MrMeme's Comments
Recruit Hunter Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Why no Dire Frenzy? It would be a great inclusion for this deck. Maybe -1 Tracking +1 Dire Frenzy
Meati's #15 Legend Shudderwock Shaman - Post Nerf Witchwood
To thin out your deck and draw the combo faster
Even Warlock Deck Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Replacement for Mountain Giant, Twilight Drake and Genn Greymane?
Even Warlock Deck Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
I’ve used the previus version to this one withoout ooze and dread infernals, instead with rin and 2 argent commanders and it allowed me to reach legend for my first time. I feel like the Argent Commanders worked really well and I’m suprised they’re not in this list.
Even Warlock Deck Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
He’s talking about Cubelock, cubelock doesnt run genn. :facepalm:
Cubelock Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Replace Umbra with taldaram and cut the 3 drops, and craft godfrey. If you don’t want to craft godfrey add a twisting nether
Noblegarden Celebration Next Week - Login to Get a Free Golden Eggnapper & Devilsaur Egg!
It’s May 9th still nothing.
Control Warlock Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Have you considered running ooze for when going against Cubelocks, Paladins, Warriors or Tempo mages. Maybe even Un’goro ooze
Blizzard Discussing Changes to Naga Sea Witch & Some Popular Standard Cards
Blizzard always nerfs, never buffs. FeelsBadMan
Some cards could really use some buffs
Haze's #1 Legend Wild Control Warlock (May 2018)
I wonder if this deck good in standard?
Haze's #1 Legend Wild Control Warlock (May 2018)
He got #1 legend in wild with no standard cards.
Replacement for Zola?