MrMeme's Comments
14-1 Legend Control Rogue
Incindius is not essential, you could replace him with a Dirty Rat or a the destroy enemy weapon Viper, other possibilities would be a Flik Skyshiv or Shadow Word: Steal. Up to personal preference and what you feel like you’re struggling with.
Could also put Kil’jaeden out of ETC (I’ve got to experiment with this)
Could probably replace the Tar Slick with a Scarab keychain, although tar slick + Health drink turns go crazy.
Or if you do Tar slick + tess (which replays all your health drinks).
Could possibly replace the Cover Artist with a Mind Control Tech.
Could replace Griftah with Speaker Stomper.
Overall I do think all the legendary cards this deck runs are very GOOOD and hard to replace with cards that are gonna be just as good.
What cards are you missing?
Sonya Rogue - #10 Legend (Obivankenobi) - Perils in Paradise
What exactly is win con with this deck?
How does one play this?
Il'gynoth Demon Hunter - Feno - Darkmoon Faire
What exactly is the go-to big damage Il’gynoth combo?
Trial by Felfire Challenges are Out! Get a Golden Kael'Thas Sunstrider For Beating Them
Can you disenchant it?
Galakrond Shaman - Hartfield - Ashes of Outland 17.2.1
Repalcement for second Shattered Rumbler?
Quest Warlock - #82 Legend (snow) - Ashes of Outland
This doesn’t seem very Galakrond Warlock like to me
Hunterace's Control Shaman - HCT World Championship 2019
Replacement for Swampqueen Hagatha and Omega Devastator?
Mecha'thun Warrior - Rise of Shadows - #1 Legend (Fibonacci)
There is no boom bot Dr. Boom
It’s only the hero Dr. Boom
Big Shaman - Rise of Shadows - #3 Legend (BoarControl)
Replacement for Cairne?
Currently using Mechanical Whelp
12-Win Standard Brawliseum Deathrattle Rogue - Boomsday (Kolento)
Replacement for Myra?
I don’t think the combo package is really worth running in this deck.
All 3 of these cards can be game winning cards so I think the the deck will be pretty bad if you’re missing all 3 of these to be honest, I know there is some Sonya combo OTK decks so you could look to play those.
Or if you want a slower Rogue deck thats refreshing you could try to cook up a slower starship control Rogue deck list. I’ve got a couple in the making but they’re still not great