Brann's Comments
Devour Mind
But WAIT! this card has synergy with the almighty Archbishop!
Step 1: You play my boi Archy and steal your opponents famery
but THEN, you start drawing some hot crap like shield slam and evolve, but when all hope seems lost you top dick “Devour MIND”
And BAM, you instantly steal all the other Exodia combo peaces right to your hand
You pass you opponent in Jade counters
You shield slam for 10 dmg
You evolve your Dopple gangers
and then TRIPLE fire ball Janna in the face
Devour Mind
Priest version of nourish
You might as well just play your opponents deck at this point
Glacial Mysteries
Medihva with the great staff
Play this card, it’s pretty much gg value wise
Jarla's Jade Druid - #1 Legend NA (August 2017, Season 41)
Dam Jade druids going strong
Tomb Lurker
I’m gonna make a paladin deck called Tirion Ford never dies and run Tirion, 2 of these, 2 stonehills and N’zoth
Thrall, Deathseer
I think this hero power would have been alot stronger, cooler and more versatile if it let you pick your enemies minions to evolve by (1) as well
So you could use this if you needed a minion Changed but @ a risk
Would also be a nice check to death rattles decks
But as is, I think shamans normal hero power is just as good maybe better
Thrall, Deathseer
This hero card actually isn’t that good
Evolve is worth (1) manna so @ (2) we’ll say it’s worth 3
5 armor is worth 1
So you get 4 manna worth of stuff and 1 for the new hero power
So you’re paying 1 manna to change your hero power to get a 2 manna evolve 1 minion by (1)
So your paying 2x as much manna to evolve 1 minion compared to the card evolve that does everything for 1 Mana
And totem is a pretty valuable hero power in evolve shaman for filling the board
I don’t think this card will work in any shaman deck but could work if shamans get some more cards like doppleganger where the +(1) evolves will generate a ton of value
But to be honest I think a +(1) evolve is about the same value as a totem (maybe less)
And if you have to hero power for the first couple turns anyways unless your facing a control deck you already prob lost
You realize it stops you from using hero power also
And not being able to get that extra hero power off for 1 turn maybe 2-3 isn’t gotta make much of a difference
Oh no I can’t get my 2 manna 1-1 this turn
And if this does last a few turns it still prevents you from using hero power as well….
Is that really worth 2 card slots in your deck? To create a minor inconvenience for your opponent and possibly yourself
Unless we see some rediculoulyOp hero powers from the new heros I don’t think this will see much play
Thrall, Deathseer
You know you don’t have to take bloodlust out of your deck to play this card right?
Maybe idk take out 1 Thing from below? or maybe a 1 drop? or any other fking card
Ya bloodlust is prob a better turn 5 with a full board, but that doesn’t mean this will be bad and see no play because of that
You could run 2 bloodlusts AND this card in an evolve deck easily,
but I guess just because they are both 5 manna, this card must be shit right?
Makes logical sense
Idk? maybe you could play this on a new board? and evolve those minions, like with Doppler ganger?
You’re prob one of the rank 25 players who thought Hunter quest was broken
Overall solid hero card, (prob a staple in Shaman) will see a lot of play in evolve shaman and I bet a ton of other lists
Tempest's Midrange Jade Elemental Shaman - #23 Legend (July 2017, Season 40)
The thing is anyone can just get to legend playing other decks, climb the ladder using multiple decks, play like 10 games and win most of them with a deck like this one and be like “hey look I got #23 legend with control Jade elemental shaman” it’s a great deck! you can use this to climb to legend easy
Even though it has a trash win-rate against mages and everyone and their mother is trying to climb to legend playing mage
Archbishop Benedictus
There are a lot of value cards with no immediate impact on the turn they are played, it’s only 2 manna undervalued for it’s stats and preists don’t have any good 7 drops as is
This is only 1 card, alone it’s not gonna beat other control decks, but your deck is gonna have other win conditions and ways to kill your opponent too
This also can give you, your opponents win conditions as well
It’s not like your getting an extra 10-23 cards that do nothing
Dead Man's Hand
Yes you’re right, this is not gonna be the card to make control warrior great again
You’re also right about it being an unplayable (dead card) in aggro/mid-range match-ups
It’s not like archbishop (new priest legendary) tho, you’re not really saturating your deck with extra copies of cards you want to run in your deck
You’re right about the quests too, it’s a 2 manna discard, do nothing card when you play it.
but the difference between it and the quests, are you pretty much have to keep the quests early game and play them turn one, this you can get rid of it on a mulligan and don’t have to waste that extra card slot and manna until later when you can afford it
And 2 manna isn’t a big cost (later), most hero powers are a waste of 2 manna, people just use to use up some extra manna (especially in control warrior with armor up)
But to be fair if there is any deck that can afford to use this, it’s control warrior
Prince Malchezaar gave you RANDOM garbage most of the time and ONLY minions (most unplayable)
This you get to time it, and choose what you’re getting, + it adds more value to your deck when you need it
Only draw back is you have to be able to afford to run 1 or 2 potentially dead cards against aggressive match-ups
Cards pretty much 2 manna strengthen your deck
Archbishop Benedictus
Yeah true that makes sense
You could draw dead card after dead card, but that’s just bad RNG and in control match-ups you normally always have 7-10 cards in hand most of the time, so you could still be holding onto answers from your own deck
But ya, you’re right, this could prevent you from getting the cards you need in your deck in certain match-up, that was prob blizz’s intended price for even making this card
I think this will be a card people need to learn how to use, like in which match-ups it’ll be most effective in
Again quest warrior this could end up being pretty bad, same with some other control match-ups like Jade druid
But you do get the choice of when to play it, so against say quest warrior, you could drop this at the end, when he only has 5-10 cards left and add +5-10 more cards to your deck to give you the upper hand against fatigue
Archbishop Benedictus
yeah but that about the only control deck that’s a counter to this card but again other slower control decks like control warrior this cards gonna be a nightmare
Archbishop Benedictus
This is easily the most overpowered value card hearthstone has ever seen
You card could easily get you over 50% 15 cards worth of value from your opponents deck
and it’s only 2 manna over valued to play stats wise
This card is gonna single handily gonna fuck most control decks
dam argent squire’s been working out