Kanapesh's Comments
This won’t make Tess Rogue good, and I don’t think this card justifies running suboptimal cards (such as Blink Fox over Hench Clan Thug for example) to make it work. If anything. I believe this could be part of an engine that benefits from 0 mana cost spells, or find use in an already good Tess Rogue deck. This, or maybe a combo deck will enjoy the additional removal option idk.
Plot Twist
Just realized, but if you’re playing a combo deck, this could alleviate the issue of sometimes drawing the combo pieces early, and you can compensate the – 1 with the hero power if anything. Also, this lets you use your hero power on 2-3-4 without overdrawing (draw, then shuffle if you didn’t find Mountain Giant for example).
Plot Twist
This and Dorian and the new legendary Demon could make for an interesting Deathrattle Warlock deck. Also this and Elekk = Dead Man’s Hand, which means you could even go infinite with all 4 cards in your hand.
Marked Shot
If Control Hunter somehow becomes a thing, I suppose this might have implications against Midrange
And I mean even then, this looks worse than Shadow Bolt unfortunately
Regardless of whether this is enough to make Heal or Dragon Paladin good, this thing is the absolute nuts
Big Beast Druid - Rastakhan 2nd Nerf - #5 Legend (Chunchunner)
Deck’s actually sort of good at what it does, which is curving Sprite – Roar – Anaconda etc, with Innervates, draw power and removal to fill in the blanks (and it’s also very fun to play obv). Played it a little bit myself and found out that Hadronox, Dorian and Keleseth seemed to be the least impactful cards to draw overall. Not sure exactly what you would add as remplacement for these though.
If the goal is to punish players for trying to assemble a combo, you better have something to kill the minion that comes out of the deck.
Fel Lord Betrug
This has obvious potential with Sense Demons if it sticks or if you can keep the coin to pull off a 11 mana turn.
Besides, cards with the ability to let a player cheat out mana value have always found their place in one or another deck – and then done absolutely disgusting things regardless of what we as a community expected them. Give it some time and I’m sure you’ll see it come up strong as a value/big swing turn/OTK material card.
Vereesa Windrunner
Man, these Hunter legendaries. Why do they always have to look so niche and/or pointless ?
The Forest's Aid
8 mana set up lethal, then 8 mana set up lethal
It might need some set up, or some playing around if you’re against it, so I like it
Leaked Image - Rafaam Holding Dalaran Card
I’m pretty sure they are already working on it. The big problem is that this website needs funding to keep working, and with the departure of Evident and the break from the previous contract that the site had, adds are a necessary evil to keep this place running.
Will there be combo decks in Hearthstone's Year of the Dragon?
There will be combo decks for as long as alternatives exist for either winning or dealing damage, end of story.
That, and mana cheating, ofc
Turn 1 OTK Druid (LEGEND)
OMG ! I played it for just two weeks and I already grew two inches of, well… something
IT WORKS 9001%
Dirtnasty’s [26-0] Legend Catacomb Rogue
Why do you run Espionnage and Archivist ?
You have very little draw power in this deck, so Espionnage sounds like it’s just going to shuffle 10 random 1 cost worse-than-average cards in your deck that aren’t even Cube or Necrium Vial. Also I get that Archivist pulling out a Necrium Vial sounds neat, but what about the “8 mana 4/7 draw 1”, or “8 mana 4/7 increase your deck size” turns ?
Wouldn’t it be a lot better to just cut every spell that isn’t Necrium Vial from the deck and then run Shinyfinders and Devilsaur Eggs for example ?
New Competitive Format Called "Specialist"
Imagine playing Yu-Gi-Oh! with your 15 cards side deck, except you can only really change 5 per game.
This sounds horrendous to me
Rastakhan Odd Malygos Shaman
The main win condition is to play Malygos, have it stick for one turn and then copy it with the spellstone so your spells deal more damage (with Snowfury Giant as your secondary option if they managed to deal with Malygos on their turn, or the option to just copy an Earth Elemental that they can’t deal with). As for the Odd hero power, it lets you play a Spell Damage totem every turn, meaning your opponent has to deal with the floating threat of dying to 7-10 damage Lava Bursts (not to mention Alexstrasza is in the deck), and that most of your spells can also act as powerful removal options.
Rastakhan Even Shaman - #10 Legend (Draz)
To be fair, Draz has been running 1 Spellbreaker in everyone of his decks for quite some time now, so you could at least recognize this as his own tech option for the list.
Then if there isn’t any new card, it doesn’t mean it wasn’t built around the current set’s metagame so it remains a Rastakhan Rumble deck.
Midrange Beast Hunter Theorycraft - Untamed Beastmaster
Rhino on curve is only good when you have control of the board, which is when you need it the least. Otherwise it’s just never going to stick.
If you meant to add it for later in the game, such as turn 8-9-10 and so on, you might as well look at the cost of every other card in the deck. These are meant to be played almost as soon as you draw them, so you will most likely not have anything good to pair with your Rhino because you’ll be out of cards in hand, which is why Rexxar is so valuable in Hunter these days. This, and the only Rhino that you ever really want to play either has Stealth, Poisonous or Lifesteal, or good stats on it, which the real Rhino has none of.
We still have Faceless Manipulator so I guess if it’s good enough, you don’t care much about Hex and the rest