Peter's Comments
Abominable Bowman
So this card is really cool
Yes you could get a Highmane back, but you could also get its tokens.
As for no 1 drops, you could still throw in non beasts like fire fly (or even doomsayer for pure control)
3.5/5, just a neat card all around
Ok so I’m going to have to find the flaws with this card
It would be better as a 3/4?
Yeah that’s all i got
Mountainfire Armor
i really think this is being over hyped
Aggro decks just ignore it and force it to trade, wasting the deathrattle, while control doesn’t mind you getting 6 armor.
Unless you curve this into Defender of Argus, i just don’t quite see this
One thing to note is freeze mage HATES this card, as you just play it when the doomsayer
Ticking Abomination
So to anyone saying that this curves so well off of Devilsaur Egg
Remember Ravenous Pterrordax? It also procs the egg, but becomes a better minion and doesn’t wipe the rest of your board. Of yeah, that combo sees NO play right now. (yes that’s cause warlock sucks but still)
Clearly an unplayable card to me, going to need a miraculous synergy to get this to see any play.
Deathstalker Rexxar
some people play wild
just because you don’t doesn’t mean others don’t
you are not the universe
Shallow Gravedigger
First off, handbuff Paladin is really bad right now. Yes i get it might be better with this expansion but i doubt it.
Second, Fire Flies are run because you always know what you get. It’s consistent.
Finally, while you might get something good, you can also get Anomalus.
Spirit Lash
Amazing card, on turn 4 throw Bloodmage Thalnos down then this to clear alot of boards and heal quite a nice amount of health.
Can also be used to clear the turn 1 3 pirates that is all to common
Shallow Gravedigger
Some potential, but the stats are too weak to really see play
Might see play in something like aggro Druid but otherwise not happening
Prince Keleseth
Yeah this card is nice with the Hunter Quest.
You make me a deck that has no 2 drops.
Then let’s say you somehow draw this reliably on turn 2.
Now all your minions are +1 +1
For how hard the “quest” is, the reward sucks
Deathstalker Rexxar
On paper this looks like a great card for control Hunter.
Unfortunately, Hunter has never gotten the support to be anything other then a really aggressive class, something this card doesn’t help with.
Maybe with more control cards in the expansion this might see play but otherwise save your dust.
Chillblade Champion
This card to me is similar to Bash.
Both deal 3 damage and heal 3 health.
This one costs 1 more mana, but might leave a minion in play and can be affected by Paladin’s many buff spells.
In the aggro meta we always seem to have, this might be good
5/5 so CUTE
actually look kinda bad but w/e