MrAranak's Comments
Well I figure it would run off of the standard order of operation for end of turn effects which is either oldest first or left to right, which will make positioning key. I believe the older one will make a copy of itself first regardless of which is weaker. I would have to play a game with 2 end of turn minions to be certain of mechanics. Strength will not be key its going to be positioning.
Libram of Justice
No one would ever play a 0 mana equality that could give you a free weapon in a deck archtype that is being pushed due to free buffs, discounted 8/8s with taunt for as little as 3 mana especially when we see no minion mage/druid cards being printed.
The implication was that you fill the board with buffed copies of the minion. People can and do play wild and are just as excited by the reveals. Zilliax was just an example, a better one for standatd could have been blessing of kings.
Fel Summoner
Maybe its meant to be part of a wierd Gorefiend strategy, hard to tell but stat wise its super awkward and no one in their right mind would allow the deathrattle off after seeing what has been revealed.
Priestess of Fury
Standard will probably use it till it rotates, Wild will use it x2 with drakkari enchanter for 24 damage at end of turn shenanigans. Thank goodness there are so few cards that grant poisonous in neutral.
Priestess of Fury
It could be seen as control but for a card you can get out turn 5 that does 6 damage and sort of has wind-fury it is not bad. DH is supposed to have massive in your face demons this certainly fits that criteria, personally I like it more than the antoran that lies dormant. Of the demons we have seen for DH this effect is not uncommon, it is similar to the antoran, there is the wrath-spike brute and the ‘necro-juggler’. DH effects vomit damage in all directions, berserker warrior is going to be its big issue with all the random damage though. all those awful when a minion takes damage procs…..
Kayn Sunfury
WHAT IN AZEROTHS AZURE SKIES. No seriously the dev team said charge was too good, then they made Dino-Tamer Brann. Two expansions later we get get a charge minion that says I don’t see any taunt minions and neither do my buddies.
Astromancer Solarian
We have 3 draw effect spells(Arcane Intellect, Ancient Mysteries, and Icicle) in Standard and 5 Card generating spells (Arcane Breath, Magic Trick, Arcane Tome, Conjurors Calling and Ray of Frost). We have 30+ spells in Standard yet after rotation and not having seen any spells from this set. The draw spells are conditional except for Arcane Intellect requiring a frozen target/a secret in deck, in your card generators arcane breath requires dragons, but Twinspells and Magic Trick results will cost 4 or less so if you have an apprentice on the board you can turn cast just about anything thrown at you. if you are not holding a dragon and you don’t hit Arcane Tome you should be able to not generate a full hand. right now I counted 32 spells 8 draw/card generators now several spells are conditional but you have a 1/4 chance on each of those random spells, on statistically speaking you will generate 1-6 cards for 7 mana if you also satisfy the conditional requirements on spells, but you shouldn’t be unable to drop a low cost card or a free secret to put you down to 9 cards in hand.
Marsh Hydra
Hireek rotates, but helps generate decent tempo, there are still reasonable 8 drops in standard when this drops.
Shadowjeweler Hanar
Oh look we lose blink fox but get Burgle Secret Synergy, Quest Rogue gets strange support. Good thing Tess leaves standard otherwise this could be game breaking.
Vargoth will make for oppressive Dh spell combos, look at mana burn. 1 mana overload your oponent for 2. Soul Cleave, blade dance, Skull of Gul’dan. Right now how many 1 cost spells have been revealed besides Mana Burn and Devour Magic (silence, outcast draw 1)? We have a 5 cost 3/5 that can give 2 1 cost spells, which either of those will consistently disrupt play if spell DH becomes a thing.
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A good way to test if Reno removes is to try Lucentbark or Un’goro Rogue plant that use a similar stasis effect
Ashes of Outland Card List & Expansion Guide! Release Date, Card Reveals, Pre-Purchase Info, New Mechanics and More!
Dormant uses the stasis mechanic from Heist so there will be a timer. Dormant 2 means invulnerable for 2 of your turns then summoning sickness but not sure if its start or end of turn , will double check video but I think it was before you draw the effect of dormancy ends.
Bulwark of Azzinoth
Yup but we can re-equip if done right for 12 total null effects, more by buffing shield.
Well spell lackeys should have a high chance of generating it but no lackey generators for DH yet.
What I Wanna know is how this card pairs with Vargoth, who remains for another year. does the HP bounce back between 2 sets of 5 meaning 10 damage every round for 2 mana, or do we get 4 shots, or perhaps it will only give 2 shots and still revert to basic.
As for what I mean by the ten a round is if it reverts back to a second fel blast shouldn’t it refresh?
We lorewise do you now who the legendary hunter dragon is? Keeper Thorim’s personal mount, oddly we didn’t get him as a Legendary hunter card, but that is the source of Thorim/Thor talk.
Combos with scheme and espionage, man this plus shark totem mean you could get 4 1-cost class cards.
It is only better than elven archer if it doesn’t put divine shield on that enemy you just pinged. I am fairly certain that if this hits an enemy but does not kill it it, then it will be considerably worse the exception being a target with a very bad effect such as fel reaper or the 3/5 warlock minion that hits your face on attacking.