Skoopy's Comments
Here is the thing: this can be good. Healpally is an archetype wich wasnt playable a long time. We have Cards like High Priest Thekal, Drakkari Defender, great heal value with Kangor. Some Hakkar/Control/Dragon Pally? Dont see any advantage to heal the enemy to full health. Only in long control matchups, where you can mayba outarmor your enemy with Thekal. But there can happen a lot. Not finging Thekal maybe. I just like the card, its a dragon, you can buff it with new cards. But Keep in mind that pally wasnt one of the originally dragon classes. 3,5/5
What about other charge minions? Can this minion be agressive? Stonetusk Boar or Argent Commander with Divine Shield? Sounds fun for highrolls and memes. I think it can fit, especially with Cards around like Ziliax, Alakhir, Walking Fountain and value like Isera. We will see.
Mana Cyclone
Busted value generator a bit similar to Blast Wave, Lyra the Sunshard or Hagatha. Tempomage will see play with this!
Hearthside Chat – Dalaran Delights - Rise of Shadows
I really dont want to judge him, cause i think he is doing a decent job. And i also cannot compare him to others from the Blizzard Team from the past doing some reveals. So iam pretty neutral to all that stuff, cause i play since Witchwood. I have to say that this video is in a way unprofessional?! Would love to see speak him as free as the “Storyteller” from the first big release video of the expansion (dont know his name right now). He is reading his text from a display or even from a sheet of paper someone showing to him. His “skills as a kind of actor” are really bad. I really like him, but he shouldnt be the one doing these kinds of videos. He is may a better designer and programmer or whatever you call them. Peter Whalen should do some “more difficult” things than this. Sitting behind his monitor and analysing and creating old/new stuff. A company like Blizzard have to be more professionell to offer these kind of Videos.
One day ago (Episode 87 Omnislash), Kibler, Frodan and Firebat talked about how Hearthstones revenue dropped over the past years. I mean its true that they try to build a new road for the future. But if you put the wrong people (who are great in what they originally do) like Peter i think, they wont come out of that big whole dropped revenue. Thats what i mean with “unprofessional”. To see who is made for doing reveals. The last reveal-stream wasnt bad in my opinion. But in order to sell a product to a really huge and hopeful community they should have done this reveal-stream by other people. But thats only my opinion. I still like the game a lot and will keep playing it. But they are not using their full potential in the show of revealing something to us!
This would be simply way to strong!!! Lets say you discover a 10-cost with a huge effect. The Discount would be too big!
Crystal Stag
But its not only draw a card, its also a “removal” and maybe a body left on the board.
Nothing left to say. But one more point: i think if this card will be around in a lot of decks, the enemy have to consider keeping the combo card, lets say Mechathun, in the mulligan hand, this will cost him maybe a lot of “tempo” (tempo in Combo deck lol), cause he might miss one slot in hand for early removal? So playwise this may give you an advantage.
Ultimate Hearthstone 2020 (Year of the Phoenix) Standard Rotation Schedule & Guide - Which Sets Rotate Out, Hall of Fame, How To Maximize Your Dust Gain
thats wrong. “rotating” means, that you can decide if you wanna keep them or not. if you have lets say 5 copies, you can dust all 5 copies.
I think you are talking about Hall of Fame right? Naturalize and stuff? For those Cards you will get 100% dust refund. so if you have one normal Baku you will get 1600 and than you can decide if you keep it for wild or dusting it. So you get 2000 Dust for Baku if you dont play wild. BUT: you only get the dust of the better Card. So lets say you have somehow a golden and a normal baku. Than you will get 3200 for Golden Hall of Famed baku, and than 1600 for dusting it. the normal one you only get 400 for dusting it. Same goes for all other Hall of Famed cards. if you have 2 copies of each, just do nothing! cause you wont get any extra dust. If you dont have a copy of a Card which is going into HoF, than craft in golden if you can, for most profit. I hope thats understandable :).
Hello Dirty Rat Mech LOL.
This will be fun, Combodeck-Meta see you in 2 years!
Crystal Stag
Remember that this card says “Summon a Copy of it”, so if you double the health with Predatory Instincts you will get 2 4/8 with rush…. just found that out. Crystal Power wont be enough support i think, iam with you. Healing Touch is maybe worth it? Dont know.
Fel Lord Betrug
First: How many good single-target removal are there? Besides your enemy dont have boardcontrol to trade that 7 health. Not that many coming in my mind. Omega Devestator, Crowd Roaster, some “damaged minion” removal from warrior, maybe Hysteria. On the other side, are there any possibilitis to lower the costs, or to summon it from hand, or make this immune one turn? I dont think so. 8 Mana is again a lot, and again we see a understatted minion, wich is truly inconsistant… I like the card not sure if this sees play. With Naturalize and some Spellstones gone, this maybe can see Play due to missing removal tools. 2,5/5
Dragon Speaker
I think so. I mean you can see a golden dragon in the schedule picture for march 29th 9 a.m.
Most revealed pally cards shimmering golden… lol
Kangor's Odd Paladin - Rastakhan 2nd Nerf - #30 Legend (Meati)
Absolutely no reason to play Kangor here. All your mechs dont have a single mechanic upgrade, except Ziliax… and you can unlucky revive 3 eggs… its trash, to slow and to luck dependent.
Jepetto Joybuzz
Hi Velen, hi Maly, bye enemy.
Can see play with big deathrattles, like Oblivitron we saw some days ago!
8 Mana is A LOT. 6/6 for that is close to be okay. Compared to the discount of your drawn minions totally insane. Not sure about this card. You have to consider that you maybe already have the minions in hand you needed to discount for a combo. You need an insane particular deck for this. Otherwise ist trash.
Hench-Clan Hogsteed
A 2 mana 2 attack removal and summoning a new 1/1 is cool. Rush/Deathrattle easy to trigger. Self-synergy. We will see what Murlocs can do in April. so 2 mana for 3/2 stats and a murloc on board. Pretty solid. Depending on murlocsynergy i will give 3,5/5.
Just to name out the class “Summon Cards”: Astromancer, Janalai, Mirror Image, Mirror Entity, Spellbender, Splitting Image, Unexpected Results and Power of Creation! You can also discover a Khadgar with Messenger Raven. LOL so much power!
This Dragon alone is not enough support for heal Pally :(. Sadly. Cause i tested this archetype a lot the last weeks. It is maybe Tier 3 right now.