Lluadian's Comments
Marked Shot
I hunt alone is basically dead outside of wild all it’s power is rotating spellstone, few secrets, rholdelar, death stalker, to my side. There just isn’t anything left for it to be competitive in standard.
Commander Rhyssa
You know a better wording for this would be “Your secrets can trigger twice in one turn.” If did that way it could be used for all pally secrets. Except maybe wisdom without facing a combo deck but that secret is rarely played.
Catrina Muerte
The most powerful big priest is always going to be the one in wild this is practically an auto include in that deck since worst case scenario it ressurects Barnes.
Catrina Muerte
Difference is this rezes a minion that died at any time in the fight kelthuzad only applies to those that died during the turns he’s alive on the field. Kelthuzad was a dead card unless you had a board this can be played on empty field and still have value.
Catrina Muerte
The thing about using kelthuzad is that he’s a removal Target before your opponent even attacks your taunts or your opponent with clear the whole board. Run this in big priest worst case scenario he ressurects Barnes best case you have himself, the 10/10, obsidian statue, ragnaros, maybe lich King. Point is you’ll have a high value Rez pool for say mass ressurect and summon 3 copies of this which would summon 3 more dead minions.
Catrina Muerte
Downside of Kel was you needed a board to begin with this can be dropped on its own. This is basically a 5th or 6th minion to use in wild big priest and with all the ressurects that runs wouldn’t put it past getting a field full of this.
Catrina Muerte
This is not funny can you say new Rez priest toy kelthuzads got nothing on this for wild. It seems like this expansion gives alot of power for wild game mode this time. Fel Lord is broken for wild warlock since it’s summonable by skull of manari as one example. Seems like wild formats going to be alot more intereating.
Marked Shot
Zuljin approves of this card. Fact that it’s discover makes it better because random would not be worth the hassle. Ideal time to play zuljin is when your side of the board is empty anyway to avoid the minion targeting spells. Combo this with the weapon from Lego and that’s a fireball to a minion with card return.
Shadowy Figure
There is a version of Rez priest that does deathrattle it runs feugan and Stalag for thaddius. Faced it a couple times in wild this is a rather dangerous card in a deck like that a 2 cost 2/2 that will become an 11/11 on death can’t really silence because that probably restores it to it’s 4/7, 7/4 stats so it’s still a threat. Basically just gives even more tools to put out more thaddius.
Use this with a big minion prismatic lens pally deck? That’d be interesting at least sure a 9 cost secret would suck but a 1 cost ysera be nice. This card definitely has some possibilities also it’s usefull if you run a divine shield based deck since your minion would be guaranteed to live. Other honorable mention turn 10 pull mechanical whelp it dies in fight and attach zilliax to the dragon for a 10/9. Would have been a great card against spell Hunter since only you would summon a minion.
Shadowy Figure
This ain’t funny at all wild deathrattle priest got a powerfully new toy. Tag this on say obsidian statue, sylvanas, or cube not to much of a big deal in standard in comparison.
Shadowy Figure
Man what’s with all the cards that would break or support year of the mammoth coming now this woulda been played in quest priest.
Unseen Saboteur
Seems interesting to bad it’s coming to late to piss off otk druid be hillairous get rid of the win condition spells could also have caused them to burn if rnged UI. Overall it’s not bad but there’s some very bad things that could get triggered and you’d want to avoid playing it on certain classes. Like the druids new twinspell. Overall this is basically a tech card you’d be very picky about who you’d play it against with all these big cost spells.
Wait NVM there is 1 card this supports if you pull high priest in the late game this could be usefull but not to sure you’d make that play.
Ok I’m not sure why you’d play this but it’s basically the one druid card with a body granted if your opponent was something like control this might be needed to keep from dieing. Will have to wait and see if anything shows up to support ATM best result is that after play this your taunts should be 8/8.
Ray of Frost
It’s a matter of how your hand is doing though you have to consider without aluneth tempo mage doesn’t want to waste Luna but this is a cheap spell that can be used to trigger draw. Without aluneth out it’s very easy to empty out your hand.
I mainly see this with a form of a big shaman or something it can cheat out a high cost card and you tag this with an evolve effect for value the rng is likely to give something better than 4/4 If was an 8-10 cost minion.
Hillarious possibility of this against a shaman make them use one of there overload spells and laugh as there next turn is limited. This is the bane of an overload using shaman.