Kanapesh's Comments
Brazen Zealot
Paladin getting their Frothing Berseker/Mana Wyrm/Scavenging Hyena equivalent
I like that Firetree Witchdoctor curves perfectly into this card. Also, I wonder if there is ever a use for it against Warrior, where cheap value minions with above 2 attack are usually very helpful to fight your way to the late game.
Bwonsamdi Priest - Shadows Post-Buff - #103 Legend (Dono)
I could see this deck curve well consistently against aggro and run Bwonsamdi/Velen etc to beat whatever takes it to the late game
Might be a meme, but it’s got some thing to it
Tempo Bomb Warrior - Shadows Post-Buff - #3 Legend (Fibonacci)
This is Bomb Warrior refined after you’ve removed everything that is underperforming on ladder right now.
He probably added Sul’thraze, Grommash and Improve Morale out of not knowing exactly what any better options might look like more than because he really wanted these in specifically.
Mecha'thun Shaman - Rise of Shadows - #6 Legend (Dog)
Yeah, the goal is to replay Galvanizer’s battlecry so Mecha’thun costs 7 or less, this way you can play Mecha’thun + Voodoo Doll + Zap. Besides, that’s really just a control deck that runs Mecha’thun over the Fatigue/Value Hagatha-Elysianna gameplan for control mirrors.
Tempo Rogue - Rise of Shadows - Early #1 Legend (惘闻)
Love it how Wisp makes Raiding Party, S17, Miscreant and even Edwin actual 3 drops that you can play on 3.
I wouldn’t recommend running Snowflipper Penguin over it for charisma points though, since Midrange Hunter might use them to shuffle 0 mana 4/4s in their deck to charge your face later on.
Archivist Elysiana broke control matchups - but they can be repaired
The point I was trying to make was that control mirrors wouldn’t be as common, so people would eventually drop Elysiana, which would make the mirror matches less dreadful altogether.
Archivist Elysiana broke control matchups - but they can be repaired
The point I was trying to make wa
Archivist Elysiana broke control matchups - but they can be repaired
If you want my two cents on the topic, I’d say that Elysiana is absolutely fine.
– If Dr. Boom’s hero power didn’t generate such a sick amount of value at such a low cost
– If Rogue wasn’t such a popular and powerful face-smashing deck, and we had more reliable taunts
– If Bomb Warrior didn’t make it impossible to dig through your entire deck without losing 20 HP
Then we could play more anti-control decks/keep Control Warrior more in check overall and Elysiana would serve other purposes, such as beating Hakkar or Bomb Warrior.
Bomb Hunter - Rise of Shadows - #9 Legend (Alutemu)
It’s a face deck. You’re trying to use the bombs as 2 mana “Give Charge and +2 Health to a Mech in your hand”, so your goal is to throw as many of these as possible until one of them eventually sticks and you can magnetize it to ship 5, then 9, and then maybe even 11 damage right to them. If they don’t have an out, you might win on turn 6 or 7. If they do have an out, it’s all up to what is left in your hand. Very often, you should be able to assemble two or three boards back to back, but the longer the game goes the harder it gets because they will draw/play more cards than you and thus keep your hand in check more and more.
Bomb Hunter - Rise of Shadows - Legend (Kanapesh)
I’ll drop the match-ups data here in case anyone is interested: http://prntscr.com/ncx68s
Whirlwind Tempest
Stick Linecracker and then play Windfury and this on 10 must be so friggin funny
Hench-Clan Hag
It might be nice to set up type-based power plays on 5, should decks have interest in that*
Hench-Clan Hag
So this is basically Microtech Controller with two more health and type synergies (Timber Wolf, Murlocs Warleader etc) at the cost of one more mana. It might be
Doesn’t look incredible, but I wouldn’t say it looks bad either.
Aggro: I can’t get a minion to stick against Shaman
Control: I can’t fatigue past Elysianna and Shudderwock
Combo: I can’t combo through Saboteur and Hecklebot
Mirror: I can’t finish a game before turn limit
If Batman doesn’t show up this set, Specialist is gonna be fun