SupHypUlt's Comments
Tavern Brawl - Battle of the Bans
Living roots
Mark of the lotus
Dreamway guardians
Power of the wuld
Tavern Brawl - Battle of Tol Barad
I went murloc shaman for this brawl. Easy one game win and I’m out already haha.
Iksar Shares Current Meta Stats For Rank 3 - Legend, Talks About Possibly Reverting Nerfs for Wild Cards
imo they should just basically revert all nerfs to cards when rotate out unless it has tendency to being overplayed and auto-include even in wild.
With wild being a unlimited format, an “unbalanced” in standard may never see any play because of better options.
Descent of Dragons Balance Changes - Shaman Nerfs Coming Next Week!
Was not referring to the one with quest. It is already known questless is better.
Descent of Dragons Balance Changes - Shaman Nerfs Coming Next Week!
if they tested the shaman galakrond properly they should have already realized how huge of a swing turn fully upgraded galakrond is. it is basically 21/16 total stats that can remove 3 bodies gaining back control of the board. anyone against that kind of stats is basically dead the next turn. SMH
Sylvanas Windrunner Hunter Hero Portrait Coming - Leaked on Rdu's Stream
Rdu made a big oopsie XD
Winter Veil Event - December 11 - Unique Tavern Brawl with Card Back, Card Bundle With Dame Hazelbark Druid Hero, Tyrande Coming Soon!
What another druid hero skin? Can’t they see how lacking the other classes in terms of that.
Unseal the Vault
Lol Dinomancy is laughing at this Quest. Dinomancy is straight +2/+2 for 2 mana.
Hack the System
Bad quest. If I want to use weapons then I am mostly SMorcing and would want a tempo on board. Playing the quest on t1 is slow down on that plan.
Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron
This casting another of it out of the random could possibly loop. But then RNG so who knows.
Rise of Shadows Final Card Reveal Livestream Card List - All Cards Revealed on Stream - April 3!
wonder how many cards will Kibler burn.. lol
just a token-ish paladin with raid leader, frostwolf warlord and stormwind champion… one and done brawl