Advocaat's Comments
Best Knights of the Frozen Throne Decks
You are absolutely right. This meta is getting terrible. I really hope it doesn’t stay like this…
Best Knights of the Frozen Throne Decks
Hunter’s DK is probably the weakest… and I got him from prologue 🙁
Knights of the Frozen Throne Survival Guide - Launch Time, Tips, Things to Know
It’s possible because the hype around this expansion seems bigger than ever before. Maybe they are really afraid of crashing servers or at least big loads of players trying to log in.
The Lich King
It’s actually way easier to kill than Ysera. 8 health is much lower than 12. It’s taunt, so it can be attacked right away. Ysera can be guarded by other taunt minion. It has 8 attack so it can be deathed by priest unlike Ysera. It can be killed by Black Knight (if taunt is gonna be more present in the meta that will be a thing)
I think it’s a good card but not so resistent like Ysera. We have seen in the kibler reveal stream that this guy never sticks on board for too long. There were always multiple ways of dealing with it.
Kolento's Midrange Murloc Paladin - Top 100 Legend (July 2017, Season 40)
Is Deathwing actually good in this deck? I have him, just wondering how good it really is…
Howling Commander
Quite good I’d say… 3 mana 2/2 is decent since you draw a card. Paladin doesn’t have many good 3-drops. And drawing Tirion can sometimes be crucial (although I think Tirion doesn’t have the same impact like it had in the past). If divine shield deck is a thing then this card will definitely be played.
I actually think you guys underestimate this card a bit. It’s better than Ancient of War f.e. It will definitely be a new taunt choice for decks than run some.
Is it legit? Seems too strong in my opinion. You have 9/9 effective stats for 7 mana, 4/4 is practicaly in charge, AND there is taunt too…
Tavern Brawl - Showdown at Blackrock Mountain
I like this brawl… one of the few I enjoy
If it doesn’t get silenced or transformed, you can use Crazed Alchemist next turn. 7/3 cannot be ignored. Another option is Defender of Argus but it’s slower. Anyway, you have to help it somehow, otherwise this deathrattle will never go off.
Plague Scientist
It’s almost like hunter’s Crackling Razormaw but with guaranteed poisonous adaptation (which is one of the strongest)
Plague Scientist
I think it’s pretty strong even in constructed. It forces your opponent to clear every smallest minion of yours. Even 1/1 can get huge value because of this.
The Anti Deck Guide: How-to Beat Burn Mage
Midrange decks actually have favourable matchups against burn mage. Especially midrange paladin is a pain for it.
How to Go Infinite in Hearthstone Arena - Beginner's Guide
If you’re a beginner I don’t recommend starting with arena. It just leads to inevitable loss of gold and motivation early on. I remember when I was starting with HearthStone someone told me to play arena to get gold efficiently. I ended quickly with 0-3 and it took me a long time to give it another shot. This experience really demotivated me so I had to kinda rediscover the game after a while.
Just don’t play arena until you understand some basic concepts of the game, like tempo, value trading, planning ahead… or you will just suffer for no reason.
Tavern Brawl Clash of the Minions
Just pointing out that “can’t attack” minions still cannot attack, charge is not applied on them 😉
How the Quest Rogue Nerf will Impact the Meta
That’s kinda bold to say… I’m pretty positive rank 15 quest rogue will still beat most of legend players in favorable matchups.
Hearthstone Live Q&A - Journey to Un'Goro and Quest Rogue Nerf Liveblog
Yes, you look dumb, for multiple reasons actually…
Hearthstone Live Q&A - Journey to Un'Goro and Quest Rogue Nerf Liveblog
It’s not about being overpowered. Nobody says Quest rogue is overpowered. The issue with Quest rogue is that it kills the fun. And this really hurts the game overall. Because when you face Quest rogue on ladder you already know what exactly will happen and that you will either easily win the game (if you play aggro deck) or you will lose and cannot do anything about it (if you play control deck). There is almost no interaction in those games. You have no real way to slow down the quest progression or do anything that can change the flow of the game. Yes you sometimes win even with control deck but that’s statistically insignificant.
Also you people should stop crying about this nerf for two reasons:
1) Quest rogue really hurts the meta and this is one of those times when blizzard actually do what they should
2) It makes you admit yourself to playing Quest rogue which is a nobrain deck… so you look dumb.
The Caverns Below is Being Nerfed in an Upcoming Patch!
The quest rogue isn’t overpowered but it totally kills the fun. There is so little interaction in those games. If this nerf will make the whole deck go away it will only help the game.
How do you actually win with this deck? :O