MattH's Comments
Updated: Mitsuhide's Pilfered Power Aggro Token Druid (October 2017)
Very interesting deck. Unsure if i want to spend the dust on those Pilfered Powers though and its obviously pointless to try this list without them.
It’s tough to fork out 800 dust on an largely untested deck.
Introducing the Hearthstone Top Decks F2P BTW Challenge
I love this, will be following on closely.
I have been wanting to start on another server but always put it off as the thought of starting over was too much to get over.
It will be interesting to see the outcome week to week.
Good luck!
Neirea's Razakus Priest - #7 Legend (September 2017)
I don’t disagree with any of your comments but I believe that this deck was made specifically for top legend where Neirea knew the type of decks he was running into consistently.
e.g. if you vs alot of mirror matches than this deck is very strong. I would think that if you are not in the top legend ranks than you would tech differently for a more diverse meta.
This is the problem with netdecking in general. You don’t want to copy a deck which is made for a specific purpose if it is not relevant to your experience while laddering.
It’s clear that he has teched for what he expects to vs often which is why he has been successful with it.
Hearthstone Balance Patch w/Fiery War Axe & Innervate Nerfs is Releasing on September 18th!
It’s literally just an exact worse version of King’s defender, something that was almost never played.
Hearthstone Balance Patch w/Fiery War Axe & Innervate Nerfs is Releasing on September 18th!
For the record i did not say that pirate warrior will not be playable, just the war axe.
Hearthstone Balance Patch w/Fiery War Axe & Innervate Nerfs is Releasing on September 18th!
You don’t get it at all. the fact that it goes up 1 mana means that the entire curve is put behind. for example, you could not play the FWA plus the taunt for 1 mana on turn 3 anymore, you cannot play FWA turn two then buff it with pirates on turn three. you cannot coin out FWA then play the pirate on turn two for 5 attack. It’s not only about when its played its about the fact that all of the combinations are so much weaker.
In a rush deck, putting everything back 1 turn is huge.
Also, you do realise that warrior already has a 3 mana 3/2 weapon with an effect right?
Hearthstone Balance Patch w/Fiery War Axe & Innervate Nerfs is Releasing on September 18th!
Your also not considering that Aggro druid actually has a higher win rate than jade druid and also has a very high play rate (higher than any other class aside from priest). The nerf to innervate ners both aggro and jade druid. On top of that Jade druid had two cards nerfed.
Hearthstone Balance Patch w/Fiery War Axe & Innervate Nerfs is Releasing on September 18th!
The Fiery war axe nerf is massive, to the point where its completely unplayable. not having it on turn 2 means that they cannot buff their other pirates or buff the axe itself. nerfing the war axe essentially nerfs all of their pirates.
Pro Player's React to the Upcoming Nerfs to Fiery War Axe, Hex, Innervate, Etc.
Going off the stats off a site like vicious syndicate the comment makes perfect sense. After Pirate Warrior, Murloc Pally, Jade and Aggro Druid, shaman has the next highest percentage winrate.
Since all of the aforementioned decks are receiving a nerf then “Shaman is the best deck to remain untouched.”
Findan's Razakus Highlander Priest - #1 Legend (August 2017)
This one does have alot of draw which should assist in that regard.
Justsaiyan's Frozen Throne N'Zoth Control Warrior (August 2017)
Its very unfortunate that you cannot play decks like this because of druid.
Tavern Brawl - By The Power of Ragnaros
I went with a patron/blood warriors deck with Dead mans hand and Rotface. The amount you can draw is crazy and consistently flood the board with most of the whirlwind effects and minions getting down to 1 or 2 mana.
Ike's KFT Bonemare Dragon Priest (August 2017, Season 41)
you could go for second SW: death since the best target for The Black Knight is Lich King.
Plus bash meant that you would gain armor. with this card you have to face tank and lose your armor. It’s strictly just worse.
Standout Hearthstone Decks of the Week #8
I think this is just decks which were created in the last week.
TicTac's N'Zoth Control Priest - Top 100 Legend (June 2017, Season 39)
I never understand when someone says something like “I dont think the deck works on ladder” when you can see that the creator of the deck was top 100 legend with it at the end of a season. Clearly the deck is capable its just the player that defines if they will succeed on ladder or not.
RastaFish's Quest Exodia Mage - #2 Legend (June 2017, Season 39)
kudos to him for going so well with a deck like this.
The Caverns Below is Being Nerfed in an Upcoming Patch!
Historically blizzard has nerfed decks which have little to no interaction with the board and are still able to win (e.g. patron warrior with charge, stealth, the spell “Charge). The quest rogue deck definitely falls into this category, it is one of the most non-interacting decks in the history of hearthstone.
I wonder how much your results would vary if you chose to undertake this experiment at a different time in a different meta. Most of the top tier meta decks right now use a couple of legendary cards and some epics as a minimum.
Not too long ago Pirate warrior was the deck to beat and aside from patches (lerroy is also legendary but its possible to play without it) it is incredibly cheap to craft for the strength in the meta. You could make a legendary capable deck within a week or two depending on time spent on the game.
It reminds me of when Patron Warrior was reining supreme, admittedly you would have to pay for the adventure to get the card but once you have it you had the strongest deck in the game (you didn’t need any epics or legendarys from memory), for a minimal amount of initial outlay a new account could have the best deck in the game on the same day it was made. This was the only season I recall having legend on multiple accounts for the simple reason of how cheap it was to play with the same deck on a new account as someone who has held their account for years.