c0l0rs's Comments
Dog's 50 - 0 Wild Odd Rogue - June 2018
Well dog is definitly a good player, but he plays quite alot classes good, the godfather of rogue will propably be MrYagut for ever.
Furyhunter's Legend Odd Warrior - June 2018
oh. don’t udnerstand me wrong.
questwarrior is not worse, in fact propably tauntwarri is the better deck, because it s on the same powerlvl and is way easier to pilot cause you don’t need to manage your resources that good as you have your quest as backupvalue. it s more of a question of “what is meta atm” and we can always only guess and predict if we queue in the matchups that are more ctrlwarri favorable or more tauntwarrifavorable so all we can do is assume at what time it s better to run the quest and when it s better to not run it.
Tess Greymane Change to be Reverted (June 8th), HCT Seoul Deck Submission Update
continuing the entire chain is not subverting HS logic. there are tons of itneractions that do this, for example:
if you have sword of justice equipt and play a minion that dies to the enemy explosive runes it will get the +1/+1 buff afterwards and will be on the board as a minion with 1 hp.
if you and your enemy die in the same animation it doesn t matter which oen of you dies first (enemy has 3 hp and you mill yourself to death with Ultimate infestation)
there are many more of this. in fact yogg is the only card that doesn’t work like this.
Furyhunter's Legend Odd Warrior - June 2018
I ve played about 70 tauntwarriorgames rank 4+ since the nerf and am quite a warriormain . I think i can answer you that question.
1. you d need at least around 10 tauntminions to get the quest done reliantly.
2. in most matchups you don’t need the quest. it used to be “mull the qust against aggrodecks, keep it against slower decks” nowdays you win most slower matchups way easier by mulling away the quest.
for example:
malydruid: you want to accumulate armor as fck. he ll always have his combo faster than you can kill him
hadronox druid: you want those cornered sentrys, nobody cares about your quest
tokendruid: you want armor and scourgelord/aoeclear, the quest is irrelevant
evenwl: get your premiumremoval for the giants, keep a brawl for gul dan, don’t drop him below 15 hp and you ll win it.
cubelock: no way you ll outrush his combopieces with your quest, jsut try removing.
the matchups where the quest matters are:
any kind of priest, spellhunter, questwarrimirror, controlwarri, bigspellmage, controlewl, shudderwock.
So why not just build a straight up ctrlwarriorlist instead of a tauntwarri to improve your winrates against the many decks where the quest doesn’t matter and just accept that there are some matchups, like shudderwock, that you can’t win.
sidenote: as this is oddwarri, it can’t run cornered sentry for hadronox, but it can get it of stonehills.
Tess Greymane Change to be Reverted (June 8th), HCT Seoul Deck Submission Update
I m not playing her, i ve played propably about 300-500 games since her release, i ve seen her at a maximum of 10 times since then. she s obviously not good, unlike yogg, plus she s not entirely randomly winning you games that you d usually loose, unlike yogg. there is nothing wrong with tess.
Malygos Druid Deck List Guide - Boomsday Project - August 2018
I just want to mention, that most pros are running a list featuring prince taldaram and two inervates to get realy huge burstswings with maly (9)->attack with twig-> faceless (5)-> taldaram (3) = +15 spellpower so you deal 32 damage with doublemoonfire, not even mentioning that you can potentially add 2x inervate into swipe for another 19 damage face for a total of 51 facedamage that s even enough for amara with the 5 armor from the deathknight. the aditional spellpower of taldaram also lets you use parts of your combo to survive if necesairy cause you usually don’t need the full combo (and you sometimes can copy an enemy minion to stall.
Dizzl's Legend Overload Shaman - Post Nerf Witchwood
I think this deck is way better than yours. the sandbinder sounds nice to have since they dig for your wincondition. but digging directly for them is bad since they ll be a dead card in your hand as long as you ahven t discounted them enough. you want your controletools FIRST so far sight is a way better draw-engine. also stonehills offer no purpuse. what exactly are you hoping to get? more earth elementals? I can understand the beetles, but doomsayers are just to great to
a) place turn 2, atm nobody can clear a doomsayer turn2 reliantly to instantly double your winchances vs most aggrodecks.
b) drop after a huge boardclear which you have many in this deck.
Kolento's Cube Taunt Druid - Witchwood Post Nerf
You do realise taht you can revive hadronox up to 6 times against ctrl? On the other Hand you NEED the hadronox to make use of your combopieces (cube& witching hour) so even against ctrl it s important to get hadronox out soon (dependent on the controledeck they can poly/silence it or not)
Cube Taunt Druid Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
nice guide, I d recommend to write somewhere down, that not only polymorph shuts down hadronox (not only with the hadronox poly, but aswell cause sheeps are beasts) but the same thing can shaman do with hex (also a beast) and warrior can shut witching hour down with cornered sentry (summons 3 1/1 beasts for his opponent, which is you), which has quite a high chance to get out of at least one of the stonehill defenders because it’s a classcard.
