c0l0rs's Comments
Big Spell Mage - Rastakhan Post-Nerf - #42 Legend (Maxxe)
the deck literally revolves around big spells and big drops the only matchup where zihi helps you is any mecha-thun-deck in every single other matchup you’re hurting yourself more than you hurt the enemy.
Rastakhan Kingsbane Rogue - #8 Legend (Toastmonster)
why would you play leeroy? you already win against controledecks, you don’t need leeroy. if anything add weaponremoval vs oddpallys/hunters/aggroshamans.
Thomerio's #1 Legend Rastakhan Shudderwock Shaman
there isn’t a single raskathan card in this deck..
MJM's Rastakhan #6 Legend Deathrattle Big Druid
nvm forgot you ca just keep the tiger in the hand and jsut cycle through your udnertakahs lategame
MJM's Rastakhan #6 Legend Deathrattle Big Druid
astral tiger for going infinite on undatakahas? smart idea, didn’t even think about it.
what about adding a loothoarder as an early drop carddraw and a 3rd dr for undatakah.
Irony's Rastakhan #5 Legend Aggro Shaman
this can easily hit legend and you can play te LOA instead of one of the bigger minions but it’s propably better with the list above.
Odd Hunter - November 2018 - Blizzard Off-Meta Report
You have to keep in mind thoug that Chinese love tempo/aggrodecks, I wouldn’t be surprised if tempomage still has a decent playrate over there. no way you can kill a druid or a oddwarrior or a shuddershaman ever before runnign out of steam and the faster matchups? zoo powercreeps you on basically every manaslot. as long as he draws his cheap minions and doesn’t need to start taping to get cheap minions you won’t stand a chance against that
Hunterace's #4 Legend Odd Warrior (Post-Nerf Boomsday)
also additional hatchlings in the mirror.
Rastakhan's Rumble Card Review #1 - Sul'thraze, Shirvallah, the Tiger, Hir'eek, the Bat, Hex Lord Malacrass, Cannon Barrage and more!
they tend to not reveal the strongest cards early. the mainfocus on the first reveals usually is:
1. what is flashy and generates attention?
2. what fits good into the little release cinematic/story?
3. what describes the expansion/new mechanics good?
you might now say “but they showed us boom and hagatha and boom n stuff in previous expansions” yes they did, but that’s because they might be strong, but most importantly they fit all three categories above as the expansions where build around them.
Rastakhan's Rumble Card Review #1 - Sul'thraze, Shirvallah, the Tiger, Hir'eek, the Bat, Hex Lord Malacrass, Cannon Barrage and more!
well maybe questmage becomes shomewhat more controlish with lots of cardgeneration and less comboish (i mean you can fit the quest in a bigspellmagedeck as the 1-mana is not a drawback as long as it’s always in your startinghand) and the extra-turn becomes just a value-thing instead of an otk-thing (then again letting the enemy skip 2 turns basically gets you 2 turns faster into fatigue).
I’m not convinced myself, just wanting to say that there is a possibility as we haven’t seen many cards yet.
PS: do not forget that the cards that you get via malacrass also count towards the questcounter.
Rastakhan's Rumble Card Review #1 - Sul'thraze, Shirvallah, the Tiger, Hir'eek, the Bat, Hex Lord Malacrass, Cannon Barrage and more!
you don’t need the giants, it’s a mecha’thun-ish-otk. cycle through everything, shuffle 4 copies of this in your deck via elekk and bankers and 2xholy wrath the turn after for 50 facedmg. only probleme here: that’s a 2-turn-lethal that can’t kill druid or warrior where after the first turn you have used 7 mana [Shirvallah (0) + 1xelek (3) + 2xBanker (2×2=4)=7] to heal for 7 that is insanely bad tempo and obviously can’t even kill most of the controle-decks.
