MJT3ll3r's Comments
Livewire Lance
Still no news on the new lackeys? That is what they said, wasn’t it, New lackeys added with each expansion this cycle?
If the lackey pool stays the same, the new generators are going to push those decks over the top I think.
Aaand this card just got better. Need something to do with those 1/1 imps? In comes #Plague of Flames#
Plague of Flames
Zoo might only play one copy as hard reset on a mid game taunt board. But control will play 2.
And even with 1 or 2 minions on board this can do enough as it only costs 1 one uno ein mana. It can be combined with any other destructive spell like shadow flame or targeted removal.
Hack the System
I like. Reminds me of Kjeldoran Outpost.
I will definitely try some control warrior with this as one of the win conditions.
I have my doubts. On its own quite powerful but I think not good for a meta game like Hearthstone.
Because, either Murloc decks will be very strong, so your opponent is very likely to play a murloc deck too and giving him a synergistic card is not desirable.
Either they will not be good and then this card won’t tip the balance.
Anka, the Buried
Will be nuts in Wild, but I don’t think it is going to work well past meme status in Standard though.
Reno the Relicologist
I have always been a big fan of deck restriction powerhouses, including Baku and Genn and Reno and even keleseth (which I immediately crafted when the set came out). And I think they are all very good to decent with Finley on top, followed closely by Elise and Reno, and Brann just decent.
But I think they will only matter in Wild, as long as they don’t print a neutral way of countering bomb warrior.
My idea: Bomb Squid:2 mana 2/3 beast, battlecry: remove all bombs from your deck, deal 1 damage to enemy hero for each bomb removed.
Saviors of Uldum Card Reviews #1 - Plague of Death, Puzzle Box, Corrupt the Waters, BEEEES!!!, Armagedillo And More!
Great reviews a always. I don’t always agree but they are well thought out always. They were also what drew me to and kept me on hstd as main hs content go to site.
Also, I an totally on the same page with the puzzle box. I am looking forward to many frustrating kalecgos discovers.
I hope they nerf it before Uldum goes life.
5+1 Mechanics from Magic: the Gathering Which Would be Welcome in Hearthstone
Oi! How old are you trying to make me, ex magic player, feel? MtG “GRANDfather” of CCG’s and then mentioning all kinds of mechanic I never heard of (except first strike ofc). ๐ ๐ ๐
Nice article and it reminds me of the fact that if MtG goes mobile, I’ll probably bid HS goodbye. ๐
Plague of Murlocs
It didn’t have to be a spell for me… a 0/1 minion with an equally disruptive battlecry effect is good enough for me. ๐
Decent but no game breaker. will definitely see some play in a controlish style warrior especially in the first weeks. I don’t see it lasting when the meta settles but who knows. 3/5
Plague of Murlocs
Finally my prayers have been answered. although I would have it seen as a neutral option, just the existence of this card may be a decent enough soft nerf to Highroll Priest to take it back to the fringes where it belongs.
Weaponized Wasp
Is there any news on the Uldum Lackeys yet? Will they still be 1 mana 1/1 or will they be 2 mana 2/2 (and 3 mana 3/3 in the next set)? That would change the perspective quite a lot. Like this 4/5, different costed lackeys 3/5
Corrupt the Waters
Where was this when I made my very first rank 5 battlecry shaman deck years ago!
Otherwise, I don’t see this doing a lot in Standard without a lot of support. maybe in a shudderwock Murloc deck as the sham heropower is one of the least reliable ones so easily replaced. but then you want to play murlocs on turn one.
Meme factor in wild 100% tho
Supreme Archaeology
It already has the neutral Elysiana for starters ๐ and banker of there is some what youwant to shuffle back for a certain discount e.g. nomi.
I feel my first new expansion deck growing. Quest nomi mechatun ๐
Supreme Archaeology
There must be some viable-y mechatun or malygos shenanigans with this one.
Also, there is no real drawback adding this to any control warlock deck anyways.
Absolutely no clue why this has lower ratings than the druid quest.
Untapped Potential
Sorry misread minion heals for 5-2.
Face heal 5 and the 2 damage probably fizzles.
I don’t even think they need to run tokens. Being 1 minionbehind on the board makes this a lost Brawl for one mana. How often didnt you do that exact play for 5?
Also, the new 3 mana removal spell shuffles 3 1/1 imps in your deck. Nice plague fodder I say.
Not to forget the natural synergy with Voodoo doll, which already is a staple in control lock.
And you have all the mana you need after playing this because it is only one mana!
If this doesn’t get nerfed I’ll eat my hat.