Kanapesh's Comments
Snapjaw Shellfighter
This + any Taunt minion is going to be meta defining because it will allow people to make incredibly sticky boards, so we’ll have to run removal and/or silence effects to get rid of it.
Spirit of the Tiger
This looks like a nice on-curve card to have to me. Following it up with Call to Arms or Blessing of Kings can be pretty solid, not to mention you can have it in Even Paladin where being able to snowball with as little ressources as possible from turn 4 makes perfect.
I’m pretty sure there is a “refreshing” meme behind this card, and it’s mostly there for the lore aspect of the expansion.
That, or this could be thing when they release a cheap – searchable DK with a hero power that costs more than 2
Raiding Party
So either Pirate will be a thing, either it’s going to be Kingsbane.
If it is the case, I might quit anything that isn’t Hearthstone this expansion,, except maybe for my girlfriend
Untamed Beastmaster
This could be very interesting in Quest Hunter with Queen Carnassa, if the deck becomes more viable
Hir'eek, the Bat
This + Soul Infusion is 21/21 worth of stats (or seven 3/3 minions) on 8 without any preliminary board requirement.
Now let’s talk about your usual turn 9 Level Up!
Rain of Toads
Whoever is trying to compare this card to Phantom Militia is missing something important.
We all get that 6 mana and 3 overload is a total of 9, but one of the reasons Phantom Militia sees so little play is because turn 9 is way too late to make value from it. Rain of Toads is 6/12 worth of stats that can be played on 6, which is early enough for it to have an impact over the course of the game. Not even mentionning the obvious synergy with Snowfury Giant, Storm Chaser and the rest, this is already worth 5/5 to me.
It synergizes well with a lot of the cards that people already run in Shaman, much like Electra did, and shouldn’t be difficult to fit in your curve. It also has great synergy with Rain of Toads which anyone can anticipate might see play in Shaman. I’m all up for some easy triple Hex, Lightning Bolt, Unstable Evolution and the rest.
Juicy Psychmelon, get Dreampetal Florist, Charged Devilsaur, Oondasta and Tyrantus
Play Dreampetal Florist, reduce either Charged Devilsaur or Oondasta so you can use 27 mana on 10
Seems legit
Tales Odd Warrior - 76% win rate in legend since nerf
Could you elaborate on this deck’s game plan against Malygos Druid and against Taunt Druid ?
You mentionned Azalina, which I understand can snipe Togwaggle combos the turn before they are played, but I’m not sure what’s your win condition against these other Druids.
Thijs' #4 Legend OTK Control Paladin - Boomsday Project
If you have one in hand and one on board at the start of your turn, Pixie can pull out the OTK without the coin
Boomsday Spiteful Druid - #15 Legend (BoarControl)
There aren’t any scenarios where a 1/3 should be of any help when this deck starts with less than 6 health whatsoever, so you’d rather take the chance to reduce Alexstrazsa’s damage, especially when it’s free.
Boomsday Odd Luna's Malygos Mage (Fluffy)
You do have spells in the deck. The general idea is to have one or two that you can use in combination with Antonidas, and burn your opponent after reducing their health down to 15 with Alexstrasza. Luna’s Pocket Galaxy makes it slightly easier to perform, as it makes your finishers cost only 1 mana. This, and versus aggressive decks, your hero power and the overall value that you generate should be enough to help yourself.
Boomsday Legend Mech Hunter (Demigod) ft. Boommaster Flark
It has Mech synergy, it let’s you play strong cards one turn earlier and it lets you fit 0 Mana Mechs on the left or right of Fungalmangers
Swidz's #88 Legend Egg Warrior - July 2018
Don’t forget Brawl and Warpath, and to a lesser extent Shield Slam, Execute and Battle Rage, which all synergize with the Deathrattle engine.
Ultimate Infestation, Alexstrasza, The Lich King, Master Oakheart, Hadronox, King Togwaggle
Katherina Winterwisp, King Krush
Zerek’s Cloning Gallery, Psychic Scream, Shadowreaper Anduin
Shudderwock, Hagatha the Witch
Void Lord, Bloodreaver Gul’dan, Lord Godfrey
Valeera the Hollow, Giggling Inventor, Captain Hooktusk
Frost Lich Jaina, Jan’alai the Dragonhawk, Archmage Antonidas
Dr. Boom, Scourgelord Garrosh, The Boomship, Woecleaver
Lynessa Sunsorrow, Spikeridged Steeds, Tirion Fordring, Kangor’s Endless Army
Imagine a world where you play Deathrattle Hunter, Secret Hunter or Even Paladin and this just isn’t happening on curve anymore. This, and I feel like the best thing about this card remains that it is going to be availible in the card pool, so anyone who might be willing to play an Exodia type deck (Shudderwock, Mecha’thun, what have you) should have to look for something that does not need more than 6 or 7 mana to win the game (such as Malygos Rogue or Malygos Druid), and there will be a lot less different Exodia decks for you to build around, and thus a lot less of them overall.