Advocaat's Comments
Machamp's Quest Rogue - #1 Legend (May 2017, Season 38)
The most effective thing is to play fast aggro decks. As pretty much always in HS ๐ … Too bad for us players that don’t like them.
Hearthstone Legendaries You Can "Safely" Disenchant - Ashes of Outland - May 2020
Some lists run Greenskin as said above. List at tempostorm ran Greenskin for quite a while, actually.
Your explanation makes sense. I don’t really play pirate warrior too much to notice that difference maybe. In my head the Greenskin is just much bigger value than Naga. I realize you don’t play value game as a pirate warrior but sometimes that value means extra arcanite reaper hit which is a lot of damage. I’m just sayin’ the +1 damage from Naga rarely even matters but +1 durability sometimes matters a lot.
In your scenario what is that 2 mana card? Because you only run three of them – heroic strike, fiery war axe and the raider. Only one of them is better in that situation than Greenskin in my opinion. Especially if you have arcanite reaper equiped. You on the other hand play slightly more 1 cost cards so you are more likely to wind up in situation when u have Naga and 1 mana cost card anyway.
I definitely agree it’s kinda situational, maybe the 4 mana cost Naga is more consistent. I just don’t think it’s so simple to say Greenskin is totaly useless and safe to dust.
Hearthstone Legendaries You Can "Safely" Disenchant - Ashes of Outland - May 2020
Herald Volazj was actually used by Savjz few days ago in deathrattle priest and was quite succesful (like top 100 legend kind of success). But to be fair the card itself wasn’t necessary at all.
I also don’t agree with Captain Greenskin. I think he is just a much better Naga Corsair (which is played in pirate warrior). Why would u play two naga corsairs when u can replace one of them with greenskin? 4 or 5 mana doesn’t really matter since you are in topdeck state at that time and u most likely won’t play naga at turn 4 anyway.
I think it’s pretty hard, almost impossible, to say that some card is “safe to dust.” There are a lot of cards played nowadays that were complete trash just a few months ago. For example hungry crab, purify, etc.
Kolento's Quest Taunt Warrior #1 Legend EU & NA (April 2017, Season 37)
Wat? I play almost the same deck and I’m having a lot of trouble with quest rogues. There is really no way to stop them from finishing the quest (Dirty rat sometimes helps), and as soon as they finish the quest (which is usually around turn 5-6), I just can’t deal with all his 5/5 minions. I sometimes win because of lucky draw (Drake + Sleep with the fishes clears the board nicely) but usually there is literally nothing I can do against infinite 5/5s with such a slow deck like this one.
Everything You Should Know About the Quest Card Mechanic in Journey to Un'Goro
I don’t know, man… Do we still call it “OTK” when you actually play TWO turns to do it? ๐
Journey to Un'Goro Guide, Information, and More!
Oh… This makes me feel nostalgic about WoW ๐ … I loved Un’Goro
Year of the Mammoth Standard Set Rotation - Six Classic Cards Moving to Wild, Maiev Shadowsong Rogue Skin
I have golden rag and sylvannas and also normal rag and sylvannas. So if I understand well I will get 6400 dusts for free AND then disenchant all those cards and have another 4000 so 10400 total just for rag and sylvannas? What the hell….
Max McCall Discusses the Adventure/Expansion Creation Process
Don’t you think it’s more like the natural selection thing than card designers’ fault? Decks that are strong and easier to play will always become cancerous because many people will prefer them. In my opinion it doesn’t matter at all what cards Blizzard makes. The community is the reason of some decks being played a lot and some being forgotten. If there is one deck just slightly stronger than others, huge part of players will play it (just like aggro shaman right now) because surprisingly players like to win. It is impossible to make all decks exactly equally effective. There will always be some decks having an edge which become cancerous no matter what.
Balance changes that Blizzard does from time to time are good because they will usually nerf those cancer decks that are having an edge at the time, making an opportunity for another decks to become cancer. To be honest I can’t imagine more they can do to make the game balanced at this point. People will always prefer stronger decks (even decks that are only slightly better than others).
Kazakus RenoLock Deck List Guide (March 2017, Standard) - Season 36
Why no Power Overwhelming?
J4CKIECHAN's Anyfin Murloc Paladin - SeatStory Cup VI - December 2016
Finja works kinda strange. When he attacks 4-5 dmg minion and kills it, he should die (since he has 4hp) and summon two murlocs, right? Turns out he will somehow survive if he summons Murloc Warleader. I don’t really know if it’s supposed to work that way or if it’s a bug but either way that mechanic is really weird.
Th3RaT's #1 Legend Renolock (December 2016, Season 33)
Very interesting deck in my opinion. What makes it so interesting? No Jaraxus and no Leeroy combo and still #1 legend :O … that is really impressive to be honest. I was sure that Renolock cannot work reliably without those options.
apDrop's Kazakus Reno Mage (December 2016, Season 33)
I just won a game against this deck because my opponent played Manic Soulcaster with Brann. Totally screwed up his Reno and Kazakus synergy ๐
Hearthstone Crafting Guide for the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Meta!
Nice job, thanks ๐
Fibonacci's Gadgetzan N'Zoth Control Warrior (January 2017, Season 34)
Well i dropped from 5 to 9 now. I guess I was lucky to face a lot of aggro decks when I climbed. Now I have absolutely same experience like you. Dragon priest seems almost unbeatable. Jade druid is decent matchup but winnable. Second brawl might help against dragon priest but you will still struggle a lot. The problem with dragon priest is that he removes most of your minions very efficiently. I’m starting to think that current amount of dragon priests on ladder makes this deck almost useless right now :/ …
Fibonacci's Gadgetzan N'Zoth Control Warrior (January 2017, Season 34)
I was playing this deck today and went easily from rank15 to 5. Don’t know how well it is going to perform further but it has been very surprisingly strong so far :O
Cairne is good but White Eyes, two Ancestral Spirits and two Stonehil Defenders (that can find another White Eyes) is already enough to justify N’zoth in deck. Even those Infested Taurens aren’t necessary in my opinion.