Old Guardian's Comments
One Card From Being Good: Deck-Building Lessons from Kingsbane Rogue and APM Priest
Keep up the good work with brewing new decks!
Sometimes it’s sad that Hearthstone is so popular: when a new expansion comes, thousands of people start brewing decks, and after just a few days we already know so much about what works and what doesn’t. There is so little time to explore completely freely. Of course, it’s possible to just ignore what others have learned in that time, but I think that is quite artificial, so I’ll take what they have learned and try to go further still. There is always something to discover even late in an expansion, even though it gets harder and harder to make those discoveries as the meta grows more stable.
One Card From Being Good: Deck-Building Lessons from Kingsbane Rogue and APM Priest
Rexxar does not really fit the idea of deck building, as ironic as that sounds. Hey, let’s have a super card that you want to put in every single deck, regardless of whether it supports the rest of the deck or not. That’s pretty much where Rexxar stands right now. That’s why it’s not really the final missing piece that allowed some archetype to flourish.
This does not mean that Rexxar is overpowered – although it might be a correct conclusion – and much less that it would be unbeatable, as even turn 6 Rexxars get beaten all the time. It is just on a league of its own as an individual card available to Hunter.
Iksar Answers Some Reddit Questions: Odd Paladin, Druid, Expansion Balancing
Iksar occasionally writes things on Reddit. In this particular case, he wrote a few answers to various popular threads on r/hearthstone and tweeted about them to give them more visibility, mentioning that when he writes about something on Reddit, it is still asked about a lot as individual Reddit comments are quickly forgotten.
This was not an organized interview, just ad hoc interaction from a developer on a popular community platform.
OTK DK (Exodia) Paladin Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - February 2019
The most basic version of the combo is to bounce or copy Horsemen into your hand one at a time with Zola the Gorgon and your two Ancient Brewmasters. Just be careful not to bounce any duplicates, all names have to be unique! Once you have three different Horsemen in hand, you can play them on the board and then use your Hero Power – it will never duplicate a Horseman that is already on the board, so you are guaranteed to get the fourth one.
OTK DK (Exodia) Paladin Deck List Guide - Rastakhan's Rumble - February 2019
True, Malygos Druid is the main reason to run a Thekal list. Currently, Malygos Druid is only somewhat popular in Legend and is almost completely absent on the way there. This may of course change over time.
Rastakhan’s Rumble Miracle Spell Priest: The Past and Future of the Archetype
It is unlikely to find Grave Horrors from Stonehill. I have not yet done the math for the new expansion, but currently it is 24.53% to get the Obsidian Statue from Stonehill, and as more Taunt minions and another class Taunt minion are added to the pool, the odds will go lower still, roughly to 20%-22%.
Banana Buffoon and Holy Water are cards that work in this archetype, if they work anywhere. I’m still unsure whether they work anywhere.
Rastakhan’s Rumble Miracle Spell Priest: The Past and Future of the Archetype
This is basically the dilemma I faced when writing the article: the infinite spell combos that are now available with Test Subject and Seance open up so many fun opportunities, but you could also just enjoy the additional Mass Hysteria board clear and build a new version of APM Priest – cutting all the other win conditions and fun cards in the process.
Rastakhan's Rumble Odd Mage: The Past, Present, and Future of the Archetype
The only end of turn effect is Baron Geddon, so I would really not recommend that. Zola is not mandatory though, it is there to amplify the effects of important cards, such as Jan’alai, but that slot can be used for some tech card once the meta is more clear.
Odd Dragon Warrior Rastakhan Theorycraft
Boom is not included even in all top-legend Odd Warrior decks right now, and without Mechs to synergize with, it becomes even weaker – although you could opt to go for Mech/Dragon build over Fatigue/Dragon build and include Boom in that.
Tinkmaster is a tech card and depends on the meta. It sees play in Odd Warrior right now, and there are some scary Deathrattles in Rastakhan, but how common they will be on ladder remains to be seen.
Dragon Warrior Rastakhan Theorycraft
Which cards? The random dragon generation? Not so sure about it in a tempo deck.
Dragon Warrior Rastakhan Theorycraft
Eight dragons is plenty. Dragon Priest has been played for a long time, the needed numbers to activate various Dragon synergies are well-established in both theory and practice.
Rastakhan's Rumble Odd Mage: The Past, Present, and Future of the Archetype
At least 8 damage. The card text updates to show you how much damage you still need to deal and shows when you have dealt enough and the effect is ready. This was shown in one of the reveal streams.
Rastakhan's Rumble Dragon Warrior: The Past and Future of the Archetype
Only a couple of Dragons are good from The Boomship. Ysera of course is great, it is a staple in Recruit Warrior, but most Dragons have Battlecries that will not be activated, and you may also run out of Dragon enablers in hand. It is possible that it can work out, but I’m not convinced. Blizzard’s reveal streams are more about meme decks than actual competitive decks anyway.
Rastakhan's Rumble Dragon Warrior: The Past and Future of the Archetype
So far, none of the minions that summon a minion for your opponent have succeeded, and even dealing with a 2/1 Poisonous can be tricky if your opponent plays Taunt minions, for example.
Rastakhan's Rumble Dragon Warrior: The Past and Future of the Archetype
The old decks were created on this site when they were current. Nerfs to Execute and Fiery War Axe have occurred since, so individual cards have changed a bit, but all the cards are correct.
Rastakhan's Rumble Odd Mage: The Past, Present, and Future of the Archetype
Both decks run the same spell package: 2xDragon’s Fury, 1xBlast Wave, 2xFlamestrike. It is the same number of spells current Odd Mage decks run (they include Deck of Wonders or Luna’s Pocket Galaxy instead of the upcoming Blast Wave) and it is just enough to use Dragon’s Fury reliably.
Rastakhan's Rumble Odd Mage: The Past, Present, and Future of the Archetype
It is in both decks. Not sure why they were both displaying only 29 cards, I tried to resubmit them and it looks like Jan’alai chose to re-appear again.
Clutchmother Zavas is discarded and can be brought back with mechanics that bring back discarded cards. Cruel Dinomancer already does this. The returned copies are always 2/2 minions though.
Ticket Scalper
Overkill only works on your turn. The opponent can freely trade into your overkill minions, you will not get the effect.
Yes, it will be available in the Standard format until late April 2020.