MrAranak's Comments
Spirit Alpha
This has to go down first, then feral spirits but that is only 3 2/3 taunts for 7 mana. You would need to throw in a lightning bolt to face or something.
Spirit Alpha
Shaman quest this expac is to overload yourself 8 times. Being short on mana doesn’t hurt as much if you generate a taunt when you overload. I am talking from a standard perspective of course since thunderhead has rotated.
Spirit Alpha
Yeah, similar stats but this is just quest padding for shammy. Thunderhead didn’t have quest synergy, you used him for control or evolving tokens.
Stormwind Freebooter
We are going to see lots of pirates because of the juggernaut most warriors already had the freebooter and the 2/5 equip a weapon adding 4 pirates for a free weapon every turn at least 2/2 in stats a turn and 4 random damage to enemies.
Grand Magus Antonidas
First flame, Second flame(generated by first), one of your ignites which perma upgrade and shuffle into deck all game.
Investment Opportunity
Quest synergy/tutoring. Quest is good but I couldn’t justify this though because I’d rather use post quest.
Maestra of the Masquerade
Yup, so if you have some decent neutrals in the set you can play the other class with it’s discover pool and hero power until the big (or small) reveal.
There are shadow spells with lifesteal and value generators to let you target holy/healing. We have 1 drops that generate value or armor or other tools. In pure shadow it’s risky but pure shadow is meant to burn or be burned, WoW and Hearthstone have both made it clear. If you can get apotheosis off of a discover then this will heal for 2 while hitting them for 2. Since we can discover a spell we didn’t put in our deck we can target a lot of healing thanks to that pandaren trader.
Remote-Controlled Golem
Sorry, I didn’t mean for the sake of N’Zoth, I meant for the baton and other menagerie effects. To me this is where you would be able to sneak a little enrage into a menagerie or vice versa if you don’t have tons of cards.
Remote-Controlled Golem
It works with menagerie, doesn’t suck with bladestorm or provoke if you need to kill something with no regard for your own minions.
First Blade of Wrynn
Librams won’t give this rush, has to be buffed before the battlecry. That leaves hand/deck buff. It isn’t impossible to to hand buff, but hand buff seems a bit slow for any meta.
Imported Tarantula
Rat lord deathrattle hunter, they are really pushing the guardian animals synergy too.
Command the Elements
Between this and new super dunktank combo shamans gonna get a lot of hate.
Oracle of Elune
This into razormane brambleguard into just about any taunt isnt bad. Greybough turns to a 1 cost pair. As far as 6 mana combos go its isn’t too bad. Add the legendary taunt rezzing piggy before greybough dies and lots of decks would struggle. There are neutrals that arent bad either.
Sheldras Moontree
This feels like a day one nerf. Who cares if I can’t summon 7 clowns. Drop Polkelt then get 4 mana from 2 0-cost spells drop drop this and win next turn…….
Call of the Grave
Thank N’Zoth that we no longer have Convincing Infiltrator or annoying priest deathrattles. Just Lightshower, Shadowed Soul, and that pesky prime generator Reliquary of Souls. Too bad spamming any of those deathrattles would be irritating. Good for shadow priest decks to get healing if they take shadow form hero power builds.
The Rat King
We have over 10 HUNTER cards that generate tokens, dead minions or additional cards for hand or deck. The other revealed hunter card generates 7 1/1 rat tokens and if your battlefield is full put the extras in your hand as 5/5 1 cost rats. We have plenty of other minions that summon more crap face hunter variants have those 1/1 hyenas from a couple sources as well as the minion that makes 4 1/1 hyenas as a battlecry.
Because quest is overload 8 times so that every spell you cast is cast twice which means that 3 mana summon 2 8-cost minions is one win condition post quest. However I am in the camp of Bolner Hammerbeak into Y’Shaarj for a handful of corrupted dunk tanks and corrupted medics which are self refreshing.