Spidermannerdlikeme's Comments
Tokens of the Forest #42 Legend (Uldum Doom)
Oh, I know you from card reveal comments, MORE SHINY FOR YOU!
Primordial Explorer
I see 14 million futures
And in how many of them is Quest Mage viable?
None of them
Primordial Explorer
Warrior about to Play Dr Boom: I am inevitable
Paladin playing holy wrath: And I…am…Iron Man
[Drawn Shirvallah]
Ok I should make a shorter version of endgame where thanos is warrior and iron man is kangor, Hawkeye is a midrange hunter, his family is animal companions, black widow dying is the conjurer’s calling nerf etc.
Sand Breath
Nah regular innkeeper probably, we haven’t heard about him in forever and he always cameos when he opens the app (it’s kinda funny because I haven’t been able to open hearthstone all I see is the blizzard logo so yeah I never get to hear him RIP)
Primordial Explorer
Blizzard will never die hopefully, unless they keep the character that happens to be your profile pic alive
Sand Breath
Well sorry, I would’ve wanted to see more birds and ravens last year throughout the expansions, just for some theme, I don’t care for dragons though as much, there’s something truly beautiful about ravens and their intelligence is truly admirable among avian species, (note my profile pic) ????
Tokens of the Forest #42 Legend (Uldum Doom)
It’s for the theme, plus sometimes it can be useful in return effects or beast synergies if you get a value option, plus ever since Evolve Shaman became a thing desert hare scares people, also just curious how did you find my deck? You’re the first person to comment and it would be good to know how I can get people to see my decks
Malgyos Druid - #1 Legend (Mariana) - Uldum Doom
Oh thanks for that clarification, cool deck by the way, Malygos Druid is really hilariously fun, AND it’s an actual viable meme kind of deck.
Sand Breath
I see 14 million futures
And in how many of them is Quest Mage viable?
None of them…
Sand Breath
Warrior about to Play Dr Boom: I am inevitable
Paladin playing holy wrath: And I…am…Iron Man
[Drawn Shirvallah]
Ok I should make a shorter version of endgame where thanos is warrior and iron man is kangor, Hawkeye is a midrange hunter, his family is animal companions, black widow dying is the conjurer’s calling nerf etc.
Sand Breath
I mean year of the raven didn’t see another Medivh themed expansion? You know maybe Mammoth should’ve had Rastakhan in it (you know, Zandalari, Elephants?)
Primordial Explorer
I mean it’s a good arena card, but it has the same problem as cards like Toki, the specific decks they fit in is hard for me to imagine, though perhaps I’m not thinking about it enough
Galakrond, the Nightmare
I swear kinky gaming needs to make a lackey hearthstone meme video
Malgyos Druid - #1 Legend (Mariana) - Uldum Doom
Why Zephrys if it’s not a highlander deck?
Sadly Genn Greymane won’t be in it