Odd Warrior - Post-Nerf Boomsday - #22 Legend (oyatsu)
you have alot of tech-cards in this deck that don’t realy do much in certain matchups, azalina helps you get away with that, also great vs shudder
Odd Warrior - Post-Nerf Boomsday - #22 Legend (oyatsu)
cause hatchlings (assuming you and your enemy draw the exact same amount of cards you can get +4cards via hatchlings+ manips), cause ziliax, cause copying enemy threats such as LK before you remove them. it’s a very versatile card for ctrlwarri, it used to be a “at least 1 of” pre boomsday.
you can drop one and instead play zola for the synergies with your battlecryminions.
Rdu's Corpsetaker Quest Rogue - Boomsday Post-Nerf (October 2018)
young dragonhawk is a horrible drop pre questcompletion and way to slow post questcompletion.
boar is prequest way faster, in the worst scenario it’s a ping, whereas dragonhawk just waits to get removed by the enemy. and postquest you can just drop it, go face/attack, return it to your hand, repeat, with only 1 return to the hand you’ve already have done better a turn earlier what young dragonhawk can do a turn later.
no offense, but if you don’t understand the basics of this deck you realy shouldn’t try to “improve” the decks of pros.
Apxvoid's Tempo Mage - Boomsday Post-Nerf (October 2018)
propably loothoarders or armani berserkers
Ranking the Best Death Knight Cards from Knights of the Frozen Throne - A Year Later
you do realise that thrall might not be good atm but it was the enabler for evolveshaman, an entire archetype, one of the strongest archetype of that time.
Blizzard's Off-Meta Spotlight Decks (Early October Boomsday) - Even Mech Hunter, Tempo Priest, Aggro Shaman
it has 5 1-drops while 2 of them also generate another 1-drop.
“Maly Goes to Hall of Fame?” - Malygos and the Limitation of Design Space
how has alex been used in far more decks? she only saw consistent play in ctrl-warri and freezemage, the reason she was strong in freezemage was iceblock and in ctrlwarri she was basically in as a win-more card, in the later stages of oldschool ctrlwarri ppl realised that you can just skip alex and instead fatigue ppl by not playing your carddraw in ctrlmatchups. other than that she was sometimes used as another dragon-synergy-trigger in priest. maly on the other hand has seen play in:
malyshaman/warlock/rogue and 3 different malydruiddecks over the years.
yes ramping and manacheating enables the abusability of druid, but ramping and manacheating is basically the identity of druid, whereas maly isn’t. I agree that rampign and manacheating is a problematic mechanic and I also agree that they overdid it especially in the amount of cards that do/synergise with ramping and manacheating.
don’t get me wrong, i realy love maly designwise (i loved the 2nd malydruid that was actually quite skilltesting and i loved malyrogue) but I dosagree that druid beeing druid is the only problem.
“Maly Goes to Hall of Fame?” - Malygos and the Limitation of Design Space
1. nobody cares about tier 4 deck malyrogue
2. a card doesn’t need to begood (and definitly not OP) to limit carddesign, there have been several cards in the past that limited carddesign that were at best in tier 3 decks (for example dreadsteed never saw competeteive play but the carddesign made it very abuseable). the reason why cards are limitting carddesign is because some cards have the potential to be abused alot and others are toxic to play against, usually cause they’re not very interactive.
3. brawl (i assume that’s what you meant) is a straight up boardclear, it’s neither abuseable nore very good, I realy don’t see how that is toxic.
4. the problem with boar is that it’s threatening that any kind of cheap agressive-buff is abuseable with charge forcing the gamedesigners to never add to many cheap agressive-buffs. i mean topsy turvy is a ridiculously bad card to design, it’s obviously veeeery bad and is obviously very abuseable. should the card be nerfed? hell yes! because it’s to strong? hell no! is it because the interaction is toxic? Hell yes!
alanna is bad, to little big spells, astro is propably bad cause you won’t have that many cards in hand with this faster curve than usual bigspellmage, luna is very bad, spells are bad cause not enough bigspelsynergies. I’d kick out the 2 fireballs add 2x blizzards and 1 alanna to get some big spells and some synergies. Or you can try putting elise in the deck or geddon (vs oddpally) also if you feel like you don’t get the dragonsynergies not off enough you can go ysera.