Skoopy's Comments
Woooot? You can play so many cards with that as combo! Astromancer, Janalai, Mirror Image, Mirror Entity, Spellbender, Splitting Image, Unexpected Results and Power of Creation! You can also discover a Khadgar with Messenger Raven. I think its such a strong card! Pure value, truly Minimum 4/5! Hilarious combo with splitting image!
There will be one specific deck running this weapon. Including Blastmaster Boom. Compared to Supercollider much slower. But it will see play in some kind of “Bomb/ControlWarrior”. With this specific deck 4/5, alone as card cool and fun mechanic 3/5.
Heistbaron Togwaggle
The most value will come from Wondrous Wand right? Tolins Goblet maybe if you are hitting lategame and you shuffled some cards in your deck and you know they are the only one in your deck. Filling your hand with them. Something like BattlecryRogue or “Shuffle Rogue” seems fun and a lot of power in that card!
Rise of Shadows Card Reveal Livestream Card List - All Cards Revealed on Stream - March 25!
Than in know her voice for sure! thank you!
Rise of Shadows Card Reveal Livestream Card List - All Cards Revealed on Stream - March 25!
Who are they? Cora and Chris? Never saw them before…
Taking Stock of the Year of the Mammoth – The Impact of Knights of the Frozen Throne Keywords
“Too much power being dependent on Hero Powers is a bad idea that leads to repetitive gameplay.”
Nothing left to say! Thats the reason why i stopped standard ladder few weeks ago.
Hagatha and Boom are pure value, but really random. They can carry for sure, but overall they are balanced i guess.
Rise of Shadows Card Reveal Schedule
I didnt play that much WoW. What do we see here? I see Elemental, Dragon, Mech, Murloc and Treant. More guesses? Some Weapons and a NightElf… uhlala
I totally agree with the point, that the game will be much more slower in the future. Nearly 75% of the most played cards from the last year will rotate out. But i dont think it will be only slower. The play overall will be more focused on minionplay/boardplay. A lot of controltools leaving the game, like Psychic Scream and Stonehill Defender, just to Name two of them. Aggro will still be a thing. Rushwarrior has a good cardbase for that archetype, PirateRogue also has a good Basic set of cards. But the overall impact and value of one single card is lowered a lot for the future. With Deathknights leaving and huge value cards like Lyra the Sunshard – also very impactful cards like Scream will leave. I think the average playtime of a single game will be lowered too. But iam not sure about that. Control stays in the meta, Mass Hysteria is one big card for priest. Control Shaman will find his way back too. Iam excited at all, and interested in a lot new stuff!!!!
I was the first mentioning the firework tech ;), just to make that clear :P.
But i think you are right! This card will see play! More than we all think. We still have some Deathrattle trigger cards.
Lazul's Scheme
I love that this can support Cabal Shadow Priest. And this actually dont have any downsizes, cause its 0 mana. Think this can be included in a lot of Priest decks, maybe Priest stays controlly. In mind that all Schemes will scale infinite, its huge for 0 Mana! Love that card! 5/5
First this seems (already said) really slow. At least i hope Mechhunter can be a thing. Cause Mechhunter has some mech cards already. Spider Bomb, Fireworkstech and Necromechanic didnt see that much play at all. And two of them can trigger Deathrattle. But than everyone will run some silence. It needs more support, but Deathrattle Hunter is not dead yet i guess. Mechanical Welp is the only “good card” i have in mind. Not many other good deathrattle mechs out there… hopefully some more will be introduced. 2,5/5
Tempo Cube Rogue - Rastakhan 2nd Nerf - #6 Legend (shanOz)
What about including Necrium Vail? Is it to slow? Its also hard to replace it here. Maybe cutting one Poison and one Corsair. Or maybe double Poison. Can make you lose a lot of tempo. Cause Necrium Vail is really slow. But if you can get this on a Cube, its insane.
Swampqueen Hagatha
The card says “Cast spell 1, 2” not “Battlecry cast spells”. So iam not sure about Shudderwock.
The other question for me: if i discover Hagathas Scheme, does it upgrade each of my turns?
The Rise of Shadows Pre-Release Information
Is that a local hosting party? I mean, i watched the list of Pre-Release Events before. They are listed with city names or smth. If i do host that event and invite lets say my whole Hearthstone friendlist. Does it work that way? And are any specific requirements to traffic or speed of my internet or smth? Is it that simple? I cant join any other pages right now to read. So a little feedback would be great :).
Dalaran in Rise of Shadows - Floating City, Kirin Tor and Time-Travelling?
Appreciate your comment! Good work here! Keep it up!
Dalaran in Rise of Shadows - Floating City, Kirin Tor and Time-Travelling?
Time travel? Spells or Minions who can show me the next 1/2/3 cards of mine or of my opponent? Getting cards from older expansions? Like they did with Ragnaros/Janalai. Or maybe some Timetinker Toki styled cards.
I only have a few more questions. So the League of Evil attacking Dalaran consists of Priest, Rogue, Warlock, Shaman and Warrior right? Only these classes will get Schemes? And the “defending” Classes: Druid, Mage, Pally and Hunter will get Twinspells? Is that right? Or something anyone can confirm?
If i didnt miss something, Mage and Hunter “defending” Dalaran seems obvious but why are exactly those 5 teaming up against Dalaran? Is there any more storytelling?
Swampqueen Hagatha
Oh okay, i was to fast. So the discover mechanic is on there.
Fine. There are a lot powerful Shaman spells. Discover twice seems pretty good. 7 mana 5/5 is not the worst in the world. Without any other cards i would give 4/5 here.
Swampqueen Hagatha
Can someone explain? So the 5/5 added to my hand is a minion. So far so good. And than? Do i discover 2 spells, getting activated when i play the 5/5?
yes, you will get 2 of them!