Advocaat's Comments
Balance Changes Are Coming Next Week - What Could They Mean for the Meta?
Libram paladin is absolutely broken atm. I don’t remember deck being so overpowered in a long time. The fact that its worst matchup is statistically the mirror (50% winrate, duh) speaks for itself.
Brian Kibler and Thatsadmirable Step down from Casting Grandmasters Finals in the Wake of Recent Events
Blizzard’s decision is completely rational. They are company that has one purpose – generating money. They cannot afford to lose support in China since there is a huge market and foreign companies are not free to make business there. People like Brian Kibler etc. are just acting emotionaly and silly. Losing jobs for no reason. In 3 weeks, maybe a month, nobody will talk about it anymore because people don’t actually care. But Blizzard will keep their status in China and Sottle will keep his job.
Zephrys Hotfix - August 8, 2019
I think Zephyr doesn’t look at your hand which is the main issue in my opinion. I had a lot of situations where there was lethal with combination of my hand + one card from zephyr (blood lust for example) and he just didn’t see it. It’s hardly the perfect card if it doesn’t see lethal.
Rise of Azshara - Wowhead Patch 8.2 Coverage
Just get into Classic. It is objectively better game than current WoW.
Rise of Shadows Post-Nerf Decks - Hearthstone Pro & Streamer Deck Lists For All Classes
Me personally I always disenchant nerfed cards and almost always end up regretting it. Yes, you can craft them again for the same cost but will you? I struggle with crafting nerfed cards even though they are playable. For example I disenchanted Murloc Warleaders when they got nerfed. Since then there have been decks which included them and I kinda wanted to try those decks sometimes but not for the cost of crafting Murloc Warleaders again. If I had kept those Warleaders I would have been able to just give a shot to those decks. Sometimes you just want to try something without knowing if you enjoy it. There is a psychological aspect you don’t consider at all.
Rise of the Mechs Event - New Legendary Card, 18 Class Cards Buffed, Goes Live June 3
I like the change in general but I don’t understand the reasoning behind buffing these two warrior cards. They are already considered high roll when you get them from Omega Assembly or Dr.Boom. They will still probably not be good enough to actually run in a deck but now they become insane when generated.
HCT World Championship 2019 - All Deck Lists, Stats & Results!
Already answered this below – something being great on ladder doesn’t have to be great for conquest format.
HCT World Championship 2019 - All Deck Lists, Stats & Results!
Token druid is top tier deck on ladder but conquest format is very different. Maybe the deck isn’t worth playing over other decks that better suit players’ strategies.
Dragon Control Warrior Deck Guide - Rise of Shadows - May 2019
I agree the mechs are probably the worst right now because of huge amount of aggro decks on ladder.
Tempo Rogue Deck List Guide - Saviors of Uldum - August 2019
I see. It makes sense since ooze is a bit underwhelming anyway.
Tempo Rogue Deck List Guide - Saviors of Uldum - August 2019
My winrate as control warrior against rogue is 14-0 (at legend). Btw I like this particular list a lot. The only thing I don’t like here is Zilliax. No idea why would you play it. Also never met a rogue who did :O
Dragon Control Warrior Deck Guide - Rise of Shadows - May 2019
Personally I prefer rush package over dragons. Tech choices are also not that great tbh. Hacklebot is almost useless in current meta and banker/brewmaster are super bad. I don’t understand why anyone thinks they’re good. They improve ONE matchup and make ALL other matchups worse. Also the biggest problem right now are token druids so Baron Geddon could be a solid addition.
Ultimate Hearthstone 2020 (Year of the Phoenix) Standard Rotation Schedule & Guide - Which Sets Rotate Out, Hall of Fame, How To Maximize Your Dust Gain
Wow, this year meta is really gonna be different. I didn’t realize how many good cards we’re losing before reading this article. The power level of year of the mammoth cards is insane.
Leaked Image - Rafaam Holding Dalaran Card
I browse this website almost exclusively on my phone and I hate those ads. Usually I have sound off so I don’t even notice them but sometimes I don’t and it starts playing loud when I’m in public or at work. I don’t mind supporting this site but does it have to be video ad? Also the limited data thing…
Tavern Brawl - Brawliseum - Miniature Warfare
Sorry guys, but I don’t trust anyone sayin “12-0” … Doing 12-0 is near impossible with any deck in this brawl. There are pretty much only rogue combo decks atm and it’s impossible to win against them consistently because of their RNG orientation. Many times there are no decisions made and game ends in 2nd turn (literally). Tried a few decks, best result was 7-3 but most runs I finished between 2-3 and 5-3 no matter how hard I tried. Most losses were inevitable. This is the least interactive brawl ever.
Fatigue Warrior - Rastakhan 2nd Nerf - #1 Legend (Red)
I love fatigue warrior, played a lot of it when coldlight oracles were a thing. Tbh it’s not in a good state right now. There are many combo decks that kills you long before you even start to be a threat and there is no way to disrupt these combos. Also without oracles there is just no real win condition. The only one I know about is Marin. This decklist doesn’t run him, it doesn’t even run much armor gain. I’m very surprised some players are able to pull it off in current meta.
Stancifka's (19 and 4, Rank 5 > 2) Control Armor Warrior (January 2018)
Exactly. He plays a lot of decks that only work for him.
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
When a card is going to Hall of Fame you will get full refund so it’s safe in that case. And yes, I agree that list should not exist because it’s misleading.
Hearthstone Legendary Crafting Guide (Standard) - United in Stormwind
Exactly, you can never know how meta is going to shape. That’s why there are only very few really safe cards in my opinion (maybe like four or five).
One thing to realize is that cards are either safe to craft or they are unsafe. That’s just a basic logic. If a card is safe to craft, how can it be unsafe 4 months later? That completely devaluate the fact it was safe in the first place.
We probably have to define what safe means. I used to see ‘safe’ cards as cards that I can craft and never regret it. But according to this post ‘safe’ means ‘currently popular’…
What’s the problem with Pen Flinger? According to stats he is one of the lowest winrate cards (when played) in basicaly all decks that run him.