 3. Summoning only a 6/6 is more likely on that turn, but big Hyenas created by a 2 card combo have existed ever since Unleash the Hounds took on the form it currently does. Sure, it requires some set-up by your opponent to make it really big, but there are some decks that would at least prefer not to send early game resources into a 2 drop.
The first two combos you listed off are both 10 mana and leaves you with a board consisting of just a 1/1 and a 1/1 and a 2/4 that could’ve been a 4/2 or a 4/4 with taunt instead respectively. Those combos also only deal with the minions on the board rather than getting damage to the Hero. Against any control deck worth its salt that isn’t running out of plays to make can probably deal with a board wipe on turn 10. Also, that second combo would only deal 18 damage (1 for Timber Wolf, 3 for Animal Companion, and 6 for the 1 mana 1/s. 6*(1+1+1) = 18)
That last combo is a bit more interesting though since it is a crap version of Ultimate Infestation that can’t be thrown out on turn 7 or occasionally earlier, doesn’t heal for 5, can’t throw the damage at the hero to pressure them more, leaves a 3/2 to the board instead of a 5/5, but does still draw 5 cards. A fairly powerful late game combo with Starving Buzzard would probably do more good for the class than not since it is a combo that would not be used until until the late game and functionally does nothing more than draw you 5 cards when playing against slower Midrange, control, or combo decks. Plus there are more powerful things in existence right now like Divine Favor and the aforementioned Ultimate Infestation.
Lastly, class characteristics need to be a lot more fluid than you imply they should be. Giving a traditionally aggressive class some class appropriate control options will do more good for the game than ill, and any combo with Starving Buzzard would be difficult to abuse with aggro deck seeing as it is horribly understated for its cost and would need to draw at least 3 cards through its ability in order to make up for that.
This can search out some rather decent cards and with the combination of Rush and Deathrattle, it can functionally be a better Starfire.
This getting Vilespine Slayer or Edwin VanCleef for the late game will be very powerful. The question is whether Rogue will be good enough after the rotation.