MrMeme's Comments
Cubelock Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Cube is fine and cubelock itself is not OP if you compare it to other meta decks
Odd Paladin Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
I recommend Gallon’s version of odd paladin much more consistent and really fun with witch’s cauldron
Cubelock Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
Why no more Faceless Manipulator, it’s great for copying cubes, giants, voidlords/doomguards or your opponent’s big minions
J4CKIECHAN's Witchwood Control Mage ft. Rotten Applebaum
You don’t need 3 ooze. I was considering Elise for added value in control matchups
Gallon's Witchwood #1 Legend Baku Odd Paladin ft. Witch's Cauldron
Witch’s Cauldron is so fun, I got 3 lightning storms which later allowed me to clear my opponents board and go face SMOrc
Genn Greymane Even Control Paladin Deck List Guide – The Witchwood – April 2018
When you say “You have a powerful board clear option on turn 10 with Equality and The Lich King.” I think you mean Equality and Primordial Drake
Odd Face Hunter Deck List Guide - Witchwood - May 2018
Have you considered running the card that refreshes your hero power or the one that doubles the dmg or are they just too slow.
Hearthstone The Witchwood Patch Notes for Patch 11.0 - The Witchwood & The Year of the Raven
Dude you’re a genius
The Witchwood Launch Survival Guide - Launch/Release Time, Tips, & Information
Only the golden version
Clockwork Automaton
I think it does work cause with Velen + Spirit lash, if there are 6 minions you heal for 24 cause 12 dmg but healing is also doubled, so I think guldan will heal for 12 cause you’re healing from your hero power but idk
Clockwork Automaton
But with guldan and this the hero power becomes deal 6 dmg and heal 12
Glinda Crowskin
Play this then next turn play 5 Gnomeferatu to trigger your opponent
Ike's #9 Legend Control Buff Paladin (March 2018)
Im using a Tirion since it’s another big threat, but IDK
Cubelock Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
This is a skill heavy deck so you have to think very carefuly about what you do and you need to have a plan for the game
You need Un’goro, Knights of the Frozen Throne, Kobolds and Catacombs and The Witchwood