c0l0rs's Comments
The Rush Keyword – A Look at The Witchwood’s Underperforming Mechanic
or just make sure that the battlecrys are class-rushminions -shaman, I mean they pushed the rushtheme mainly on hunter and warrior you might aswell stick with the plan.
Hearthstone Legendaries You Can "Safely" Disenchant - Ashes of Outland - May 2020
Nat used to be one of the strongest cards in the early days of HS when:
A) it wasn’t nerfed yet (drawing the card at the end of the turn)
B) Carddraw was rare back then
Same was with overspark. That card sued to be targetted (the outcome was still random)
Some cards are just plain bad and some are just because they got nerfed to the ground.
Hearthstone Legendaries You Can "Safely" Disenchant - Ashes of Outland - May 2020
I would take out Flark. Not that I think it is a good card in the current state. But the powerlvl has the potential to be the finisher for a quite greedy hunterdeck. I would compare it with Umbra. Everyone saw the potential powerlvl but she was a go-to-dust when she came out. it needed another expansion to make it one of the most feared legendary of the game. the card has the potential to pull that of aswell.
Odd Control Warrior - Boomsday - #13 Legend (Balorix)
double elise, third hatchling vs ctrl (especially mirror) for more cards in deck/value, tripple silence vs deathrattles, tripple ooze vs oddrogue, double dyno/mct vs aggro etc. etc. your deck consists of 10 techcards that are all good in one matchup and bad in all others, you literally can pick whatever techcard is good vs the current enemy and make a copy of it.
Discover in Boomsday - What Can You Expect to Find in This Standard Format?
first of all thumbs upf for even coming up with this topic. i mean i ll jump in the cold water and claim that you re the only person who s done a list on this topic on the whole internet. the only thing that i m missing/would change is the section about the runespear, for this weapon not only the chance of getting a specific spell matters, the keyproblem of it is it s “uncontrollability” and the fact that most shamanspells are quite cheap making this a terrible valuecard, so i would have loved to read alittle more about WHAT spells were addet to the pool cause let’s be honest i had to go to all boomsdaycards cause i couldn’t remember most shamanspells. turns out ALL the new spells are non-targetted, so they’re allready all controleable and the effects seem to be quite interesting (voltaic burst aside) for a controleshamantype. so all in all, yes, the runespear got way better with the new expansion, propably still not viable, but who knows, maybe it’s worth a try to get another potential eureka in your malyshaman for 0 mana that turn opening up for a HUUUUGE burstcombo.
Mech Warrior Deck List Guide (Dr. Boom, Mad Genius) - Boomsday - August 2018
It’ s also sais “potential upcomming archetype” there is nothing potential about that deckversion above.
Mech Warrior Deck List Guide (Dr. Boom, Mad Genius) - Boomsday - August 2018
i think this is way to focused on the mecha-theme. you re fitting a bunch of mediocre and even bad cards in this just to benefit of:
gatekeeper and booms effect. so we re talking about building a deck around 3 cards and none of them is gamewinning by itself…. i guess ziliax aswell, but then again zilliax is a bad card, in a vacuum it might be good, but as everyone will run around with doublespellbreaker and most ctrldecks will propably have 1 mech-destroyer so that card is, at least as long as everyone s walking around with doublespellbreaker, very very very bad.
i’d kick out:
add in:
2x spellbreaker
1x deathknight (maybe)
1x emp operative
2xgiggling inventor
not sure about crystalizer
The Boomsday Project Guide - Release Date, Card Spoilers List, Pre-Purchase
how is “next turn some of your minions have rush” “IMMEDIATE” btw. this card belongs in a ctrldeck (ctrldecks are usually built around spells, not minions and so far there haven’t been good mechs for warrior introduced except for the twodrop but you definitly don t want to play that card post turn 7, making the rushpart basically only relevant for the mechs that you create with your heropower).
tell me what exactly is OP about this card.
it gives alot of value, yes, but rexxar gives more value than this is way more reliant, is cheaper and has a boardclear so you at least have some imapct on the board in the turn you play this card. and rexxar is not even close to the power of malfurion and guldan.
Savjz's Witch's Cauldron Quest Mage - July 2018
it s obviously a tempodeck that uses the quest as a finisher.
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
you don’t even have to press it once, you can see it in his announcementvideo.
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
how is “spend 7 mana get 7 armor do nothing else” good vs aggro or tempo? this is propably the biggest tempolosscard besides mediv in the history of hearthstone. difference is, mediv gave you insane tempo the turn after this gives you mediocre tempo the turn after (even if you play a mech the next turn it can rush only 1 minion per rushminion that you play and will propably not even be able to clear the best minion of the opponent.
this is obviously only good for value, one of these “keep the expensive card in hand in the mull vs ctrl and hope to never draw it vs anything else”-cards.
but as, according to the released cards so far, the best warrideck will be tier3 again you’ll only see this card about once a week when the meta has settled. so who cares anyways?
The Boomsday Project Guide - Release Date, Card Spoilers List, Pre-Purchase
In what way is dr. boom “OP”? the heropower is worse than wl heropower and the wl battlecry immideatly affects the board. boom is a huuuuuuuuge tempoloss for a good, unreliant heropower and the rusheffect to your mechs is 1. waaaay to slow vs fast decks and 2. not that great vs controle. I m not saying that it s bad, it is a good card. but OP? in which world is it op? I ve got 1,7k warriorwins on my back, propably 700-1k of them as ctrlwarrior, i love ctrlwarrior, i was hoping that it would become viable on ladder again and not only in tournaments, i doubt that ctrlwarri will be anything above tier 3 deck, it needs way more than this guy to make the archetype viable again. not even talking about midrangewarri no way midrangewarrior of anykind will have a chance in these times of insane powerlvl all over the place.
Malygos Druid Deck List Guide - Boomsday Project - August 2018
the difference is, that ixlid is way less flexible, you can use taldaram on other targets, if necesairy (like enemy tarcreeper or sometimes even thalnos) in non-controle-matchups
Omega Defender
it won’t give 72 stats of taunt as the +10 are the battlecry these +10 will be applied only when played, emeriss doubles the stats in the hand, before they are played, so it will be 2x 4/12 with the battlecry+10 each
= 2×14/12 when played
= 52 stats of taunt for 8 mana on turn 11
Electra Stormsurge
i m quite sure that targeted spells won’t trigger on the same target twice, the second one will be chosen randomly as it is with all “targeted effects that are done by the AI and not cast by you”
Electra Stormsurge
+the versatility of playing it with boardclears, rockbiter, feral spirit, healing rain, maybe even far sight (if it ebcomes a staple in shudderwhock or any other comboshamandeck)
the potential is there to make this the new brann, i like that it s in shaman as shaman has quite some mediocre spells. i guess they ll give shaman one or two good untargetted spells to improve this legendary.
New Hearthstone Expansion Announced - The Boomsday Project!
i srsly don’t get the point of what you want to tell me, who cares about coppying a crappy card such as curio?
the legendary spell is obviously for a miracleroguetype of deck as a lategamemechanic to draw fast through your deck to get your finisher and/or alot of spiders on the board via strider.
New Hearthstone Expansion Announced - The Boomsday Project!
due to the coloring it s obviously a roguespell
New Hearthstone Expansion Announced - The Boomsday Project!
if you compare it with the other cards, you don’t see an attackvalue of the card, so it will propably be a hero-card.
alex is definitly not good on it’s own how do you even come to that conclusion? tell me in which metadeck alex was a stand-alone-card