Furyhunter's #1 Legend Witchwood Baku Odd Control Warrior
if you don’t have mosh i’d consider skipping the whirlwinds aswell, if i were you I’d propably:
– bgh
– mosh
– 2x whirlwind
+ MCT (mind controle tech) or tar creeper
+ faceless
+ Gorehowl or fiery war axe
+ tar creeper
Furyhunter's #1 Legend Witchwood Baku Odd Control Warrior
And direhorn is an excellent target for your faceless.
Sjow's Witchwood Cube Taunt Druid ft. Master Oakheart, Spiritsinger Umbra
as qwarrior, you can get cornered sentry out of your stonehill defenders for the same purpuse (3 1/1 beast raptors for the enemy)
Control's Wild Kobolds Anyfin Paladin ft. Call to Arms, Master Oakheart
how is that synergy? you want to pull the warleaders for your anyfin, putting another 3-attack-drop in is anti-synergy not synergy
Legendary Weapons Guide & Deck Lists - Kobolds and Catacombs
I disagree with the comment on the Priestweapon.
You said that it fits into Dragonpriest.
No it does not. Yes. It spawns dragons, so what? Dragondecks synergise with the dragons in your hand not the ones on your field (except for dragonfirepotion). This card synergises with playing alot of spells in a turn. Dragonpriest is as far as i can remember the most minionheavypriestarchetype ever in hearthstonehistory. I agree with the highlanderpriest part, but you should reconsider the dragonpriest part.
Great work though on the articles overall.
Keep it up ๐
Titan's C'Thun Warrior (July 2017, Season 40)
There isn’t a single warrior-class-taunt in the deck. the only reason to put them in the deck is because you can abuse them to get more strong class-taunts than you usually could have (as classspecific cards are way more likely to show up in discovers).
good targets are:
shaman: things from below, al akir, earthelemental, white eyes
paladin: tyrion, tyrion, tyrion, tyrion, tarim, wicker
or sth like that.
“why are there no warriortauntcards in this deck (so they re obviously not good enough), but still there is a defender?” should be the question. Yes you can highroll for another vek’lor but as it isn’t classspecific the chance are realy low to get it. Actually I d kick out the defender aswell for something more reliant maybe a doomcaller, maybe a tar creeper, maybe gorehowl, maybe harrisson, maybe a slam, maybe a doomsayer
For The Swarm
cars that i d replace:
1. both deckhands, you re not an aggrodeck and have no piratesynergie
2. Umbra isn’t this overkill you should be threatening the ctrldecks enough already and there is a reason why nobody plays it, it s to situational and it’s stattline is plain to bad. it s basically “deathrattlebrann” but brann was a 2/4 for 3 mana which is a solid stattline, 3/4 for 4 mana is simply not good enough
3. one or both saps, the only saptarget that I see in current meta are buffed minions, most miraclerogues don’t run sap atm, cause all the current bigdrops you usually don’t want to sap so ther is not realy a situation where you want to sap, if not even miraccle is running it which is way faster why would you run a card that literally gives the enemy value for getting tempo ( you use a card for him to simply play the card again) as a slower deck?
cards that I can imagine might work instead are:
1. one or two shadowsteps
2. one or two infested taurens
3. one or two shadowcasters
4. one or two loot hoarders
5. one or two doomsayer
I d be happy to hear what you think about my suggestions
Casual Combo-Control Warrior
The “As I played the deck more and more” is basically for every combodeck. You propably haven’t played patronwarrior back in the days. The term you re talking about is “playing proactive” instead of “reactive”
Nice deckidea though, won’t be able to try it though
Dwayna's Elemental Control Shaman - #1 Legend (June 2017, Season 39)
She is literally the only “wincondition”, kalimos is mostly just an aditional boardclear. this deck only works cause aggrometa makes “we just controle everything wihout actually trying wo ever achieving anything”-shaman viable I m actually confused why he didn t add hala aswell for more concedes.
Control's Wild Patron Taunt Warrior - #9 Legend (June 2017, Season 39)
wait a second, those are all cheap cards that i disenchanted ๐ let’ s see how much dust i have
well he wasn’t “OP” in a modern sense, he was just very very good and stable. i mean there is a reason why he never was nerved. OP for me means that it feels unfair to lose against cause way to strong (like razaa+shadowreaper, call to arms, corridor creeper). the reason why doom was good was cause back in the days big game hutner cost 3 mana and was in every midrange or controledeck at least once (other removals like execute where cheaper aswell) so big minions were quite rare cause they could be removed quite easily for way less mana than it cost to put them on the board, boom was different. it wasn’t about it beeing 9/9 worth of statts for 7 mana, it was about “even if you remove the 7/7 you still have these 2 explosive 1/1s on the board which could range from 4 to a maximum of 10 damage”.
So no, in my opinion it never was OP, it was just strong, but in a healthy way.
But yes, I also hope that we re going back to where GvG was. For me I think the powerlvl of certain cards that entire decks are built around is way to high, I m mainly talking about any kind of “cheat out”/”insane poweturn that my entire deck is build around”-mechanic. I think they ruin the game because it s less about playing better or worse and more about “do I have card X on turn Y” and “did i pick the right class that can beat that specific powerturn”
anyways, good luck in the new expansion ๐