c0l0rs's Comments
Orange's Winning DreamHack Summer 2017 Deck Lists!
surprisingly ctrlheavy decks. alittle teching against midrange/faster ctrl, but not to much:
– rallying blade (propably vs murlocpally/totems) instead of 2nd truesilver (quite common)
– only 1 forbidden healing and more valuecards instead (not even sure if i call this a tech)
– only 1 earthern for glutenous ooze/creeper for earlier boardpresence (also not so sure if you actually call this a tech)
– double SI+questing instead of 2nd mimic/lasher SI/questing are simply more reliable and less of a gamble if you don’t expect ctrl/taunt-warriors
– double devolve well, some run 1 some run 2
how I see this he basically gave up on tauntwarrior and both magearchetypes and decided to beat everything else (yes he can beat them, but he is quite unfavored vs both, I’d say)
Muzzy's Discover Burn Mage - #3 Legend (May 2017, Season 38)
yes, if you re facing alot of silence priest you could swap, but immo token/boardflooddecks are way more common
Muzzy's Discover Burn Mage - #3 Legend (May 2017, Season 38)
because meteor is a pseudoboardclear, it only clears 3 minions and since people nowadays know that it exists and know how to play around it, it s usually only removing one important thing and other than fireball or portal it is not able to use as burn. so why not just take flamestrike as reliant boardclear instead?
Fibonacci's Control Warrior (May 2017, Season 38)
tldr: try it, it s dependent on the meta you should consider adding a cruel taskamaster then so you have some kind of 2-turn-kill-combo.
long version: Alex was in every ctrlwarri back in the days (pre tgt) but so was taurissan which is very important, cause a 9-mana card is absically the only thing you do that turn, an 8-mana-card is not. with tgt you didn’t need to kill ppl anymore but most ppl still ahd alex otherwise you just outsunstained eppl with justicar and had some bigdrops with high value for when the enemy was out of gas/kill the jaraxus . then came elise/n’zoth/c’thun to have an actual wincondition. the new elise is basically doing what the old elise is doing. while the alex does what, well, the old alex did, but as mentioned, without thaurissan she might be unplayable. you could consider going a more dragon-type, btw, when you re already adding another dragon.
Tempo Mage Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
I’ve tested alittle around and changed some cards. To find out one thing worked out great for me and is never mentioned in these secret-mage-guides. What about arcane giants? Yes, i know they re not that good vs aggressive decks, but they re HUUUGE against ctrl. it worked way better than the crystal runenrs for me, as you re “only” running 4 secrets which basically made it more reliant for me to have decent discount on arcane giants.
apDrop's Tempo Elemental Rogue (April 2017, Season 37)
well, that s exactly what i said, with alot more words.
Dwayna's Legend Elemental Shaman (May 2017, Season 38)
not so great idea. thalnos is a huge tempocard with inbuilt cycle. it synergises great with cheap spells in this deck, especially with your boardclears. elise on the other hand is a valuecard without any synergie (unless you re priest and have shadowvisions). so you basically replace a card that fits perfectly into the deck with a card that doesn’t synergise at all. as it s job is to improve your boardclears I d propably recomend to take another lightningstorm instead.
Fibonacci's Un'Goro Control Warrior - Top 20 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)
grom is still a huge finisher, basically the only burn you have from hand. don’t underestimate that. aditionally grom is stronger than most 9drops for 8 mana and the difference between 8 and 9 is huge, cause it let s you play a 2-drop (you re running alot 2-drops) or even use heropower. not to mention that it basically ALWAYS trades 1 card for 2 making it a veeery flexible, highvalue, high tempo card. so yes, i d use grom aswell. I ve tried playing ctrlwarri atm aswell alittle. Mainly cause i got king mosh, with the inclusion of double whirlwind it realy makes a great boardclear. the combo is great obviously, but often it s just enough value to destroy the already damaged minions. so if you re looking for a bigdrop replacement for grom, i d go with him if you have him, cause there aren t that many good drs atm. baiscally 2xdirehorn +cairne
Fibonacci's Un'Goro Control Warrior - Top 20 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)
grom is the classic finisher (as it s 10 or even 12 dmg from hand) and a very strong vs specific decks. BUT i think you can cut him, cause the decks where he shined hard are out of this meta/got new cards.
