SupHypUlt's Comments
Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
I was looking forward for a hero card for warrior since i don’t have dk garrosh but seeing this now i find dr. boom underwhelming. good battlecry but the hero power lacks consistency.
Autodefense Matrix
If only I have prince liam, i probably experiment an secret paladin for the next expansion. liam being a back up option.
Flobbidinous Floop
With all these malygos talk, I take the advice to craft Malygos. Thanks!
Whizbang the Wonderful
Fun for casual games, easy source of 400/1600 dust on release
Tavern Brawl - Ragnaros' Fire Festival
It seems this brawl counts your previously plays of this brawl like from last year. Which explains why my emotes already has fireworks when this event started and my mini-Rag total was already 100+.
Beryllium Nullifier
I’m guessing this is 7 mana because the body 5, magnetic +1 then spell/hp immune +1?
Puzzle Lab Guide - Release Date, Answers & Solutions, Card Back
I was waiting for this kind single player mode in this game similar to the puzzle mode from yugioh video games that requires you to find the lethal.
Zridex's (Feno) #1 Legend Big Druid - July 2018
I always see Thijs play exactly the same list. I wonder who’s the original one =)
Will The Upcoming Minion Tribe Adjustments Affect The Meta?
Ghostly charger shouldn’t be beast as the name and art already a gives it away. Unless they retain as it is like Arfus for the “gameplay” aspect.
Hearthstone’s Forgotten Format: What Will it Take to Make Wild Popular?
I have been playing some Wild for the past two because Standard match ups for me are just becoming too predictable. Wild format for me is not actual format but just a restriction in reference to standard play.
On yearly rotation, I would very much like that some previous expansion/set or two rotate back to standard since three will be moved to wild. In that way we could say that there is actual rotation of cards. On that setup as well “Wild format” is not allowed to use standard cards giving each a needed distinction. Of course HoF cards will remain Wild exclusive.
Hearthstone Needs More Hand Disruption Tools
I remember going against a quest priest and just immediately after he completed the quest I played dirty rat pulling amara. Oops no more healing.
Even Warlock Deck Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
You’re jokingly right. No one goes back to 10 after reaching 5
Chakki's #9 Legend Odd Paladin - Post Nerf Witchwood
Same as I do. Corridor Creeper gives strong tempo with all the dudes dying. Some list though tech ironbeak owl, some add tar creeper. I think those as some replacement I guess.
Cubelock Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
I think it’s only the list they updated. Guide is yet to be done.
Those microbots is little help beyond turn 7 dude with rush or not. Also with the random hero power you may not have one that you actually need.