MattH's Comments
Odds and Quests: Decks for Laddering with Warrior in the Boomsday Meta
I initially had alot of problems with Rexxar as control warrior but ever since Dr Boom came in i dont find the hunter DK too oppressive. The games i usually lose to hunter are because of the cube shannanigans rather than a slow grindy value game.
If i survive the initial string of threats i dont usually have any problem out valuing hunter and taking them into fatigue. I actually usually take board control in the later rounds.
I know that many people will disagree with my comments but that has been my personal experience playing Odd Warrior.
Does Quest Rogue Require Another Nerf?
I agree with what you say above, but your talking about the current deck. If they made the suggested change then im sure the deck would change, for example, the rogue could add different minions into the deck that can take more advantage of the buff. Bigger charges for example. Leeroy alone would be 9 damage.
I’m sure someone much smarter than me could figure out a way to exploit it. For example giggling inventor may simply be cut for something else that uses a big buff better. Saronite Chain gang would summon two 5/6 taunts.
Anyway, as I originally said, I like the line of thinking that you suggested. Just need to be careful about creating a whole new problem.
Does Quest Rogue Require Another Nerf?
I really like that suggestion a lot in terms of the hand and deck. Except buffing minions by +3/+3 would be a significant increase to what it is currently from 4/4s because the minions are not 1/1s to start with. e.g. the lifesteal minion would become a 4/6, brewmaster would be a 6/5 etc.
Does Quest Rogue Require Another Nerf?
Seems like the people complaining about this article in the comments section didn’t even bother to read the article. The problem with quest rogue is not that it is unbearably strong, it’s that the match ups are so polarizing that most games are decided before they even begin simply based on deck choice.
It has an effect of warping the meta just to account for this deck even if it is not the highest win rate deck because control decks simply cannot compete with it.
No one is saying that quest rogue is unbeatable. That’s not the point at all.
Top Legend Decks of the Week #21 (The Boomsday Project) – Late August 2018
They can’t put up wild decks if the pros simply are not playing wild. The article is ‘Top legend decks of the week’. Look in the ‘Wild’ section of the deck search and you will see that there have been no new wild decks for two weeks played by the pros.
What to you expect them to do with this information?
Mecha'thun Warrior - Fibonacci
I’m guessing that the combo is to have boomship, maly, Mecha’thun, whirlwind and double inner rage as the last cards in your hand for the lethal.
Puzzle Lab Guide - Release Date, Answers & Solutions, Card Back
Anyone else having trouble actually playing this? When i click on one of the puzzles it just stays on the loading screen and eventually disconnects me. I can play the other game modes just not the puzzle lab so the problem must be specific to this.
Updated: Sjow's Boomsday Control Mech Warrior ft. Weapons Project
I think he plays it so that he only uses the omega Assembly before Boomship but yeah i dont think its great either….. just experimenting with new cards i guess.
Fibonacci's Boomsday Control Warrior ft. Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
Thank you for this explanation. I love this! I didnt think it would actually be possible to beat shudderwock Shaman as control warrior.
Fibonacci's Boomsday Control Warrior ft. Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
but you dont swap deck or hand, you copy their hand, they still have shudderwock you just get one as well which is useless to you.
Fibonacci's Boomsday Control Warrior ft. Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
I don’t understand what it does against Shudderwock? You can copy their Shudderwock but you wil lstill lose because you didnt play all the battlecrys like they did which makes him strong.
J4CKIECHAN'S Boomsday Mecha'thun Fatigue Druid
cuz you want to keep innervate plus naturalise when you drop the mech
Wouldn’t work, your opponent has to play the minion, dirty rat summons a minion.
Swidz's #88 Legend Egg Warrior - July 2018
the only egg / deathrattle synergy in this deck just comes from the neutral minions. Seems like other classes can do the same strategy a lot better.
good one the creator for trying something new I guess…..
Demonic Project
I like that they are looking at adding back in potential hand disruption tools as I don’t like how in the current meta control decks have no way to defend against combo decks.
However, I don’t like this card very much. It seems worse than dirty rat and the fact that it’s only for warlocks is disappointing. I can’t see this having much impact at all.
Upgradeable Framebot
It is a good point that a lot of the top performing decks in wild wouldn’t have much use for Kaeleseth but look at all the decks that could run it and in fact do in standard but they choose not to in wild, even if they are not top Tier decks.
e.g. Zoo, pirate, shudderwock, recruit hunter, aggro druid, aggro pally.
Not a single deck runs Kaeleseth in their most common form in wild. I will use the VS data so that we are talking about the same thing.
I disagree that it’s not because of better two drops available. with cards like mad scientist, minibot. Maelstrom, devolve, haunted kreeper, neurubian egg, Totem Golemn, ship’s cannon. They are simply better and far more consistent than running kaeleseth.
I cant see any other reason that a deck like zoo runs kaeleseth in standard and not in wild other than the fact that there are simply better options for two drops in wild which synergise way better with the overall strategy and is much more consistent. I do acknowledge that the wild version is more demon orientated whereas standard is completely different now, but if a kaeleseth version was better than demon than people would go that way.
Same with Shudderwock shaman. The deck is much better off with devolve and maelstrom portal than a Kaeleseth so it seems to me that the only reason they omit Kaeleseth from the wild version is the availablility of much stronger 2 drops that they would not give up for getting Kaeleseth sometimes.
Hunter is another example (which you gave that runs Kael in standard) but mad scientist plus trap synergy is simply better.
I understand your comments around the fact that with the increasing card pool in wild that you can use other cards which do similar things and I do think it is valid. But if that was the case then we would see more Kaeleseth in wild decks, rather than less when the counterpart in standard is already running Kaeleseth.
However, with an increasing card pool it also means increased synergies with other cards that two drops can interact with which is especially important for aggro decks with the turn two drop. People could be running Kaeleseth right now in Wild but there are more synergies
and better cards available not having the restriction of running him.
There are also two drops which simply do things which are super strong for their cost and I dont see Kaeleseth ever replacing where even just adding the one card to standard right now would probably be enough for players to take Kaeleseth out of their standard decks. If that’s not a true test of there simply being better two drops in wild which outweigh the benefits of Kaeleseth than I dont know what is. e.g. mad scientist, devolve
Upgradeable Framebot
I think your last paragraph is the most important thing to consider. The main reason that people run Keleseth at the moment is because there are not many good 2 drops in standard. If you look at wild, Kaleseth is a very rare occurrence since there are so many good 2 drops to pick from.
If the whole mech archaetype relies on mechs buffing each other up and controlling the board with tempo i dont think Kaeleseth will be very good, its a big deal to not play a minion on turn two more often than not.
Upgradeable Framebot
I think that both methods of spelling are accepted. The spell check on my computer accepts both 🙂
In general though it’s kind of odd to question the British spelling of a word as opposed to the American spelling (I’m assuming based on your name).
I’m pretty sure that the British / English came up with the English language and Americans later altered the spelling lol.
Anyway, looks like a very decent card for mech decks
ETC's #9 Legend Shudderwock Shaman - June 2018
Zola is fairly essential to increase the consistency of bouncing shudderwock
Yeah I completely understand this and expected a response as such. As I mentioned it’s just my own experience.
I actually find it a lot easier when I vs a hunter and they use tracking compared to when they don’t use it as It just puts them to fatigue quicker and also costs them value.
I have a slightly positive win rate against Hunter according to my own data but I do realise that this differs greatly from the overall statistics.