Raemahn's Comments
Hearthstone's First Animated Short: Hearth and Home
Wow…. just… wow. I wasn’t aware that Disney had purchased Activision. I’m curious to see what they do with Diablo.
Tainted Zealot
…or for Paladin we could see a Turn 7 go like this:
Blood Knight (15/15)
Boo Yah!
…followed by a Priest Shadow Word: Death… yeah, OK, but a cool dream.
Knights of the Frozen Throne Launch Patch 9.0 Live!
Evident: Why do the two Frost card backs look different? The one is named Frostmourne, and the 2nd one is unclear.
Toxic Arrow
Assuming this card gives a surviving minion the Poisonous trait, then it is a decent card as early game it is removal and late game it gives you a way to turn one of your minions into an instant thread. Probably best used in Arena, true, but it does have some flexibility for what it is worth.
Maexxna was a 2/8 poisonous beast for 6 that was rarely played. I doubt this one will fare much better.
Grave Shambler
It may be situational, but it’s the situational filler that keeps the game interesting. Just knowing a card exists that can mess with a strategy or enhance it is great!
Meat Wagon
My favorite is the instant 5/5 in the form of a Lightspawn, or the healing from the Lightwell. Priest is going to like this guy.
True, but some decks don’t rely on hero power much once they get going, and if you plan around this guy he can be quite good. He’d even be good in an aggro deck as he’s fairly inexpensive and would limit your opponent’s options.
Really? Anyone that gets a bad mulligan/curve is going to hero power. Face Hunter is going to hero power. Control Warrior is going to hero power. Murloc Paladin is going to hero power. Control Warlock is going to hero power. Transmorgify Shaman is going to hero power. Late game control decks are going to hero power.
Hide this dude behind a blocker and annoy your opponent. Play him early to gain board control. He’s cheap and versatile. How is this not a decent card?
Agreed. Complainers are missing the point: New expansions shouldn’t just add a couple of new cards to already existing meta decks; new expansions should CHANGE the meta. Otherwise, the game becomes boring.
I like this expansion because it challenges the meta and will likely transform it. That’s a good thing. Ticking Abomination suddenly becomes very interesting as he’s a beat stick that could hose Shaman if he’s unlucky enough to transmorgify into it, and this card is great as it messes with the game in a hard-to-remove/early-to-play form (2/5 for 3).
I’m curious to see if Jade Druid is still that powerful after this release. I’m also excited to see how these new cards mess with Wild and if that format becomes more exciting.
Meat Wagon
Think Shaman with this card or switch health/power and attack with him. Get creative.
Spreading Plague
Oops, you are correct.
I am curious about the interaction with Auctioneer as well.
Eternal Servitude
I LOVE that this is a Discover! Imagine the value this card can generate with Quest Priest since they are already playing loads of deathrattles. No more cast and pray; you get to pick for the situation. Very nice.
Spreading Plague
(1) Can be case when opponent has zero minions and still generate value.
(2) Equal to the number of minions the opponent has /minus one/.
Technically, Blizzard is owned by Activision (see https://activisionblizzard.com), but you are correct that Blizzard would be more accurate.