Old Guardian's Comments
Genn Greymane - Can Even-Cost Decks Be Viable?
They will! You can choose to see only odd/even cards when building a deck with Baku or Genn, it has been confirmed by the developers.
Genn Greymane - Can Even-Cost Decks Be Viable?
Actually, there will be no more odd/even effect cards, Iksar has confirmed that.
Obviously, there will be plenty of other new cards in The Witchwood, but getting some of the analysis done already makes it easier to evaluate those cards in proper context, because reveals will come fast when they start and there will not be much time to really think them all through from scratch.
Genn Greymane - Can Even-Cost Decks Be Viable?
As mentioned in the other reply – that was a fast one – pulling three two-drops is generally stronger than pulling a mix of one-drops and two-drops. You want a lot of two-drops in the deck anyway to have a play on turn two and turn three (two-drop + Hero Power).
Righteous Protector makes pulling one-drops seem good, that card is insane, but other than that, two-drops are better.
Miracle Rogue Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
I’ve seen a few people include the Arcane Anomaly in the past few weeks, it seems pretty good indeed!
Baku the Mooneater - The New Justicar Trueheart!
I actually like their take on the upgraded Hero Powers with Baku. Even though the upgrades are the same, the fact that you get access to the upgraded version at the start of the game makes a big difference in potential archetypes.
The cost might be too high though: the Princes ended up working here and there, but Baku has a bigger opportunity cost than any of them.
Baku the Mooneater - The New Justicar Trueheart!
Yes, I know. But 7 turns of the regular Warrior Hero Power is 14 armor, so the benefit from Tank Up! is 14 armor, and it is that difference that matters when you lose some of the additional means to gain armor.
Baku the Mooneater - The New Justicar Trueheart!
They are cards that cost an odd amount of mana – 1, 3, 5 and so on – instead of an even amount of mana (0, 2, 4 and so on). So in order to get Baku’s effect, you cannot use any cards that cost 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and so on in your deck.
Baku the Mooneater - The New Justicar Trueheart!
We are obviously targeting all that sweet internet traffic for Azerbaijani tourism with this article. I hope it works!
Baku the Mooneater - The New Justicar Trueheart!
True, and that actually makes Baku slightly better in Paladin, because Baku provides an alternative way to create multiple Recruits. Perhaps I should have rated Paladin higher, but then again, Baku forces you to play without Sunkeeper Tarim and Call to Arms, and that is a big loss.
Baku the Mooneater - The New Justicar Trueheart!
I meant Divine Spirit, actually. Thanks, fixed it!
Baku the Mooneater - The New Justicar Trueheart!
Yeah, Hunter looks like a natural fit in a way it could never be for Justicar. Not sure if Face Hunter will be fast enough overall, but it is certainly interesting.
Baku the Mooneater - The New Justicar Trueheart!
Whoops, a small typo in the paragraph. It’s correct in the list at least.
Devolve is rotating out of Standard format when Baku arrives, so for Standard it plays no role. In Wild, losing both transform effects will of course be unfortunate. We need to wait and see what kind of removal Shaman gets in the new expansion to replace both Devolve and Maelstrom Portal.
What Happened to Spiteful Summoner?
We have a visual Secrets Cheat Sheet – http://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/hearthstone-secret-cheat-sheets/ – but I think there’s no detailed guide in writing about them.
Big Spell Mage Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - March 2018
No. It’s a bad card for Raven Familiar and Dragon’s Fury, you mess up your synergies even more. I know some people use it on the ladder, but I think it is a sub-par choice.
What Happened to Spiteful Summoner?
Thank you! Are there any subjects in particular that you think should be covered?
Miracle Rogue Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
I don’t think Sonya is ideal for Miracle, as additional pressure or single-target removal is not needed that often, the troublesome matchups are the aggro ones. That said, you can experiment with different cards instead of Fire Fly, I think it is the weakest card in the list. I’ve been playing with Shaku instead of Fire Fly a bit, and it feels pretty good too.
Big Spell Mage Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - March 2018
Are you having trouble with the Silver Hand Paladin that has become popular lately? Twilight Flamecaller is the key. I played a variant of this deck to legend in December, when Aggro Paladin was the go-to aggro deck, and Flamecaller put in a lot of work then. With the rise of Murloc Paladin, it became less useful, but Silver Hand Paladin is once again a good target.
Miracle Rogue Deck List Guide - Boomsday - August 2018
The guide has not been updated for the post-nerfs meta yet, it is still months old. We will update it soon.
Big Spell Mage Deck List Guide (Post Nerf) - Kobolds - March 2018
The Lich King. Lich King can defend you as a Taunt minion, and the cards from Lich King can be game-changing. Yogg is unreliable – its most reliable effects are area-of-effect damage and card draw, and you generally don’t need more of them. Baron Geddon is really good when you are already Frost Lich Jaina, but mediocre before that.
No viable Elemental deck has had enough Elementals to drop one every turn to maintain the synergy going throughout the game. They’ve all had to plan ahead for when to use the synergy cards. Sure, in the early days of Journey to Un’Goro, such all-encompassing Elemental decks were planned, but they were never good enough.