MrMeme's Comments
Fr0zen's Control Mage - Hearthstone World Championship 2017
I replaced Thalnos with acolyte of pain and I already have 1 meteor and i replaced the 2nd one with a blizzard
Georgec's #32 Legend Freeze Mage (January 2018)
All the new K&C cards fit really well into freeze mage. This expansion really helped freeze mage deck building
Jambre's Unstable Evolution Giants Shaman
Im not too sure about running double guild recruter since if you draw one of ur 4 mana 7/7 ull be paying 5 mana for a 2/4
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Next time there’s a bug they should give us 1 pack with a garuanteed legendary
Fr0zen's #9 Legend Control Warrior (December 2017)
I went against an aggro druid and he never got past my 28 hp
Fr0zen's #9 Legend Control Warrior (December 2017)
For king mosh Fr0zen said brawl on his stream since what u want mosh for is killing minions
Tempo Mage Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Why Ice Block? It’s an aggro deck u dont need ice block
Inner Fire Combo Priest - Wacky Waxy Winter's Veil Brawl Deck List
Void ripper also gives minions to r opponent so im not sure
Inner Fire Combo Priest - Wacky Waxy Winter's Veil Brawl Deck List
No radiant elemental?
Replacement for thalnos?