was strong vs zoo due to them tapping themselves quite low without any heal (nobody plays it anymore)
was strong vs miraclerogue due to rogue’s lack of hardremoval and critical “4 dmg” vs auctioneers and azures now it still does that job but they have vile’s for hardremoval and drake rotated out.
was strong vs handlock/renolock (not played anymore) cause it threatened lethal against jaraxus.
so all in all. i guess you can cut him.
I will test this when i get more dust
yeah. i got you. It feels so bad to have so unique deckideas and then they re not viable at all.
Kolento's Quest Taunt Warrior #1 Legend EU & NA (April 2017, Season 37)
deathwing for drake and brawl for fishes
I will test this when i get more dust
You don’t ned to use your dust. I can already tell you that it won’t work.
1. barnabus only reduces the manacost of the cards in your DECK (so not the ones in your hand and especially not the ones thaat are in the ungoro-pack, even if you barnabus after you opened the pack, the minions will be in your HAND, not in your DECK, so again, it won’t work). that makes this deck a worse version of questdruid and even questdruid is not viable.
Keep up the attempts though
Cassia's Elemental Mage - Top 100 Legend (April 2017, Season 37)
As it s not running any kind of heal or boardclear, it will propably struggle vs anything that is faster than itself or/and swarms alot, so basically of the current metadecks:
murlocdecks, beasthunter, aggrodruid, piratwarri (maybe questrogue) just an assumption though.
apDrop's Tempo Elemental Rogue (April 2017, Season 37)
well, 95% of the minion of this deck are nice 1 mana 1/1 minions
Fibonacci's Un'Goro Fire Plume Control Warrior (April 2017, Season 37)
wrathion isn t even good in dragondecks, not even talking about only having 2 drakes. the best replacement is propably a situational card, depending on the meta. 2nd primordial if you need boardclear, a smaller tauntminion if you need to be faster and a gorehowl when the meta shifts more towards controle
Vlps' N'Zoth Paladin (March 2017, Season 36)
i don’t have wickerflame and i m also not sure about trueheart. i replaced them with double getawaykodo. works prety fine so far. it obviously boosts your n’zoth, but it s also fine vs aggro as you don’t have a single good stattwise minion. They all shine with their effect.
Zetalot's Control Priest (January 2017, Season 34)
What controlemirror? You cannot outvalue Jade. You only had Elise in the deck vs the mirror and against ctrlwarrior. Both are nonexistent in the ladder. Against dragonpriest/renomage you win by simply removing everything and win fatigue due to heal4>ping1 so what for?
Vlps' Control Warrior (December 2016, Season 33)
no. cause
1. against faster decks you usually don’t want to pull out their threats for free.
2. you have to combo them instead of just playing them whenever you can
J4CKIECHAN's Anyfin Murloc Paladin - SeatStory Cup VI - December 2016
Haven’t played murlocpally this season, cause i still lack finja, but with alot of experience with old murlocpally i m quite sure why:
1. antiaggro
2. against ctrldecks you want to get your combopieces together as fast as possible, cause literally nobody can withstand the 2nd. anyfin unless it s a warrior who you didn’t preassure at all (quite unlikely) expensive cards make you cycle to slow. The only reason why tiron and ragnaros are in this deck is literally, that they are seriously broken. Usually a realy good card becomes unplayable if they cost 1 mana more, not tirion and ragnaros lightlord, they re so strong I’d still consider playing either of them if they cost 2 mana more for the sheer value they offer.
and this is the moment that i regret disenchanting all wild cards. i love patrons 🙁 hands down the most “complicated yet so strong”-mechanic of the game ever 🙁