Brann's Comments
Abominable Bowman
People are seeing this card wrong (Omg to slow for turn 7, why run this when you can Highmane on 6?
This rezes your Highmain in you’re lucky (or can build you deck a certain way)
And N’zoth will Rez this and your High mains in control Matchups
Giving you a really powerful and sticky board in control Hunter
Will hunters be able to make control Hunter work? Maybe, but it’ll depend on the other cards still to be released
But this card can be really strong of you can make it work in your deck
+ it’s a beast and druids have cards to support this
Like Warden and the taunt druid spell
So as long as you can avoid Hex and Polly effects this could easily end up being your win condition in slower matches
If it gets silenced N’Zoth still rezes it
I think a lot of people are seeing this card the wrong way, it’s actually really good
Yes it’s a 9 manna 3-7 deathrattle and it’s hard to kill and gets it’s effect, and it can be silenced/ hexed, yes it’s slow
But it also gets rezzed by N’zoth
As long as you don’t play it until after hexs/Polly’s are used, this card can help seal the game against control decks in slower matchups, the value from it alone is insane
If you can make this slow card work in your deck , with N’zoth this could seriously give other control decks a good run for their money
Bring It On!
True, ya you’re right, I agree 5 health may be valued @ 1 manna but 10 should be valued at more then 2
Like forbidden healing can be 10mana (heal20)
It was a bad comparison
Bring It On!
You’re right, you could just not play this until way later against decks where it’d be bad to give them it’s value
I totally agree this card will shit on aggro decks, but the thing is control warrior already has a pretty good winrate against most aggro decks as is, and that should go up with the new 4 Mana wep they are getting
I don’t think this cards going to as good against control decks as you think, against control warrior most control decks are gonna have a full hand of cards against you right to the end of the game , so this cards gonna be pretty much unplayable against control untill the end of the game and in most control vs control matches 10 armor is gonna have much value anyways
I play alot of control decks and control warrior is one of my easiest matchup when playing decks like ( control paladin, priest and shaman) part of the reason is control warrior decks tend to have not as much value in their decks due to having so many aggro removal spells and draw ( this is just another aggro spell dead in the water in control matches)
There will always be aggro decks in the meta and if the meta ends up being aggro heavy, this card will prob see a ton of play and be really good
This card will also prob make a lot of pirate warriors cry
Bring It On!
You forgot about combo decks, one deck that checks control warrior hard already is Jade druid …
This card is just gotta %100 screw you over against any deck that sets up or uses actioneer
4 Mana actioneer is GG
In decks like Rog and Druid
So it’s gonna be a huge risk or dead card in your hand for a long time
Bring It On!
Yes 50 armor for 10 mana would prob be broken in Ugoro meta… but 10 for 2 manna and the draw back… I won’t wanna play that, reducing minions in you opponents hand is terrible to have on just a heal/armor card…
Think about it
5 Mana arch mage
4 Mana actioneer
7 Mana Malg
6 Mana Medhvi
7 Mana Alex
Any big minions you opponent runs are gonna be out 2 turns earlier
This cards gonna enable combo decks to shit all over you and the +10 heal isn’t gonna make much of a difference against decks like Jade druid and Miracle Rog
Remember Emperor T, this is like giving your opponent his effect for 2 turns for free
Tempo decks are gonna get free wins over this card
All’s you get is 10 armor for it
Bring It On!
This cards really not that good if you think about it, 5 armor is worth 1 Mana (Ungoro 5 armor card)
10 armor is worth 2 Mana , this card costs 2 Mana
This card also reduces every minion in your opponents hand by 2
If this cards used it’s going to be used for baiting newbie players to dump their hand into brawls
But once people catch on and learn to play around that, I do t think it will see a lot of play.. at least at higher ranks
Nerubian Unraveler
I feel like a cynical asshole so far during this reveal but this cards seems pretty meh as well….
5-5 for 6 is just ok, but the effect you get is pretty ehh
All spells cost (2) more so you’d only wanna run this guy in a minion based deck and it only slightly slows down spell based decks..
It’d put spell based decks out 2 Mana, and could also put you out (2) manna if you need to cast a spell while this is up… I mean it could help slow down decks like burn mage a little?… Maybe
Prince Taldaram
Ok of I’m reading g this right, when it says transform into a 3-3 copy of a minion is it random? Or do you choose?
Is it a copy a minion in play like faceless does?
If it’s random this cards so bad for a legendary, even if your playing a deck with no good 3 drops and you wanna run the 3-3 for 3 for a chance at getting something good, there are also a ton of really crap cards you could turn into like Ticking A+bomb lol
Prince Taldaram
This card is confusing, do you get to choose any card in your deck to transform into? Your hand? Does it have to be on the board? Is this supposed to be good because you.can transform into one of your opponents minions? A 3-3 copy that is
It’s hard to justify if it’s just make a copy of a 3-3 of a minion on the board
Faceless does the same thing but better with no cost for 2 more mana if that’s the case
Blood-Queen Lana'thel
I can see it now, new deathknight warlock hero power… Summon a random one of your discarded Cards
Blood Razor
It’s pretty weak tho for a 4 Mana wep being 2-2
Like shamans get this on Jade Claw for 2 Mana
So this cards pretty much gonna come down to how valuable are 2 whirlwinds in your deck
Whirlwinds worth 1 Mana so you’re pretty much getting your 4 Mana’s worth
Blood-Queen Lana'thel
They are really trying to push a control Discard lock deck…. The thing is discard lock actually worked pretty well as a aggro deck!
With Maz Imp, SilverGolem soulfire and the 5-7 charge
In Ungoro tho they tried to turn it into more of a control deck with the lock quest and cards like the 3-8 taunt and the discard 2-2 Legendary and it ended up being a pretty bad deck
Adding a control healing card, you have to discard random cards to make work, it’s gonna make a control discard lock viable
To make discard lock into a viable control deck, it’s gonna need the ability to choose what it discards, since it’s already losing a ton of value from it’s deck by discarding so many cards…
Or maybe if they just released something really Op for discard lock, it might actually work
Blood-Queen Lana'thel
This is not gonna make discard lock good (by it’s self)
This is a terrible card by it’s self
5 Mana 5-6 Dragon Op (discover a minion) :cost hold a drag
5 Mana 1-6 Queen (lifesteal) :cost discard 4 cards to have proper stats for 5 Mana
I really hope Blizz doesn’t fk up the warlock class again this Epac by trying to hard push Discard lock to be viable
They’re trying to turn an aggro discard deck (that sorta worked) into a control discard deck , but in control you don’t wanna be discarding random cards from your hand, including this ….
Discard lock doesn’t just need healing to make it viable, it needs the ability to choose what you discard, this card isn’t gonna work unless they get something like that or something to push Discard lock way over the edge
Plague Scientist
This is great for arena! but pretty meh for competitive play
It’s pretty much Envenom Weapon, but harder to use,
Since you have to have a minion on board and pull off a combo
Over just using hero power
but you get a 2-3 body for 3, should be interesting to see if it’s used, I don’t play rogue much so I can’t judge it that well
This card would prob work fine in Mid-range Hunter also as is
It’d be a great follow up after a high main, and even tho is has a chance of rezing a 1 drop in your deck it could also generate huge tempo swings if you pull a high main off or maybe even a tundra rihno
It give Mid-range Hunter a little more tempo after turn 6 since hunters have no good turn 7s right now anyways
Call of the Wild was playable @ 8 Mana , this could prob work ok @7 even in the basic Mid-range Hunter deck now
Plus it might even be able to Rez some of your build a beast creations