Taznak's Comments
Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
Right now, Warlock can get exactly 6 lackeys total without resorting to effects like Youthful Brewmaster, Barista Lynchen, etc. Beyond that, a Control deck can combo this with Glinda Crowskin for a pretty disgusting turn 10, especially if you have a Kobold Lackey or Goblin Lackey in hand.
I think this might be a little slow for Zoo, so it’s probably best in a Midrange or Control archetype. Happily, Glinda can also do magic there in combination with Sea Giants, so including her is probably worthwhile. Add in Barista Lynchen, and you’ve got yourself a spicy combo… unless Tekahn is at the bottom of your deck. 5/5
Desert Spear
This only makes sense in a Beast Hunter deck, for the synergy with Scavenging Hyena and Timber Wolf. Even there, it doesn’t make the cut because the 3-mana slot is already overcrowded, while the 2-mana slot is lacking for options, and one of the few good ones is Headhunter’s Hatchet, which directly competes with Desert Spear.
This is probably good enough to include in a Hunter Highlander deck, but is otherwise not quite good enough. 2/5
Livewire Lance
Lackeys are good enough to make up for the mediocre tempo this card represents, but this doesn’t fit in with any and all game plans. This is probably auto-include in quest warrior, but not a good fit for Control or Bomb Warrior. 3/5
Micro Mummy
This is just a good card, some Paladin decks will want this even if they’re not running the Paladin quest. 5/5
Plague of Flames
It’s pretty awkward and doesn’t immediately fit into any deck, but the effect is so strong that I’m pretty sure someone will find a good use for it. 4/5
Anubisath Defender
Arcane Tyrant was great even when competing with all the other really high power level cards from 2017. In 2019, this is an auto-include for Control Druid decks, 5/5
Untapped Potential
Hey Skoopy! With Ossirian Tear, Loti becomes a 4/6 minion with Taunt, Rush, Poisonous, Stealth and Spell Damage +1 ^^
Hack the System
Best case scenario, you complete the quest on turn 6 and are ready to start using the hero power. Hero power reminds me of Jaraxxus Infernals, these golems are smaller but you can summon more than 1 per turn, you can get it online much sooner and it doesn’t set you to 15 health.
My biggest concern is that weapons can be very awkward. It’s really painful to have too many weapons in hand and no minions to play. On the other hand, maybe you don’t get enough weapons early on and have trouble completing the quest. The versatility of Upgrade! is very helpful here, sometimes you’ll want to play it for the 1/3 weapon.
A deck with a bunch of weapons probably wants to go for an aggressive game plan, but I’m not sure aggro warrior has enough support for that archetype to work. 3/5
Colossus of the Moon
This is fantastic in decks that can cheat it out, such as Big Warrior and Big Shaman. 4/5
Plague of Wrath
Finally, you can execute your own Sylvanas! Blizzcon champion Artosis is redeemed.
This is very strong in combination with 2/5 Dr. Boom Mad Genius hero powers, microbots and kaboom. That interaction aside, it’s mostly worse than Brawl, as it requires more setup which can render it useless at key moments.
Fairly strong, this will probably see play. 4/5
Sunstruck Henchman
I think not even Silence Priest wants this, Arcane Watcher has the same total stats for 1 less mana. 1/5
At worst, it’s a 1/2 with Reborn, so a 1/2 followed by a 1/1; that’s substantially worse than Hench-clan Hogsteed.
At best, it’s that plus two +1/+1 buffs, which are worth two mana (Extra Arms). I think the payout promised by this card is large enough to make up for the weak initial body, especially since this is a turn 2 play and you have plenty of time to capitalize on Grandmummy’s long-term promise. 4/5
Generous Mummy
Gonna make you think twice before you conjurer’s call your Banana Buffoon, you could get this atrocity as a result. 1/5
High Priest Amet
@Axiotes: Maybe you’re right, the wording is different, and Amet’s wording is more consistent with Knife Juggler. Fair enough.
@DukeStarswisher: You’re an ass.
High Priest Amet
Play Khadgar, then play a minion from your hand, and see if Khadgar summons a copy of it. He won’t.
It’s a messy subject, 1 year ago I would’ve agreed with you; older cards like Knife Juggler and Starving Buzzard mean one thing when they say Summon, while newer cards like Khadgar and Amet (I believe) mean another thing when they mention the same term. It’s definitely confusing and something they need to clean up.
Regardless, I’m moderately certain that Amet’s ability will not trigger for minions you play from your hand.
High Priest Amet
It would deal 4 damage, not 28. The boar is being played from hand, so it doesn’t benefit from Amet’s ability. Amet is like Khadgar, it benefits minions that were specifically summoned, as opposed to minions that were played from hand.
So if you played this alongside Hench-clan Hogsteed, the initial body would still be 2/1 because it was played from hand, but the Murloc summoned by the deathrattle would be 1/7.
Wasteland Assassin
Yeah, some people do. Kripparian and Trump give it a lot of consideration, I believe. In my case, I don’t play Wild or Arena and I don’t know what’s good in those game modes.
If I don’t talk about Arena, it’s because I don’t have an informed opinion to share, but there are people out there who are passionate about Arena. I’d recommend Kripparian’s content for that.
Neferset Ritualist
Agreed. I’m not sure how often you’ll want to go around killing your own minions, but having the option to do so never hurts 🙂
Control Warlock loves healing and desperately wants more of it, but… this is just not enough healing, and not reliable enough. 2/5